Size of overhead compartment on MD-80? (traveling with PC to college)


Limp Gawd
Apr 23, 2003
I've decided to take my case as a carry-on luggage when moving to college. It fits the total weight and size requirements for American Airlines's carry-on policy... but I want to make sure it'll fit in the overhead compartment.

I just found out that our flight will be on an MD-80, which is a smaller plane. Hmm anyone know the size of their overhead compartments? And yes, I spent 30 minutes googling for the answer, can't find anything.

Or anyone have any experience with traveling with computers?
If there is a computer in the case, i doubt they'll let you take it on as carry-on...all that electronics and stuff could be a bomb
MD80? really isnt small, smaller in width than a MD10 yes, but not really small. i definatly wouldnt reccomend putting it in the cargo bay, nor would i carry it on and put it under my seat. i seriously doubt if it is a mid- to full-size tower youll be able to stow it in overhead. but you could prop it up in front of you next to your legs. makes for an uncomfotable trip tho. how far do you have to go? 2.5 hr flight... maybe. 3+ hr flight, i would wrap it in bubble wrap and tape and toss it in cargo.

lol, couldnt you have gotten a trip on a 747-400? that would be comfy :p :D ;)
Retro Rex said:
If there is a computer in the case, i doubt they'll let you take it on as carry-on...all that electronics and stuff could be a bomb

For a bomb you need organic material.

For example the X-Ray machines are designed to display 3 colors. One color for inorganic materials such as clothing and plastic. Another for metal like aluminum and steel. Another for organic compounds - food, fertilizer, a aerosol can, etc... If they scan it it'll just be all metal.

Plus I'm sure if they do get stupid and suspect anything, they'll either ask me to power it on or call for some dogs to sniff it. But why would they think a desktop comp is a bomb? I dould make one out of a laptop, or just put all the parts in a regular duffel bag. LoL, if you have a bomb the last thing you'll do is make it so conspicuous.

I e-mailed both the local airport, the TSA, and American Airlines.

Got a reply back from AA and Homeland Security saying nothing wrong with it:

Each carry-on must fit under a seat or in an overhead bin. If your computer
can fit in one of our overhead bins, or underneath the seat in front of you, you may
carry it onboard.

However, If your computer exceeds the 45 inches, or it will fit in the space provided
you will be asked to check it. All carry-on items must be properly stowed -- this is
a Federal Aviation Administration regulation. Also, please know that we do not accept
liability for damage to electronic items in checked or carry on baggage.

- American Airlines dude

You question has been forwarded to me by San Jose Airport Customer
Service as it falls within my area of expertise and responsibility.
There are a number of things you should consider in making your
decision. They are as follows:

1. There is no restriction on taking desktop computer equipment as
carry-on baggage.

- some woman from Department of Homeland Security

So, my only concern now is if it will fit under the seat or in an overhead compartment, on an MD-80? And what happens if it doesn't?
Grr... I'm trying to remember if the last time I flew in a MD80, if I put the stroller wheel bag with the wheels end in first, or side end first. if I put it in wheels end first, with handle facing out, the case should definitely fit. Because the bag is 2 inches taller than the case/

Anyone else remember which way they put their bags last time they were on an MD80?
they compartments are pretty big, but if it doesn't fit it goes in carry on, you're probably better fed-exing to to your self, safer too as you can put lots of insurance on it.
yeah just fed ex it with insurance. plane rides are bumpy and not HD friendly. not too mention if all of the overheads get filled up with other peoples shit, yes, it does happen.
Steel Chicken said:
yeah just fed ex it with insurance. plane rides are bumpy and not HD friendly. not too mention if all of the overheads get filled up with other peoples shit, yes, it does happen.

You think FedEx or UPS are HD friendly? Highly doubt it. Especially with a whole computer.

Call the airlines and check with them to see if it is possible to take it as a carry on.
Paragon said:
You think FedEx or UPS are HD friendly? Highly doubt it. Especially with a whole computer.

Call the airlines and check with them to see if it is possible to take it as a carry on.

at least you can properly pack your PC, with lots of foam and other goodies. a plain old PC case bouncin around in some planes compartment will be much worse off. at least take the hardrives out and stick em in a backpack, wrapped up in something

I always keep the original boxes my PC cases come in...with the foam and evertyhing just in case
Steel Chicken said:
at least you can properly pack your PC, with lots of foam and other goodies. a plain old PC case bouncin around in some planes compartment will be much worse off. at least take the hardrives out and stick em in a backpack, wrapped up in something

I always keep the original boxes my PC cases come in...with the foam and evertyhing just in case

Well, I would hope he wouln't take it as is. Take the heatsink off.. put it in something. Even on a plane I would still pack it.
Paragon said:
You think FedEx or UPS are HD friendly? Highly doubt it. Especially with a whole computer.

Call the airlines and check with them to see if it is possible to take it as a carry on.

THey call baggage handlers Throwers for a reason. At least with fed ex you can insure your item.
eh, if all else fails, take all the shock-prone stuff like hdd's, HSF's, and any other heavy items off, toss them in somthing they'll be comfy in and put it all in your backpack, pockets, socks, etc... then find out if the space will allow you to stow it after you get on the aircraft. if not, go to the flight attendent and say "Ma'am/Sir, i need to put this in the luggage hold because it will not fit in the overhead compartment." if the plane has a ramp to the entrance, youll be ok to ask that, but if the aircraft has one of those extendo-thingie-walkways, you might be SOL.
..but y'know, i would call and give the exact dimensions to the airline and ask if that will stow in th overhead compartment of an MD-80. if not, secure it and FedEx it...
yes, you can carry it as a carry on. I recently carried an SGI Octane through security with no problems.

Check out AA's website, they should have dimensions for acceptable carryons. People often exceed those dimensions, but if you are within them, it will fit in the overhead. ideally stuff your case in a small suitcase to protect it from bumps/scratches.
If you really do plan to take it on the plane make sure you get in line to board early. Peaople take the largest bags into the airplane, and they quickly fillup all the overhead compartments. On top of that problem you have the aiplane stewards who comealong early and close all the compartments before they are full.

I second the suggestion to Fedex it. Insure it & pack it well. Take the heatsink off and put it in a separate box inside of the other box. You can take the harddrive on the plane. The X-rays wont mess anything up.
What number do I exactly call? I've called AA several times, and e-mailed them.

First e-mail he replied saying there is no rule against desktop computers, and proceeded to copy paste the same useless baggage info on the website, and if it fits in the overhead space I can take it (gj fucking idiot for not telling me for sure if it will, even though I gave you the damn dimensions).

But stupid AA's customer service has a guy reply from a non-replyable e-mail. So I gotta go back to AA's website, fill out the form again, and ask. Wait a week, no reply. Send another e-mail on Sunday, still no reply yet. Worst customer service ever

When I call them same deal. People who answer are all black women, sound like minimum wage monkeys, probably in some corporate office. Searched and searched, can't find a single number for the American Airlines office at San Jose International Airport. Trying to navigate through their site makes my head hurt...

Hoping to get some input from people who recently attended QuakeCon or the CPL or are also moving to college?
Just Fed EX the thing, its alot simpler then dealing with airlines and lugging that computer around only to find out overhead is full and it must be checked. If you get stuck checking it, its going to be BROKEN and you'll be SOL.