Silverstone TJ09!

a UPS employee touched it, creating a vacuum inside the case that made the poor TJ-09 implode.
Well you gotta love Silverstone's quality. It must of taken a serious amount of weight to crush it like that. Im sure anything else would have been a pancake :p .
Let me show you all my TJ09. Get ready cause I'm sure you never saw such thing in your whole life :). I send it at

19th of December 2006 from Poland (Europe) to Cyprus (Europe). I received it today it's 21 March 2007. Here it is.

Hmmm I guess plane runover it. Well I don't wish anyone such thing to happen with his 400$ !!!

No problem, that will buff right out. :p
OMG, that thing looks awful. I don't know if it is possible (unless the package was insured), but I would be making some phone calls to find out what the hell happened and who is going to pay for a new one.
Yeah one of my panels was like this... seemed to bulge in the center a bit. I, VERY CAREFULLY ;), held the ends and flexed it until it bowed a tad in the opposite direction and it fits pretty flush now. Be careful thought, it bends very easily. I don't think there is anything wrong with the panels, just the inherent nature of thin aluminum.

Thanks for the response and confirmation bud. I am glad I wasn't the only one though am still bummed it is like this to begin with. I hope I can fix it like you did. The fact that no one else seemed to confirm this happening means it is possible to get a perfect one that doesn't contain this 'flaw'.

Anyone else have this?
This seems kind of minor now doesn't it.... compared to the previous pics lol. :D
This seems kind of minor now doesn't it.... compared to the previous pics lol. :D

Oh for sure, but the fact that I noticed my problem before his pics were posted has it still on my mind. I don't know what it is but I have the WORST luck with PC parts. I always have something wrong with just about everything I get for a new PC. It is a very big reason why I hate upgrading although it should be exciting to have new parts.
I don't know what it is but I have the WORST luck with PC parts. I always have something wrong with just about everything I get for a new PC.

Lol, I'm sure it happens to a lot of us - I thought it was just me. Building my recent comp I received a E6600 (RMA) with a defective contact pad, basically scratched off, GTS (RMA) secondary to fan trouble, fan controller with a burned out resistor... but I've been on a little lucky streak lately without any problems. :)
I've been really lucky with my computer parts. Having said that, my 8800's are probably going to errupt into a glorious ball of fire later on tonight....
OMG, seeing that crushed TJ09 made me almost cry.

I have one shipping to me today, hope it doesn't arrive in that kinda shape. Shouldn't, I didn't use UPS or FedEx.
I would realy just like to know what the hell happend!!! Somone smashed it between airplane doors or something?

Are you saying it was Shipped in December and you're receiving it now?

I must tell you, I work for a very very well known worldwide shipping company and I have seen facilities big and small. In all my experiences I have never seen something like this. The disregard for quality at all levels is amazing, no way this package should have been advanced nor delivered once it was in that condition. Beyond that, I struggle to think of what scenario that damage could have happened in. The forces to crush something like that have to be large. It looks as if it was in an automated sortation system and either impacted by something 60+ kilos or it was ejected and fell from a great height onto some railing.... No way normal loading into a wall could ever create that...

Please share who was the shipper?
Wow, brings a whole new meaning to "dropped off the back of a truck"*.

*= (and backed over a few times)

Hmm, that sucks man, you need a better shipper.
It's strange becasue I was shipping such big things before (logitech subwoofer) and it come in perfect condition.
I have a TJ09 and I must say, I could easily stand on top of it, without fear of breaking / bending / deforming it. The sheer amount of weight / force that it would take to do that much damage someone would have to had seen / heard it. I'm sorry you had to have such disappointment lukx, I hope you get it replaced / refunded soon.
Best of luck.
maybe we need the MythBusters to find out just how much force it would take to cause that type of damage. a person? a vehicle? an airplane?
Does anyone know where to get the windowed side panel for the TJ09 (SP09B), I'm trying to spice up my case a bit, thanks.
I have a TJ09 and I must say, I could easily stand on top of it, without fear of breaking / bending / deforming it. The sheer amount of weight / force that it would take to do that much damage someone would have to had seen / heard it. I'm sorry you had to have such disappointment lukx, I hope you get it replaced / refunded soon.
Best of luck.

maybe we need the MythBusters to find out just how much force it would take to cause that type of damage. a person? a vehicle? an airplane?

Any large truck or container moving, perhaps even a pallet or a forklift would crush that.

Doesn't take much to crush it, my friend lost his legs years ago when he stood between a shipping dock and a 53' Semi... cut his legs clean off.

