Silverstone Cases


Jun 22, 2004
How good are these cases? Do they usually come with a PSU or any cooling parts? My friend is selling me one for 30$ that he won at a LAN that is still boxed up. But I have never heard of them so...
SilverStone is what is left from the CoolerMaster ATCS department. If you liked any of the old pre-praetorian cases, you will definetly love the SilverStone line.
tree_ said:
How good are these cases? Do they usually come with a PSU or any cooling parts? My friend is selling me one for 30$ that he won at a LAN that is still boxed up. But I have never heard of them so...
i dont know what the exact prices are right now but IIRC silverstones run for about $150 so $30 is a steal. Definately a great case
Yeah for 30$ I was like what the hell. He has no clue about computers so I was like yeah.. 30$ sounds good.. And he agreed and all it's doing is sitting in his basement.
Yeah if it's the one Opt has then you better buy it quick. Talk about a great deal!

I would LOVE to have any Silverstone case, and I'm thinking of buying the TJ03 for my next upgrade. $300, but worth it.
I'll have to find out the exact model of it. But they seem like great high quality cases so I can't wait to go back to Indiana for the holidays and get it!!!
I asked for links to what it looked like but hes at another LAN right now and said the internet is 10x slower than AOL 56k.... So I'll have to wait until monday..