Sins of a Solar Empire - how is it?

I know the developer was aiming to make the game more deep and less "consolized" as they say, but does anyone see this game as overly slow?

Normal speed gameplay with normal resources took me multiple hours on just a small 1v1 map vs. 1 computer opponent. I can't imagine how long it would take with more.

Maybe there's something I'm missing, but the resources and credits come in REALLY slow, even with all the research stuff to improve those done. That's primarily what slowed down my gameplay.

Obviously I can up the speed and resources but I really feel like that's altering the way the developer wanted the game played.. it wasn't made for that. Default speeds just feel overly slow.

If it is too slow for you just turn the speed settings up. The devs put it there for a reason.
This game is awesome. I just got it and played for about 2 hours and had that "it's been two hours!?" feeling. You are constantly engaged despite its "slow" pace. Anyone that has ever enjoyed a more complex RTS or any turn based strategy game should buy this game.

On a side note the pirates ARE very powerful and the bounty system could use some axing, but I now have about 1/2 of my galaxy under control (small random w/ an easy computer). Does anyone know if you can have pirates turned on but disable the bounty system?
This game is awesome. I just got it and played for about 2 hours and had that "it's been two hours!?" feeling. You are constantly engaged despite its "slow" pace. Anyone that has ever enjoyed a more complex RTS or any turn based strategy game should buy this game.

On a side note the pirates ARE very powerful and the bounty system could use some axing, but I now have about 1/2 of my galaxy under control (small random w/ an easy computer). Does anyone know if you can have pirates turned on but disable the bounty system?

Hangers + repair platform + a couple guass/beam platforms = pirate eater.

A mix of fighters and bombers in your hangers with around 3-4 hangers will help fight off a lot of pirates.
Hangers + repair platform + a couple guass/beam platforms = pirate eater.

A mix of fighters and bombers in your hangers with around 3-4 hangers will help fight off a lot of pirates.

I started getting 5+ platforms at my border worlds and it seems to work wonders when I have my fleet around. Still I have/had to react to the pirates as if it were a full scale invasion. Do the hangers auto deploy when the world comes under attack?
I started getting 5+ platforms at my border worlds and it seems to work wonders when I have my fleet around. Still I have/had to react to the pirates as if it were a full scale invasion. Do the hangers auto deploy when the world comes under attack?

Yes (You did select what squads to have in them right? There aren't any fighters/bombers in the hangers until you tell them which you want).

Then once any enemy comes in the planets gravity well they will auto-attack them.

Don't auto-load up just one type, fighters are good against certain types and bombers against others.

Generally I do a 1bomber/2fighter combo in mine.

If a squad is taken out the hanger will make more. The pirates will generally target the hangers, hence why it's important to place repair posts around them. With your gauss/beam platforms around them both they can help take out the bigger pirate ships that might be with the fleet of pirates.
I'm playing on easy just to get a feel of the game so it hasn't been a big bother for some time. Although I did assault the pirate planet with a fleet of 1000 or so ships (3 capitals) and lost around 400 ships before noticing that pirate ships just kept spawning in and that I could not win. So I ask, is there a way to capture the pirate planet?
If it is too slow for you just turn the speed settings up. The devs put it there for a reason.

Obviously, I addressed that I knew this. The point is why in the world would the devs design the game to basically tire me after fighting 1 EASY cpu opponent at normal speeds? Why wouldn't they just let me scale up the number of opponents if I wanted a longer game?

I shouldn't need to move the game to it's fastest speed to be able to finish a game vs. 1 EASY opponent in less than 4 hours...
I'm playing on easy just to get a feel of the game so it hasn't been a big bother for some time. Although I did assault the pirate planet with a fleet of 1000 or so ships (3 capitals) and lost around 400 ships before noticing that pirate ships just kept spawning in and that I could not win. So I ask, is there a way to capture the pirate planet?

