simple dos command i can't remember- please help

Aug 10, 2001
there is a command you can run at the command prompt which will tell you some information about the current user session including the domain controller you authenticated to. i can't remember what the command is despite using it frequently in the past and google is not helping. i need to see what DC i authenticated to. anyone know what i'm talking about?

big boi
no, it's not that simple ;) for some reason i remember it being a command that i needed to use a "more" switch with in order to see the domain controller info.
I'm not at a windows computer right now so I can't test this, but perhaps you are thinking of the 'net' command? Perhaps 'net /info' or something to that effect.
big daddy fatsacks said:
i can't remember what the command is despite using it frequently in the past and google is not helping. i need to see what DC i authenticated to. anyone know what i'm talking about?
big daddy fatsacks said:
game set match! booyah! thanks, that was killing me.
Um, SET only shows/defines local environment variables. How would you get the local domain controller from that?
the following line will return the logon server:

echo %logonserver%

to read this into a file (logonserver.txt) use:

echo %logonserver% | find " " >logonserver.txt

check out

hope that helps.

i was able to find other environmental variables that you can use in the same way.

