Single PC In Domain Not Running Logon Scripts


Feb 12, 2007
Basically under the "Logon" and "Logoff" sections in group policy, I have a little command that just dumps some info about the logon into a file- for EVERYONE in the domain.
It is under "User Settings" and is based on Logon/Logoff activity.

That said, I have a particular COMPUTER that won't log.
This user, when logging on, doesn't get logged (everyone else is fine).
If I log on as that user somewhere else, it logs it just fine.

It is strange because it is tied to that computer, and this is a USER setting.

This is the ONLY script I am running at logon/logoff, and this user doesn't appear to have anything obviously different (And it shouldn't- it works fine on another PC!)

So what is causing this single computer to not log?

Any ideas?
Are you using a policy to define the logon/logoff scripts? If so, run the Resultant Set of Policy manager and see if it's actually applying the policy.

Start > run > rsop.msc
Yes- have a group policy set for it...
Will try that tomorrow and see if it's actually getting pushed to this machine.
Yes- have a group policy set for it...
Will try that tomorrow and see if it's actually getting pushed to this machine.

Also try a gpupdate /force while loggedinto the machine. I prefer GPMC becaus ethe results wizard also shows you all of the settings and poicy events for a local or remote machine.
Although rsop seems to have pulled it up, I cannot open the logon/logoff script folders to actually see if there is a script applied (I am running it from a computer I KNOW that works- so it should show it).
Nevermind- it worked... I just cannot view the scripts but I see logon.cmd and logoff.cmd applied (on a PC I know works).

It seems this is the problem- the policy is NOT replicating to this computer, although it is listed in the domain... how do I resolve this?
Nevermind- it worked... I just cannot view the scripts but I see logon.cmd and logoff.cmd applied (on a PC I know works).

It seems this is the problem- the policy is NOT replicating to this computer, although it is listed in the domain... how do I resolve this?

Install the Group Policy Managment Console. run a RSOP wizard. It shows you all the settings applied and shere they are applied from. It also gathers all the policy related events from the machine for you to look at. Its the only way to manage GPOs.
Install the Group Policy Managment Console. run a RSOP wizard. It shows you all the settings applied and shere they are applied from. It also gathers all the policy related events from the machine for you to look at. Its the only way to manage GPOs.

Install this where?

I ran RSOP from both the computer that I know works (mine) and the one that isn't working (someone else's).
Mine shows logon.cmd and logoff.cmd listed there.

The other one does not. So I know it isn't getting Group Policy pushed to it for some reason.

What I was saying is the computer is listed in Active Directory, so I assume it should work...

After that little clarification- what should I try next?
Install this where?

I ran RSOP from both the computer that I know works (mine) and the one that isn't working (someone else's).
Mine shows logon.cmd and logoff.cmd listed there.

The other one does not. So I know it isn't getting Group Policy pushed to it for some reason.

What I was saying is the computer is listed in Active Directory, so I assume it should work...

After that little clarification- what should I try next?

After installing run the wizard against the machine and select the user. Then check the policy events tab for errors.
Te events in the GPMC are just being pulled out of the standard event logging, so in leiu of installing GPMC, you could just look at the system and application event logs for any errors related to group policy processing on the PC in question...

Start > Run > eventvwr.msc
Among the other good suggestions here, I find running gpresult on the affected PC may be enlightening.