Yes, I beat a pirate planet and took it over with 4 capital ships and many many frigates I was a little worried but I took them all out. They almost got one of my capital ships, but I retreated that one and it was fine. They couldnt stand up to the rest of my forces ;)

They don't just keep spawning...
I played is a bunch this weekend, but I just found it frustrating.

Played a generic versus 1 AI, and basically it was me and the AI versus the pirates. They had *hordes* of ships. That got annoying, so I created a pirate-less 2 vs 2 map, me and one AI versus 2 AI. My AI "friend" kept giving me impossible missions and when I couldn't get them done declared war on me. OK? So then I got gang raped by 3 at a time. That was fun. Even on easy, they just wait until your fleet is not around and then magically jump in with theirs.

I also dont like the "slots" methodology of planets...I spent way too much time micromanaging planet upgrades, trying to find one with an open slot or figuring out which to upgrade or whatever. Maybe just reduce it to one kind of slot for simple use.

The game has a lot of potential and seemed bug free which was rare and nice! Maybe in a few patches I will revisit it. Its funny, a small developer releases a high quality game with no bugs or serious issues...and the big players release crap after crap without even really testing it. nice job Stardock!
I played is a bunch this weekend, but I just found it frustrating.

Played a generic versus 1 AI, and basically it was me and the AI versus the pirates. They had *hordes* of ships. That got annoying, so I created a pirate-less 2 vs 2 map, me and one AI versus 2 AI. My AI "friend" kept giving me impossible missions and when I couldn't get them done declared war on me. OK? So then I got gang raped by 3 at a time. That was fun. Even on easy, they just wait until your fleet is not around and then magically jump in with theirs.

I also dont like the "slots" methodology of planets...I spent way too much time micromanaging planet upgrades, trying to find one with an open slot or figuring out which to upgrade or whatever. Maybe just reduce it to one kind of slot for simple use.

The game has a lot of potential and seemed bug free which was rare and nice! Maybe in a few patches I will revisit it. Its funny, a small developer releases a high quality game with no bugs or serious issues...and the big players release crap after crap without even really testing it. nice job Stardock!
A couple tips:
First of all, Sins is a deep game that makes absolutely no apologies for the complexity that that entails. If you really want to get the most out of this game, take your time to learn the details. If you haven't already done so go back and play the tutorial missions. Once you've completed those I would suggest sticking to small, 1v1, no pirates missions. These will allow you to focus on empire building and combat without having to worry about things like missions, diplomacy, and bounties.

If you're still having trouble try turning down the game speed before you turn down the AI difficulty. The easy AI is very non-aggressive and makes for kind of a boring game IMO. Slowing down the game speed will give you more time to react but you're still pitted against a competent opponent. Also, I like to map the pause button to the keyboard in single player games. You can still issue orders and such while the game is paused. It can be helpful when you need a minute to take in everything that is happening to you and form your strategy before you act. I like to use it when I'm engaged in multiple battles on opposite sides of my empire.

Also, in regards to the "slots", there are really only two types of slots, tactical (ie defensive), and logistics (ie everything else). They're split up for a reason, and that's to limit the tactical slots. As is, you can defend a planet against multiple capital ships and dozens of frigates just by maxing out your hangers with the available tactical slots. If the slots were combined, a player could use all of their slots for defensive measures on key strategic planets, making them practically un-capturable. Once you get the hang of it the slots are actually pretty simple.
Obviously, I addressed that I knew this. The point is why in the world would the devs design the game to basically tire me after fighting 1 EASY cpu opponent at normal speeds? Why wouldn't they just let me scale up the number of opponents if I wanted a longer game?

