Silverstone ST50EF 500W


Nov 25, 2005
Anyone have any experience with it? I've read a few reviews and read replys to people who got it on newegg. Anyone here have any experience with it? I'm giving my brother my Enermax 535W Whisper II and he'll get me a new one.

It will run for what's in my sig and I will most likely go SLI. I see that's it's not SLI ready but the Silverstone site says it is.

I also wish to keep the new PSU for time to come, with new upgrades and etc.

Well I bought it :) To bad it's Now Sunday and i'll have to wait lol. I'm also going to buy a Zalman Northbridge HS, to replace my Asus HSF on the chipset which is horridly noisy.
The ST-50EF is not the same as the ST-50EF Plus



ST50EF Plus:


The Enhance ENS-5150 is the same as the PLUS model on the inside, but none of the cables on the Enhance are sleeved.
_Korruption_ said:
But is it still an Enhance unit?

No. My contact at Silverstone tells me the old ST50EF is actually based on an Etasis platform.
jonnyGURU said:
No. My contact at Silverstone tells me the old ST50EF is actually based on an Etasis platform.

Does this go with all of the Plus! units? The non-plus supplies are Enhance and the Plus! supplies are Etasis? Silverstone is the only company that is so difficult :mad:
Reading comprehension FTW.

You're backwards.

The PLUS units are Enhance.
jonnyGURU said:
Reading comprehension FTW.

You're backwards.

The PLUS units are Enhance.

:D So all Silverstone's Plus supplies are Enhance and the Non-plus version of the supply is Etasis :confused:
From what I've been told, yes. The Plus is newer and is to replace the non-Plus, but a lot of vendors still have the non-Plus in stock.
jonnyGURU said:
From what I've been told, yes. The Plus is newer and is to replace the non-Plus, but a lot of vendors still have the non-Plus in stock.

Is it just me or is Silverstone fading out Etasis? Less and less of their supplies are Etasis made, or so it seems.
Etasis doesn't bring out new models that often... they seem to be like Zippy in that they make sure they have something sure to be reliable for the industrial market before releasing it.
Thanks for the mini debate which has confused me a little. So the reviews and replys about this PSU are correct? 80% efficent and such?
dBTelos said:
:D So all Silverstone's Plus supplies are Enhance and the Non-plus version of the supply is Etasis :confused:

Understand I not am trying to cause problems....I want to know...

Are the Silverstone Units what I eould call "true" rebadged units? As in you take a PSU made by the company that contracts out to make the Silverstone PSu`s....then you switch labels...then there is technically no difference in the two?

Or are we saying sure Silverstone is made by say Enhance thus the Silverstone PSU is essentially a Enhance PSU with the only difference being the label???

Just asking.....thx :D
OCC_Yoda said:
Understand I am trying to cause problems....I want to know...

Are the Silverstone Units what I eould call "true" rebadged units? As in you take a PSU made by the company that contracts out to make the Silverstone PSu`s....then you switch labels...then there is technically no difference in the two?

Or are we saying sure Silverstone is made by say Enhance thus the Silverstone PSU is essentially a Enhance PSU with the only difference being the label???

Just asking.....thx :D

I don't think any of the Silverstone Enhances are true rebadges. I think this because I know that they are usually sleeved, and Enhance doesn't do sleeving. But what do I know :p
Instead of making a new thread i'll just post in here.

In games, semi way through, it differs. The game will freeze and the comp jams, have to restart. This hapens on BF2142 and C&C Renegade but not AA. Could it be a PSU problem?
Hawk said:
Instead of making a new thread i'll just post in here.

In games, semi way through, it differs. The game will freeze and the comp jams, have to restart. This hapens on BF2142 and C&C Renegade but not AA. Could it be a PSU problem?

I don't think so. If it was a PSU problem, I would think the system would either reboot or shutdown right away. Sence you say that it just "freezes", I'm doubting a power issue. Wait on a second opinion though.
Ok. Got any thoughts on what it could be? Both Video and CPU are OC'd but they run fine in windows and can run benchmarks without crashing. I don't think it's a video card memory issue because it doesn't do that video card jkam and show 50 different shots of the same screen with 50 in each and jam lol.
Yeah i've checked them but their fine. CPU load 42C peak, most of the time it's 40C load. Mobo is always 36C. I'll run 3DMark06 and see the Video card temp max. Right now, idle it's 48C.
Hawk said:
Yeah i've checked them but their fine. CPU load 42C peak, most of the time it's 40C load. Mobo is always 36C. I'll run 3DMark06 and see the Video card temp max. Right now, idle it's 48C.

I don't know Celcius well, could you convert those temps ;)
My friend, I present to you Google Calculator.

48C, or even up to 60-ish, is fine for a video card. For a CPU it'd be a little high, for a hard drive it'd be death inside a year, but video cards have much higher temperature tolerances.

Yeah, some cards run at 60's or 70's even. They have a higher temp tolerance compared to CPU's where 60 is the top. Could it eb the HDD causing the problems? I never really thought of that since i don't have any corrupt files (My Doc's type). Or maybe even a coincidence?
Again?! Bloody hell, I had a faulty 1GB stick a few months ago.

EDIT: Well it's not the memory that's the problem. Ran memtest and no errors.
OCC_Yoda said:
Understand I am trying to cause problems....I want to know...

Are the Silverstone Units what I eould call "true" rebadged units? As in you take a PSU made by the company that contracts out to make the Silverstone PSu`s....then you switch labels...then there is technically no difference in the two?

Or are we saying sure Silverstone is made by say Enhance thus the Silverstone PSU is essentially a Enhance PSU with the only difference being the label???

jonnyGURU said:
The Enhance ENS-5150 is the same as the PLUS model on the inside, but none of the cables on the Enhance are sleeved.

Yes... I do understand you are trying to cause problems. ;)
Your entitled to your opinion...
My point was simple iether its 100% rebadged or its not rebadged!!
None of this well its made by the same company but its different in tiny ways yet at the same time its still rebadged.....

Thats doesn`t cut it! You can`t have your cake and eat it too!

iether it is or its not take your pick....
Understand I am trying to cause problems.

Intentionally trying to cause problems isn't going to get you anywhere. So in the future I would recommend avoiding it.

OCC_Yoda said:
Your entitled to your opinion...
My point was simple iether its 100% rebadged or its not rebadged!!
None of this well its made by the same company but its different in tiny ways yet at the same time its still rebadged.....

Thats doesn`t cut it! You can`t have your cake and eat it too!

iether it is or its not take your pick....

It's just cable sleeving which the right retailer will do for you can decide.
I just read my original post...I was not trying to cause problems....
I edited my original post!!

But I stand by what I said...concerning rebadged verses not rebadged!!

So then I ask one more time...

Everything under the hood is exactly the same except for the sleeving on one verses no sleeving on the other?
Hawk, I'd say you've OC'd your vid card a tad too much. I had this problem with my old X800 Pro a while back. It passed benchmarks just fine @ 540 GPU/540 (1080) memory, but would freeze up in the middle of a game. I went through my whole system and eventually found the problem went away when I backed my card down to 530/530. You might want to try that out before you start RMA'ing components.
Ok, i'll change the clocks on my video card.

EDIT: Ok, I lowered them and when playing for 50mins it was fine. Will fit a longer time to see if it has fixed it completly. But for now it's fine.

Thanks :)
Ok, I tested the PSu out and it's as good as my old PSU and alot quieter :)

Thanks alot guys!