singlethreaded apps running on two cores


Oct 2, 2006
I got a 4600+ and was wondering about runnoing some apps I have like Everquest and everquest 2 on both cores instead of running one instance on one core. My real hope is find like a patch for the game or a app to run to basically take more potential out of the proc.
I got a 4600+ and was wondering about runnoing some apps I have like Everquest and everquest 2 on both cores instead of running one instance on one core. My real hope is find like a patch for the game or a app to run to basically take more potential out of the proc.

The game/program has to be coded to be multithreaded - there is no way to force it (yet?), nor can you patch it yourself (unless you have mad 1337 haxx0rz skillz and know x86 assembly way too well)
the good thing is, there are companies recognizing the requests for multi-threaded games. Companies like Microsoft put out patches that take care of such things. I know in particular FS:X was one of those games