I shouldn't need to move the game to it's fastest speed to be able to finish a game vs. 1 EASY opponent in less than 4 hours...
First of all, Sins was not designed as a typical RTS but as a 4X game playing out in real time. If you've ever played a 4X game like Civ4, or Galactic Civ 2 then you know that 4 hours is actually a pretty short game for this genre. These games are not meant to be played in one sitting like a typical RTS. Sins is a game that is intended for a certain audience, and does not compromise itself trying to appease those outside of that audience. Also, new players tend to turtle up, which draws the game out longer. You'll find that as you learn the ropes of the game it will move faster. The devs have stated that an experienced player should spend around 6 minutes per planet. At that rate, a small map should clock in under an hour.
A couple tips:
First of all, Sins is a deep game that makes absolutely no apologies for the complexity that that entails. If you really want to get the most out of this game, take your time to learn the details. If you haven't already done so go back and play the tutorial missions. Once you've completed those I would suggest sticking to small, 1v1, no pirates missions. These will allow you to focus on empire building and combat without having to worry about things like missions, diplomacy, and bounties.
I understand how it works, I got about 8 hours in it.

If you're still having trouble try turning down the game speed before you turn down the AI difficulty. The easy AI is very non-aggressive and makes for kind of a boring game IMO.
The easy AI was pretty aggressive, it would jump in with 40+ ships, 2-3 of them caps, as soon as I sent a fleet away from a system. Even with 5 def stations and 2 hangars, I got worked.

Slowing down the game speed will give you more time to react but you're still pitted against a competent opponent. Also, I like to map the pause button to the keyboard in single player games. You can still issue orders and such while the game is paused. It can be helpful when you need a minute to take in everything that is happening to you and form your strategy before you act. I like to use it when I'm engaged in multiple battles on opposite sides of my empire.
Speed is not the issue, the game is slow enough on the normal setting. The biggest issue I have is the AI's ability to know where your ships are "not" and then zerg. My ships just cant get back fast enough. Phase jumps are fast, but crossing a system takes WAY too long. If your fleet is two or more systems away, its too late to get back in time. And dont say it, if I leave enough ships in every border world to defend, I dont have enough to go on the offense, even with fleet research.

Also, in regards to the "slots", there are really only two types of slots, tactical (ie defensive), and logistics (ie everything else). They're split up for a reason, and that's to limit the tactical slots. As is, you can defend a planet against multiple capital ships and dozens of frigates just by maxing out your hangers with the available tactical slots. If the slots were combined, a player could use all of their slots for defensive measures on key strategic planets, making them practically un-capturable. Once you get the hang of it the slots are actually pretty simple.
I know how the slots work, I just think its annoying. If someone were to be stupid enough to use all their slots for just defenses, they couldn't do research or other things. Arbitrarily dividing slots into two types just annoys me. Besides, in my experience, full defenses only delay the enemy, not stop them. They don't seem overpowered to me at all.

This is not an issue of understanding how to play the game, only annoyance at some of its quirks.

1) Pirates are too strong
2) AI magically knows where you are not
3) Missions are impossible to win (fly across the map and kill 20 ships in 15 minutes for the loss)
4) slot system is unnecessarily complicated.

Its not a bad game, I guess im just getting old and cranky, if something frustrates me too much, I just stop playing.
The easy AI was pretty aggressive, it would jump in with 40+ ships, 2-3 of them caps, as soon as I sent a fleet away from a system. Even with 5 def stations and 2 hangars, I got worked.
5 def stations and 2 hangers isn't near enough to leave a border planet completely undefended. Focus on hangers instead of the def stations. 5 hangers worth of bombers can take down a cap ship pretty quickly after they enter your system, and have further reach than your orbital guns. Focus on bombers and ignore fighters unless your opponents is just spamming you with bombers/fighters. Even if they have good AA, a large squadron can take out a cap ship long before fraks/fighters put a dent in them. Use the bombers to take out cap ships and planet assault frigates, and place stationary guns and a small fleet around the hangers to keep them in the fight long enough. Make sure to cluster your hangers and other structures together so that stationary guns are most effective. It also helps to place your hangers on the far side of the planet from where your enemy will come and limit your fleet's engage distance to local area. By the time they reach your hangers your bombers will have effectively decimated their fleet. Once the cap ships and assault frigates are gone there's not much they can do. Sure you might lose a hanger or two, but they can't touch the planet.

