SimCity: Cities of Tomorrow Expansion Pack


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Ready for another one of SimCity’s monumental releases? Maxis has just announced the upcoming debut of its first expansion pack called Cities of Tomorrow. The releases are becoming epic, almost as entertaining as the games themselves. :D
And so it begins... I have a feeling that it will be like Sims series with 10,000 expansions.

They couldn't include those futuristic skins in the vanilla? :rolleyes:
I thought they were still trying to make the base game functional as designed...
The expansion pack doesn’t expand the land area the player has available to build their city, but it does allow players to build upwards ... using multizone MegaTowers.

They had me excited for a moment there, but oh well.
Cities of tomorrow... because you'll have to wait till tomorrow before the server lets you login. Gotta love DRM. :D
If you’re hoping the expansion pack brings an off-line mode to the game, you’re going to be sad.

Color me sad... actually I've given up on Maxis as well as Blizzard, I have no hope nor expectation that they'll do an offline online mode for their games. They decided that was the direction their company was going, and I just don't fall into their customer base and I'm ok with that :)
wonder how much they paid for the (very bad) morgan freeman wannabe voice over?

Seems the two biggest complaints 1) Bigger play area 2) offline mode would have been addressed... looks like EA just gave a big "fuck you" to the SimCity fanbase.
wonder how much they paid for the (very bad) morgan freeman wannabe voice over?

Seems the two biggest complaints 1) Bigger play area 2) offline mode would have been addressed... looks like EA just gave a big "fuck you" to the SimCity fanbase.

I was wondering if I was the only one who found the voice very annoying, and just not matching the visuals of the ad.
I thought they were still trying to make the base game functional as designed...

Same here.
Too bad EA is a bunch of money grabbing @ssholes that would rather offer paid dlc and expansions than fixing the game so it worked as advertised.
Same here.
Too bad EA is a bunch of money grabbing @ssholes that would rather offer paid dlc and expansions than fixing the game so it worked as advertised.

Ummm....of course they're money grabbing assholes that don't really care about customers. That is the entire point of a corporation making money however they can. And further, fixing broken code costs money.
LOL, people are still hoping for an offline mode from EA for sim city? Come on, there's having hope for something, and then there's just pointless desperation. It's not going to happen.
Ummm....of course they're money grabbing assholes that don't really care about customers. That is the entire point of a corporation making money however they can. And further, fixing broken code costs money.

I really get tired of hearing this excuse. Just because you are a corporation doesn't give you the right to treat your customers like shit, just so you can make more money.

Since corporations are "people", would you support someone who is narcissistic, has no sense of right from wrong, has no morals, and treats people poorly? Well then maybe it's time to stop kissing that corporate ass.
There is nothing wrong with money grabbing assholes, but there's shortsighted and big picture assholes.

You can treat your customers like dirt and dangle the carrot and still get a crapload of money for your quarterly stock value (which is what CEOs and the like care about, since that's their bonus), or you can develop a long term relationship with your customers so that they are happy to preorder your game and give positive press word of mouth because you've always done right even if it cost you a bit short term.

Either way you make money, but one you are better off long-term.
My problem with SimCity having a lot of DLC like the Sims:

1. The Sims is still a single player game, so DLC means that I can expand the game and do more and have more items for me, albeit the entire game w/ all DLC would cost ~$700, so no thanks.

2. SimCity has been made into a multiplayer game, where you can go visit other cities in the region. DLC means that I can now go visit another city and instead of comparing it to mine on the merits of player skill, aesthetics, and design, I can compare my wallet to theirs.

I was really tempted to buy SimCity. I even watched 50+ hour long 'let's play' videos of the game, which made me want it more. But it's EA, and EA sucks. The Maxis team would probably want to fix some of these major issues, but they're under the screws of EA now, so it's never going to happen.

I say this every time this comes up, but it's been just about ten years since I bought a game from EA. I just won't do it any more. I'm in boycott mode and I wish enough people would join in to force them to change.
give a fuck about off line mode if it ONLINE MODE WORKED
also id like more then a 5 square block area to build in...
I'd like to see a SteamPunk expansion pack :) Entire city driven by Steam and Mechanical shit and stuff.

BTW... Are the bugs gone yet?
Even if they let you play the game in offline mode it wouldn't matter. The map is small and is dumbed down so much that it isn't even fun.
We couldn't get Morgan Freeman to narrate this 10 second advertisement, so here is the cheapest impersonator we could get. EA, doing things on the cheap.
"The initial offering sucked balls, so here's some additional content that gets the initial offering somewhat closer to what it should have been to begin with. Oh yea, it's gonna cost you more of your hard earned cash."

-Love, EA
At this point, I wouldn't doubt if they brought out a "Mega Huge Super Big Ass City Expansion Pack!" for $50 to give you larger plots of space for building. It's one of the major complaints. Makes sense to give it to customers... at a price, of course (not included in base price).