Single stick of RAM in a Core Duo notebook?


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
So here's the deal. I ordered my Dell Inspiron 9400 with 2, 256MB sticks of 667MHz RAM when I ordered my laptop online. I figured if I wanted to upgrade the Ram later, I could do it myself for less.

And while my laptop actually runs pretty well right now, folks have been telling me I should really have at least 1GB of memory, what with the 7800 video card and other powerful features of my system. So today I did some research...

I was able to order a single 1GB stick of Kingston DDR2, 667MHz ram for LESS than what 2 sticks of 512MB would cost. And while that won't get me Dual Channel ram performance, I won't have two more sticks of notebook ram lying in a drawer if and when I might want to 2GB later (like these 2, 256MB stick probably will).

Anyone try running a single stick of RAM in their core duo machine? I can even run the 1GB stick of 667MHz, and a stick of 256MB, 667MHz if the machine will recognize and accept that combo.
A single stick will work fine. Dual channel doesn't really affect much affect on the Pentium M style architecture. Your RAM is also already running at 667MHz so bandwidth shouldn't really be an issue. You can run the 1 gig stick and the 256MB stick together if you want to. As cheap as RAM is right now i would just go ahead and get another 1 gig stick when you have the available funds.
Burninggrave - Thanks for the reply!

I've been working on getting my debt completely paid off, so I've been taking overtime when I can get it at work. It was my willingness to go to Portland when others wouldn't... aka I didn't say "absolutely not" when others did... that prompted the laptop purchase. Fortunately, I got a decent deal on the ram through work, so I decided to take advantage of it.

The 2nd stick IS tempting, but I really don't think I'll need it. Truth is, with the 512MB the laptop is running really well. Yeah, when I launch a game the hard drive has some work to do, but that won't completely go away just with extra RAM. While I like to think of myself as a proper enthusiest, I try not to be rediculous just for the sake of being, you know? ;)

Anyway... I should get the 1GB early next week, as Kingston shipped it yesterday. More from there with some results, not that I've done much benchmarking with this system as is.

Well, no real surprise, but the memory is only listed as "Apple Ram" on the Kingston web site... so I was a LITTLE nervous as I went to put it in. ;)

But I'm happy to report I'm running a 1GB stick with a 256MB stick and the system does appear a LITTLE faster. ;)

Kingston is to be commended. I ordered directly from them (New Egg doesn't even have the 1GB sticks listed on their site yet), and ordering JUST before 3pm Friday, the ram arrived early in the day Monday. Great service!!!

Well, no real surprise, but the memory is only listed as "Apple Ram" on the Kingston web site... so I was a LITTLE nervous as I went to put it in. ;)

But I'm happy to report I'm running a 1GB stick with a 256MB stick and the system does appear a LITTLE faster. ;)

Kingston is to be commended. I ordered directly from them (New Egg doesn't even have the 1GB sticks listed on their site yet), and ordering JUST before 3pm Friday, the ram arrived early in the day Monday. Great service!!!

You can buy 667mhz SODIM laptop memory from NewEgg. I did, it cost me $220 shipped for 2x1GB sticks of it.