Speed is not the issue, the game is slow enough on the normal setting. The biggest issue I have is the AI's ability to know where your ships are "not" and then zerg. My ships just cant get back fast enough. Phase jumps are fast, but crossing a system takes WAY too long. If your fleet is two or more systems away, its too late to get back in time. And dont say it, if I leave enough ships in every border world to defend, I dont have enough to go on the offense, even with fleet research.
The key here is to plan how you expand. If you've played risk it's a similar concept. Try and take planets that minimize the routes into your empire and concentrate your defenses there. Having planets at these nodes is better than having asteroids as they have more hit points and can support more defensive structures. I've seen a lot of people complain about this tactic that the computer uses, but I don't really have a problem with it as it's exactly what a human opponent would do and if they have enough scouts on auto explore then they generally have a pretty good idea where your forces are.
I know how the slots work, I just think its annoying. If someone were to be stupid enough to use all their slots for just defenses, they couldn't do research or other things. Arbitrarily dividing slots into two types just annoys me. Besides, in my experience, full defenses only delay the enemy, not stop them. They don't seem overpowered to me at all.
Again, it's an issue of how you lay out your empire and what defenses you chose. If you have most of your empire behind strategic points you'd be free to allocate defensive slots to the strategic points and logistics slots to the planets behind the front lines. And defenses really can be overwhelming if you use them right. I've taken out a fleet of 3 cap ships and dozens of frigates with 5 Advent hangers with upgraded squadrons and 4 stationary guns without losing more than half my orbital platforms.
1) Pirates are too strong
Then turn them off. If you must play with pirates build plenty of capital ships, as pirates serve as good fodder for leveling them up.
2) AI magically knows where you are not
It's not magic, they have ships scouting constantly. If you play multiplayer a smart human opponent will do the same.
3) Missions are impossible to win (fly across the map and kill 20 ships in 15 minutes for the loss)
I agree here, that's why I suggest sticking to 1v1 maps for a while since it makes this a non-issue.
4) slot system is unnecessarily complicated.
I guess we have to agree to disagree here, as I really don't think it's all that complicated and there are obvious reasons to me why they implemented it the way they did.
5 def stations and 2 hangers isn't near enough to leave a planet completely undefended. Focus on hangers instead of the def stations. 5 hangers worth of bombers can take down a cap ship pretty quickly after they enter your system, and have further reach than your orbital guns. Use the bombers to take out cap ships and planet assault frigates, and place stationary guns and a small fleet around the hangers to keep them in the fight long enough. Make sure to cluster your hangers and other structures together so that stationary guns are most effective. Once the cap ships and assault frigates are gone there's not much they can do. Sure you might lose a hanger or two, but they can't touch the planet.
so basically the only defenses worth anything are bombers. Ill keep that in mind

The key here is to plan how you expand. If you've played risk it's a similar concept. Try and take planets that minimize the routes into your empire and concentrate your defenses there. Having planets at these nodes is better than having asteroids as they have more hit points and can support more defensive structures. I've seen a lot of people complain about this tactic that the computer uses, but I don't really have a problem with it as it's exactly what a human opponent would do and if they have enough scouts on auto explore then they generally have a pretty good idea where your forces are.
Im not stupid, I understand the concept of choke point, but you have to work within the constraints of the map, you cant always choose your choke points or expansion paths. And yes they scout, and yes a human opponent would do the same if they had 100% intel all the time. I just dont buy it.

Again, it's an issue of how you lay out your empire and what defenses you chose. If you have most of your empire behind strategic points you'd be free to allocate defensive slots to the strategic points and logistics slots to the planets behind the front lines. And defenses really can be overwhelming if you use them right. I've taken out a fleet of 3 cap ships and dozens of frigates with 5 Advent hangers with upgraded squadrons and 4 stationary guns without losing more than half my orbital platforms.
I see your point here, only defense worth anything is bombers. I didn't know this.

Then turn them off
I did.