But it amazes me as to how no one noticed this as it some way had to have been handled by somone.... and for somone to think that nothing would be damaged... geeze.
or maybe a cargo door crushed it? looks like the point of force was "acute" ie, made by something kind of narrow.. well on the bottom there at least.. like a door or something.. who knows.. anyways.. those pics are still crazy.. Oye!
After adding my second 8800GTS, I've decided I need to upgrade my case for better cooling, so naturally I'm going with the TJ09. One question; is it better two have the top two fan slots as intakes or exhausts?

FYI: newegg is having as sale on the Silver TJ09 with a window for 259, not bad!
I started with the top as intakes, but I got better cooling when I reversed the rear exhaust to make it an intake, then used the top two as exhausts. Makes more sense since heat rises. Also, there was already visible dust piling up over the fans, and the computer had only been running for a few days! I say front and rear as intakes, top two as exhaust.
Well, heat rises, but alot of the cpu heat sinks have fans that blow in a certain direction, and many of those can or are directed out the back of the case. So this must be considered too.
Still waiting to get my RMA'd TJ09 back but up to now not thought about fans for the top. What would peeps here recommend?
Well, heat rises, but alot of the cpu heat sinks have fans that blow in a certain direction, and many of those can or are directed out the back of the case. So this must be considered too.

Most of the time you can mount the HSF any way you want.
Still waiting to get my RMA'd TJ09 back but up to now not thought about fans for the top. What would peeps here recommend?

I installed Yate Loons in the top 2, back, and HDD enclosure. For the intake I used a Thermaltake on a fan controller. Can run the TT nice and quiet, or turn it up for some extra cfm.
I have my cpu watercooled so I needed a little different airflow to keep my NB and memory cool. I have the front and back fans as intakes and the top two fans as exhaust. Working well for me.

EDIT: After further testing I have switched the back fan to exhaust - cpu temps went up with it as intake... flow through my radiator wasn't as good.
Just a couple shots of my comptuer, finally assembled. Will probably try and clean up the wiring a little more, but dang, there's a lot of wire in there. Also, need to do something about that stupid X-Fi flat cable, damn it's ugly. It was my first real go at wire management. Everything is out of the way of any of the fans, and that was my number one priority. I'll work on making it neater :)


thanks to dutt1113 for letting me use his pic as reference
but i plan to put a thermochill pa120.2 up there

so are any of you guys kind enough to take this measurement for me??

thanks in advance


and is that gfx card cooler removable? the one attached to the left side of the hard drive cage?
Just to be precise, that circled metal piece in your pic is the corner brace for the motherboard tray.

I can take that measurement for you when I get home, around 6pm EST tonight.

Yes the intake fan assembly is completely removable.
I'm at work and can't do a measurement but the thermochill pa is thick (50mm if I remember correctly - please correct me if I'm wrong). I have a Swiftech 120.2 (34mm) up there like Dutt and there is some space between the radiator and the top mesh. I think you would be cutting it very close with the thermochill. But, we need measurements to be exact.
You're going to have problems with a full-size rad up there, bro. You might be able to move the entire radiator assembly toward the front of the case, avoiding that motherboard brace completely. I'd suggest getting a measurement from the front of the top mesh to where that brace starts (from the perspective of looking downward at the top of the case). The distance might be enough to fit a 120.2. You might be able to squeeze a little more if you place the fans against the mesh and mount the radiator so far forward that the hose outlets are underneath the solid part of the top of the case, instead of the mesh.

Hope you understood that garble.
thanks curr , bhag and nicepants

thanks for the clarifications
it does look difficult putting a full size rad up there

I did the measurements
I need about 3.52 inches from the top of the case to the brace

I hope theres enough, thanks for taking the time out guys

if i dremel that piece out, will the mobo tray still be secure?
From the top where the fans mount, to the top of that corner bracket is just a hair over 2 1/2 inches.
As far as removing that bracket and tray sturdiness, I would say that as long as your careful it should not be a problem
Looking at the mobo tray on my TJ07, I'd also say that you should be fine. Of course, I'd recommend placing the radiator as far forward as possible to minimize the amount of the brace you cut off, but you should be ok.
i need a little help with this.

im going with 2 black ice stealth 120 radiators and i have them screwed to my fans already. but when i put my fans into the slots onto the top of the case, they cant lock into place because the radiator blocks the autolocking. how did anyone else fix this? looking at it, seems like you can remove the fan holder but then it seems like the only way to hold the fans in place would be to screw them through the top which i dont want to do.

any help?
I posted a pic earlier of the incomplete build, but I thought since mounting the rad seems to be an issue for a lot of people, here's what I did. Took all of two minutes:


I just used a set of 2-1/2" L brackets and secured the radiator to the first fan slot. I get plenty of airflow over the rad, it's very secure, and it's easy to remove if I want to swap out the fans.
that makes sense for a dual radiator but like i said mine is two singles. basically what im trying to do is this right here.


i cant tell from the picture how he did it. i cant tell if he took out the fan holders or how the fans are held in or anything.