Silverstone Olymipia OP650 anyone?


Limp Gawd
Jun 30, 2005
Ok so i didnt do my research and went and bought a corsair 620hx.What i needed was a big single rail instead of triple small rails.

22db min

How reliable are these shops?

currently have 4 hdd and about to add 2 more 750GB. With my old antec i'm actually avg +12V: 11.77V, with the corsair i avg +12V:11.84V

either this one or the pc power and cooling Silencer 610, just afraid the silencer will be to loud for my setup at 26db min which is probably more like 30db. all my fans are 23db and below. trying to keep it around $160.
They're both good shops.

I got my Etasis from Sundial Micro and have nothing by good things to say about Jennifer and DeadEyeData. :D
I too am looking very forward to see how this fares up to other psus on the market. It is one of the models I am looking into for an upgrade from my Powerstream 600w. I hope jonnnyguru can get a review done on this soon or perhaps some other sites will look more in depth into this model instead of just listing it as a newly released item on the market.