It's not magic, they have ships scouting constantly. If you play multiplayer a smart human opponent will do the same.
It is magic if its impossible for you to do anything about it. You can't stop the scouting (they are too fast and cant be killed), and while yes ive seen scouts, they never send enough to have 100% intel on me. I can have a big fleet in a system, leave and go on the offense, and before the AI can know ive left (no scouts) and right when I am too far away to get back in time, they show up. Its like clockwork. It would be no big deal if I could see their fleets, but I guess the only way to do that is constantly create a stream of scouts and put them on auto...woot, more micromanagement. The way the old MOO games handled it was much better, you had auto detection within a certain radius of your systems, you could see (within reason) where the enemy was and you had time to react if you saw a big fleet heading towards you. With this game, there is no time to react. Maybe my biggest issue is how long it takes to get anywhere.

I agree here, that's why I suggest sticking to 1v1 maps for a while since it makes this a non-issue.
Im going to wait for a patch or two first.

I guess we have to agree to disagree here, as I really don't think it's all that complicated and there are obvious reasons for why they implemented it the way they did.
bombers are NOT the only defense. I generally stack border worlds with 10-12 defense platforms and then 2-3 hangers. I have NEVER lost a planet to the AI (even hard AI). With that many platforms & hangers, no fleet can knock out a planet before I can send in one of my defense fleets.

Also on warnings, I don't know about the TEC, and Vasari, but the Advent have civilian research that allows them to see enemy movement two systems out. That should be plenty of time to align your forces...
bombers are NOT the only defense. I generally stack border worlds with 10-12 defense platforms and then 2-3 hangers. I have NEVER lost a planet to the AI (even hard AI). With that many platforms & hangers, no fleet can knock out a planet before I can send in one of my defense fleets.

Also on warnings, I don't know about the TEC, and Vasari, but the Advent have civilian research that allows them to see enemy movement two systems out. That should be plenty of time to align your forces...
I think it depends on the faction you choose. The Advent are definitely fighter/bomber centric. Hangers support 3 squadrons instead of the 2 that TEC and Vasari get and squadrons can be upgraded to contain two extra units per squadron. I use bombers to attack cap ships and planet assault ships and cluster 4-5 orbital guns around may hangers and civilian structures. The real benefit that I see for bombers though is that their range allows them to concentrate their fire on a single ship. With orbital guns there's always the chance the enemy will take a path that will put them out of range of many of your guns allowing them to pick off your guns one by one.
Pirates are fine thats a noobie opinion. They are a bit tough at first but they become easy realllly quick. Look at it as free cap ship experience or a merc ally. Keep pluggin you will get it.

I have now completed 3 games. Easy/Med/Hard computers. 2 with pirates 1 without.

TBH without It gets borring. The trick to pirates is to make sure you out bid your opponents. The cost of defending a pirate attack is usually more expensive then the money you need to bid. Generally you can expect to take some damages which tend to be greater then the cost of the bounty. Stay on top of this and its easy.

Pirates are great for keeping the AI busy for minimal cost. The game has its flaws but pirates are pretty minor. The biggest issue is the games scaling.On bigger maps it feels like blob warfare. A redesign making fleets seem more managable would help alot.

Multi solar systems is a nice idea but poorly executed. Its actually a rather bad game feature. Its better to play one large solar system then mltiple solar systems imo.

Defenses are silly. I would perfer defeneses not take fleet points. They arent worth the fleet points but are pretty usefull. Remove the fleet points and you can spam light defenses on back planets and use defenses to help defend reasonably.

I discovered Rebels lastnight. Talk about annoying. 3 cruisers appearing on backward planets to attack the planet. Annoying because I have my fleets in other solar systems and max cap. That feature is annoying with defenses taking fleet cap.
I would perfer defeneses not take fleet points.
They don't they use tactical slots.
I discovered Rebels lastnight. Talk about annoying. 3 cruisers appearing on backward planets to attack the planet. Annoying because I have my fleets in other solar systems and max cap.
You can combat rebels by building up your culture.
My lowest planet was like 45% allegance. I am Advent in that game. I have insane culture. 3 super weapons auto firing all over the galaxy. Maxed out tech tree.

