Simple WOW question ...


Sep 26, 2004
I am a Human Warrior level 13 and I bought the crossbow skill from weapon master, light crossbow, med size quiver and some sharp arrows. When I put the crossbow icon in the action bar to the bottom of the screen, the icon is green around it, and I cannot use the crossbow on an enemy. What am I missing? Why cant I use my expensive azz equipemnt that I just bought? Thanks.
Just make sure you equip the arrows to your ranged slot in the character panel.
I am a Human Warrior level 13 and I bought the crossbow skill from weapon master, light crossbow, med size quiver and some sharp arrows. When I put the crossbow icon in the action bar to the bottom of the screen, the icon is green around it, and I cannot use the crossbow on an enemy. What am I missing? Why cant I use my expensive azz equipemnt that I just bought? Thanks.

there is a "shoot" skill you need to grab from the general tab of your spellbook

you have have to equip a stack of arrows to the little square next to the ranged slot of your character.

Forget about your crossbow. Waste of money for your class.

they are still useful for pulling to a class such as a warrior.
Yeah, equip the arrows like they said above. Isn't there also an icon for a ranged weapon in the spellbook that he'll need to drag to the toolbar?

As also said though, Warriors only ever use their bow to pull mobs from a distance, and for the stats that it gives them.
Kind of reminds me of my dad actually.

He just started this game and he's a warrior. He bought a crossbow more expensive than all his equipment combined, coupled with a quiver loaded full of bolts. I found that kinda funny, considering warriors definitely do not need a quiver, and only maybe a couple stacks of bolts. Other than that, Charge is your friend. ;)
........ an icon for a ranged weapon in the spellbook that he'll need to drag to the toolbar?

I love being a noob in WOW with the 8800 :p ding ding ding.. thanks. Any more tips for a warrior? Whats the best way for quick cash? How do I get into blacksmithing?

thanks for all the help
Martyr is correct

Although at low levels a crossbow does not seem useful... eventually you will need it for pulling monsters toward you, you will be unable to just run in and tank everything.

If you like the rp/pve side of the game, it only gets interesting at lvl 70 for the high end items that drop/the lore (if you are into that aspect)

but for me, all i cared about pvp. If you are like me, the best way to go about hitting 70 is to grind to 70, to pick up mining/skinning, and sell everything pick up on your way to 70.
(there are grinding spots all over google if you look hard enough) grinding is very boring, but it levels you fast. turn on some music or put the tv on/talk to your friends while you play. dont buy much off the auction house, most of the stuff you find from killing things/completeing quests should be sufficient enough to be able to level.

I started a rogue and hit 60 in like 15 days of casual playtime. and made it with level 40 and 50 weapons and green items that were all "of the monkey" After that i joined a guild and raided for all my items, got decent gear, and started pvpin like crazy.
I love being a noob in WOW with the 8800 :p ding ding ding.. thanks. Any more tips for a warrior? Whats the best way for quick cash? How do I get into blacksmithing?

thanks for all the help

Quick cash? Avoid blacksmithing :)

Get two gathering skills, skinning and either herbalism or mining. Probably mining in your case as you will want that if you do go blacksmithing later on.

More cash, pick up things that stack in preference to things that don't (most early gray armor/weapons aren't worth it)

More cash? Be careful spending money in AH on new armor all the time. For the most part a warrior just needs a weapon within 2 to 3 levels of himself, armor can be within 5-8 early on.
Avoid the AH at all costs. Get the biggest bags you can so you can carry a lot of stuff and grind for two bars after you finish a quest.
Being a packrat is good. Collect everything, includingwhat you skin and mine, if you have those as your professions., and the greys. If you run outta space, start ditching greys.

Sell the leather, ore, etc, on the AH for slightly less than the competition. You'll get a feel for the market after a while, and I've got 100G at lvl35 just from leather and ore on the AH.
you need to drag the 'shoot' icon to your bar, not the icon for the crossbow you bought. you can find the 'shoot' icon in your abilities window, i think you open this window by hitting the 'P' key. hope this helps.