Silly question but whatever...

Joe Average

Ad Blocker - Banned
Apr 6, 2008
I need to locate a 10 to 14 inch LCD panel, preferably very thin, with a power brick if possible (to keep the overall assembly small and lean), on a stand, and a VGA input. I need a secondary monitor just for displaying a "DOS" box of data (as a monitoring tool) that will end up looking like this:


Doesn't have to be the most amazingly spectacular thing on the planet, just needs to work. I've been scouring fleaBay and Craig's List in my area (Las Vegas) and haven't turned up any solutions. Tons of those small LCD panels for cars/vehicles nowadays, but this really needs to have a VGA input (DVI works too but I can't imagine that ever happening).

If anyone has any suggestions for a small-ish LCD between 10-14 inches, and at this point even a 7-10" panel might work, but not just a bare panel, it needs to be a complete working one with a power input (I can provide power) and most definitely a VGA input for proper hookup (not Composite or S-Video), and can point me in in the right direction, I'd be eternally grateful.

Been looking for something like this for a few days now and haven't had much luck.

Thanks, folks...
Yah, I figured that's what people would probably start offering up, brand new stuff that's a bit too large. Been doing some more research and stuff like this is easy to find:

Something like that is precisely what I'd want, but look at that ridiculous price on it... and all the other small ones I can find are similar, like $400+ so, the hell with that. Guess I'll just snag a used beat up 15" LCD off Craig's List or something and make the best of it. :)

Someday, smaller shit isn't gonna cost more just because it's smaller...
It's still amazing to me that in today's world where the overwhelming demand is for 19" or higher widescreens that all the 14-17" LCDs are now commanding such premium prices. Supply and demand can be a complete bitch at times... :)

I've had a touchscreen in the past, actually it was a self-contained PC inside a metal shell similar to a POS box. It was a leftover from a casino upgrade, one of the units that used to be attached to a card table/pit area. Worked great, and yeah, at this moment I wish I still had it, would be perfect for this purpose by using a completely dedicated self-contained PC to do all the work, and I could just Remote Desktop over to it for control/monitoring purposes...
I've been in the same situation, looking for an affordable small monitor with VGA (or DVI) and everything (which is not much) I've come up with have had an ludicrously high price.

It's especially annoying that you can get a small cheap laptop (like the Asus EEE) for less than it would cost to just get the screen itself...
Thing is that these monitors exist on cashiers and a lot of stuff like that so don't know why there isn't a market for them.

Today I've given up, and I barely have a need for it now. I have hopes for the future though, with displayport coming that might finally unify desktop and notebook displays meaning that we could drive notebook displays from a desktop computer directly. Of course you'd need to get your hands dirty soldering the connector if you'd take that approach literally but that would probably make it easy enough for manufacturers to just make a very simple chassi for the monitor and sell them cheap. In theory they could be sooooooooo cheap (doesn't always translate to being cheap in real life but they'd certainly cost way less than todays alternatives).

Sorry for the OT, just reminded me of how much this has annoyed me.