Ill double check. Hangers cost 8 guns cost 1. Is that Tact points not Fleet. If that is the case my opinion changes a good bit. I was under the assumption it was bugged because i felt my fleet point went down when i built one but it didnt go up when i scuttled.
My lowest planet was like 45% allegance. I am Advent in that game. I have insane culture. 3 super weapons auto firing all over the galaxy. Maxed out tech tree.

Ill double check. Hangers cost 8 guns cost 1. Is that Tact points not Fleet. If that is the case my opinion changes a good bit. I was under the assumption it was bugged because i felt my fleet point went down when i built one but it didnt go up when i scuttled.
I may be wrong about the culture, but I was under the impression that's what it did. Hangers actually cost 7, and those are tactical points. That I'm certain of. Tactical points can be upgraded on a per-planet basis. Asteroids support up to 25, planets up to 40.
FYI, Ironclad has announced plans to have 1.03 out by the end of the month. They're taking suggestions for what fans want to see in it here.
Im not stupid, I understand the concept of choke point, but you have to work within the constraints of the map, you cant always choose your choke points or expansion paths.

I've yet to encounter a map where I haven't been able to maintain a relatively small number of choke points. This may be because I don't expand one planet at a time though. I'll scout out the planets so I know what's where and then plan my expansion to grab 2-4 planets at a time allowing me to maintain my choke points.

It is magic if its impossible for you to do anything about it. You can't stop the scouting (they are too fast and cant be killed)

As others have said, go bomber-heavy on defenses. I tend to like 10-12 squadrons at a planet. Position them right, and they'll be able to mob and kill a scout before it can fly through your choke point systems. If one does slip through... well... that's why you've got bombers in your rearward systems as well.

and while yes ive seen scouts, they never send enough to have 100% intel on me. I can have a big fleet in a system, leave and go on the offense, and before the AI can know ive left (no scouts) and right when I am too far away to get back in time, they show up.

I forget who it is, but one of the races' scouts can drop probes in systems as they fly through. One race can see into your system based on culture. There may be another "remote" viewing tech for the 3rd race, can't remember. Key is that it's not necessarily magic cheating AI. However, as I'm able to keep well-defended choke-points, I haven't really had the experience you have. (If I leave my chokepoint undefended it's because my fleet is going at the opponent and he's going to be too busy to try to counter-invade... and if he does... well, my fleet just turns around)

It would be no big deal if I could see their fleets, but I guess the only way to do that is constantly create a stream of scouts and put them on auto...

Or get the tech that lets you see fleet movement within 1 of your planets. (there's also a second tech that shows out to 2!)

Doesn't show you what's at the planet itself, but it shows you what's inbound.
Now... for other thoughts... ;)

Pirates... they're great!

I use them to level up capital ships. Get a solid fleet with lots of hangers full of bombers with a cap ship or two... and you might lose a frigate when they invade... and you get lots of xp for your cap ships. A level 8 or 9 cap ship is a *lot* stronger than a lvl 3-4 one. Then once you're ready for a serious offensive, bribe the pirates to go after your opponent, let them launch, wait a few minutes for your opponent to react to the pirate attack (2-3 minutes usually works good), then hit them somewhere else. Preferably somewhere that'll work as a good choke point. If your opponents fleet returns after dealing with the pirates it'll be drained of antimatter and easy pickings for your fleet.

Personally I'm not sure if the game's for me. Compared to MOO2 or Gal Civ, or other games in this genre, tech is pretty unimportant. Not to say that it's worthless, or you shouldn't get it. Just that very little of the tech is "important". 5% more damage from a weapon? While nice, it's not like going from lasers to mass drivers in MOO2... The tech system seems to be more an afterthought than anything else. I'm kind of wishing it'd been left out. The game seems to be more focused on strategic movement than anything, and the tech-tree as-is just seems to take away from that.

