SK8N - When Magic Smoke Escapes!


Limp Gawd
Jun 10, 2004
The words "Wake up! There's an electrical smell in the house!" is something that'll wake you right up! Those are the words I woke up to yesterday and immediately booked it to the room that has my A64 based systems. My first A64 build of 1.4 years apparently wanted death by fire. :\ This was my primary gaming system consisting of an Asus SK8N, FX-51 w/ XP-90 & Panaflo M1, 2 Corsair TwinX-1024 LL kits, 2 80GB Sata Seagates, Audigy 2, a BBA ATI X800XT PE (that was JUST replaced by ATI), Intel Pro/1000 MT NIC and powered by a PC P&C 510W supply. I'm not about to be swapping out hardware to test things at this time so I'll have to wait until I'm gainfully employed to see if anything else was fried.

Here's the front side of the SK8N down near the headers for SATA, firewire, IDE and floppy. If the images are too large, let me know and I'll size them down.


Back side...


This isn't the first time this room has been graced with the wonderful smell of fried electronics. :p Anyone around long enough to know of the Amiga and Video Toaster... I had a Video Toaster live up to part of it's name.

There's NOTHING like the smell of burning electronics... *cough*
Significant part "this room" yes?

Fortune smiles though - Asus mobos have a 3 year warranty. Good luck to you, hopefully nothing else was fried.
Wow, did you find it on fire or was it just smoking. Good ol' asus warranty too :)
let us all hope that the sould of your mobo finds its way to heaven. but if some of your parts are toast because of your mobo then may it find itself in hell. I've had that happen to me with an athlon xp and a lanparty kt400a. There is a feeling of sheer terror that follows once one confirm that the smell is actually coming from the case. Then another feeling of terror once you think you smell the same thing on some of your other components :mad:
By the time I got to it, the power LED was still on but the Nexus 201 fan controller was not lit nor were any of the case fans spinning. Whatever it was blew itself out thankfully. There's an air cleaner in the room that was working overtime to take care of the smoke.

I do have e-mail out to Asus in regards to the three year warranty. I was very pleased to see that tidbit.

This almost makes me wonder about leaving the systems on 24/7 though. :)
I have an asus p4c800-e deluxe that looks alot like that one. We were using it to edit video at our churches summer camp. My friend, plugged it into the 220v outlet on the generator instead of the 110. Results were not good.;) Everything else still works.