Size fan on stock 3200+?


Nov 25, 2005
I bought a 80mm fan today thinking it would fit the stock HS on my AMD64 3200+ but the screws have been screwed on like there's no tomorrow :D Anyway, the fan looks like it won't fit and need to get a new HSF because I don't like high temps. So will this fan fit, doesn't look like it will.
its a 70mm fan, need to get a 70 to 80 adapter, or get a new hs/f, i say get a new hsf

if you were to id get the arctic cooling freezer 64 pro, cheap, nice and cool, and it will work with am2
I was thinking about getting the XP-90 but whatevers cheaper because I need more money :D
freezer 64 pro will be nice and will work with the m2, and its easy to install, no taking out the mobo, witch i hate doing, adn it comes with kickass therm,al paste installed, almost as good as as5 (dont kill me guys). I have on sitting in front of me, got it at newegg for 25, or svc you can get one for 30. Its a nice cooler for the money, kicks the shit outta my zalman 7000, adn the xp90c, that thing is like having a rock hanging from your mobo
I'll look at buying that one and hope it's below $70 (I live in NZ not US). I'll install the fan in the back of the case since the front stock one is bolted down!! I'm still wondering if the stock case fan is noisy too or if it's the CPU and HDD? Also, does the artic HSF make noise? Because after having noisy comps i'm completly fed up with sound!!!!
it does, like all hs/fs, it is not really loud, but not silent, a lil quieter than the amd fan,

actually, it is pretty quiet, my 7800gt fan noise floods it out, adn it says quiet on the box
I'm not going to OC excessivly but just enough to get my comneys worth so i'll just put this Vantrc Stealth 80mm fan on it :) The temps will run small enough and i'll see how loud it really is.

EDIT: What's the best/bang $ HS that will run cool even with a stealth fan?
Hawk said:
I'm not going to OC excessivly but just enough to get my comneys worth so i'll just put this Vantrc Stealth 80mm fan on it :) The temps will run small enough and i'll see how loud it really is.

EDIT: What's the best/bang $ HS that will run cool even with a stealth fan?

best bang/buck is by far the stock x2 4200 (and up I think) cooler, the one with the heatpipes.

I got mine on ebay for $16 shipped, and in most reviews it stays within 1c in all tests to other great aftermarket ones.
Hawk said:
I bought a 80mm fan today thinking it would fit the stock HS on my AMD64 3200+ but the screws have been screwed on like there's no tomorrow :D Anyway, the fan looks like it won't fit and need to get a new HSF because I don't like high temps. So will this fan fit, doesn't look like it will.

LOL, at least i'm not the only one doing the same mistake when I bought a Panaflo 80mm to put on my stock HS :eek: At least, the fan got a better use instead in the case so nothing lost.
lol, I knew I was going to get a new HSF but now i've lost the screws for the fan or the fan didn't come with any and none of the case ones will work!