Mmm... I'm wanting to install MOO2 again now. Dangit XD
Ok do the system range planet bombardment guns just not work on pirate locations?

I have found that if the pirates are messing with you in a system you can early on take out the pirate base fairly easily.

In another game I did that for my system and basically ignored pirates because they couldn't attack because they have to warp into the pirate base location to attack me.

Now on my main computer I took over my solar system completely and went to another system. Got a couple planets and have rejected a couple of attacks from pirates. Have everything on my development tree fully upgraded.

Decided I would quash the pirates early. Went into the system with a nice fleet of 30 cruisers... Just to you know see... and got spanked by some 160+ cruisers, an near equal number of frigates of each pirate type. It was INSANE.

So later I have the long range cannon. I blast the pirate sector then head in with a larger fleet probably some 60 ships in all expecting easy disabled targets... but no.. not effected. Looks like I'll need to crush these pirates the hard way. Sigh... I think I'm going to move on to another system for now and hopefully nuke the pirates from there.
Let me just say that I hope to christ everybody in this thread has actually purchased the game, because the PC platform seriously needs more titles like this.

Ok do the system range planet bombardment guns just not work on pirate locations?

I have found that if the pirates are messing with you in a system you can early on take out the pirate base fairly easily.

In another game I did that for my system and basically ignored pirates because they couldn't attack because they have to warp into the pirate base location to attack me.

Now on my main computer I took over my solar system completely and went to another system. Got a couple planets and have rejected a couple of attacks from pirates. Have everything on my development tree fully upgraded.

Decided I would quash the pirates early. Went into the system with a nice fleet of 30 cruisers... Just to you know see... and got spanked by some 160+ cruisers, an near equal number of frigates of each pirate type. It was INSANE.

So later I have the long range cannon. I blast the pirate sector then head in with a larger fleet probably some 60 ships in all expecting easy disabled targets... but no.. not effected. Looks like I'll need to crush these pirates the hard way. Sigh... I think I'm going to move on to another system for now and hopefully nuke the pirates from there.

Unless I'm mistaken, the interplanetary cannons are intended for attacking planets/asteroids only, not ships. You can use the TEC Novalith Cannon to put a huge dent in an enemy planet before attacking, for example.
Unless I'm mistaken, the interplanetary cannons are intended for attacking planets/asteroids only, not ships. You can use the TEC Novalith Cannon to put a huge dent in an enemy planet before attacking, for example.

Hehe...I used 3 Novalith's to punish the pirates, then mopped up the fleet using 10 capital ships, mostly Kois, about 35 Kodiaks, and a smattering of support cruisers. All told I wiped out about 120 pirate ships while only losing 4 cruisers.
See my understanding was that that cannon is supposed to completely disable the enemy fleet in orbit around that planet. I was hoping for an easy win. ;)

Aparrently I need to amass my forces first. Again I am thinking of taking out the other four solar systems first... You know.. for giggles.
Let me just say that I hope to christ everybody in this thread has actually purchased the game, because the PC platform seriously needs more titles like this.


well this is where Stardock aproach to DRM is perfect.
Release the game with noDRM and well ppl will d/l it (since their philosophy is all DRM will be cracked) BUT you only get patches and bonus material if you register a CDkey

great method

if only this game was a bit better in WINE, atm the txt gets corrupted/not shown but runs REALLY well)
so is this game like Rebellion/Empire at war mixed with Rome Total War campaign mechanics?
I've been playing a game I made for about 20 hours and it's nowhere near finished. The game is simply very very very slow, you really are playing out a war and not a battle. This is an intergalactic war to conquer another race's system and eventually their homeworld. This is the sort of thing that usually takes like 300 years in science fiction :)

That said, the mechanics are messed up and broken. Planets should have more defense, all you need to do is planet hop with a fleet and you can pretty much take whatever you want out by hitting and retreating. The computer likes to be cheap because the seige ships are unbalanced. You need only a fleet of them jumping in, sailing past defense (turrets, hangers are useless) and bombing a planet and running. The computer does this all the time. Siege ships should only be allowed to come in once the normal forces have destroyed the defenses, right now, they can just do whatever the hell they want. A blob of them can come in, bomb a planet, and be out before you can even muster your fleet to that planet.
I've been playing a game I made for about 20 hours and it's nowhere near finished. The game is simply very very very slow, you really are playing out a war and not a battle. This is an intergalactic war to conquer another race's system and eventually their homeworld. This is the sort of thing that usually takes like 300 years in science fiction :)

That said, the mechanics are messed up and broken. Planets should have more defense, all you need to do is planet hop with a fleet and you can pretty much take whatever you want out by hitting and retreating. The computer likes to be cheap because the seige ships are unbalanced. You need only a fleet of them jumping in, sailing past defense (turrets, hangers are useless) and bombing a planet and running. The computer does this all the time. Siege ships should only be allowed to come in once the normal forces have destroyed the defenses, right now, they can just do whatever the hell they want. A blob of them can come in, bomb a planet, and be out before you can even muster your fleet to that planet.
Try updating to the latest patch. Siege units were nerfed last week. Also, a good complement of hangers (you should have at least 4 on key planets) should have no problem taking out a siege unit rush. Try using fighters instead of bombers as they get a bonus against the siege unit's light armor.
See my understanding was that that cannon is supposed to completely disable the enemy fleet in orbit around that planet. I was hoping for an easy win. ;)

Aparrently I need to amass my forces first. Again I am thinking of taking out the other four solar systems first... You know.. for giggles.

It depends on the race, TEC have a planet buster...a couple of shots with that and the pirates homeworld is dead and no more raiding. One of the races has a EMP like disabling effect on all ships in the well, but it's temporary. I don't know what the third one does.
so is this game like Rebellion/Empire at war mixed with Rome Total War campaign mechanics?

It's all real time, so it's not really like total war at all except the lines between planets can make the management more like the earlier total war games, Shogun/Medieval..but in real time.
so basically the only defenses worth anything are bombers. Ill keep that in mind

no no no, bombers aren't the only good defense, Fighters are very worth it.

Fighters are good at taking down small frigates/LRM ships and such. Whereas bombers are better at bigger cruisers/cap ships and such. They each have an advantage, that is why you shouldn't load up solely on one or the other.
no no no, bombers aren't the only good defense, Fighters are very worth it.

Fighters are good at taking down small frigates/LRM ships and such. Whereas bombers are better at bigger cruisers/cap ships and such. They each have an advantage, that is why you shouldn't load up solely on one or the other.

What exactly is the difference between fighters and bombers? I never know which to choose, the description says that fighers are good against fighters so I never built them, I didn't know they attacked frigates well. I guess I'll read the manual (I haven't done that in 15 years!!!)
no no no, bombers aren't the only good defense, Fighters are very worth it.

Fighters are good at taking down small frigates/LRM ships and such. Whereas bombers are better at bigger cruisers/cap ships and such. They each have an advantage, that is why you shouldn't load up solely on one or the other.
True, but while bombers suffer a penalty on ships like light frigates, they're still relatively effective whereas fighters are all but worthless against capital ships and other heavy ships, which generally pose a bigger threat as well. To me, this makes bombers the better choice unless you know for certain that your opponent is going to be spamming you with light frigates and the like.
I personally 2 bombers for ever 1 fighter. I've found that the AI will turn tail when all of its capital ships have been destroyed. Coupled with the phase disruptor, the destruction of their capital ships is usually accompanied with the loss of 1/3 to 1/2 of their fleet remaining when they retreat. Not sure if the same goes for the higher difficulty, but it does on Easy and Normal AI.
I was personally a bit worried that I was going to be let down by this, but I toughed out the boredom stretch last night and suddenly it became a ton of fun. :D

Anyone know any good sources for tips and advice, I've already picked up quite a bit here with the bombers thing, now with fighters being better against frigates... I wish I'd known that last night... oh well. :D