Sketchy Diggid...


Oct 10, 2005
I sold Diggid (2) 512 stix of hyperx about a month ago.. he contacted me several times unhappy with his overclock results. I told him results vary and I never mentioned any thing regarding oc'ing when they were sold to him. He contacted me recently to tell me that I had tricked him and put value ram underneath the hyperx spreaders. I told him that he was crazy and to send me proof. I got an email from him with teh rma info from kingston (bad move for him) I called them up and they tell me that number 1 they accidentally returned value ram to him and number 2 they already had spoke with him and were picking up the mishipped ram and sending him back his (my) original ram....Never did they tell him value ram was under the heatspreaders at any time according to the tech and the notes on the RMA. He doesnt post really and he did the transaction in pms, not a huge deal but something to look out for. He was trying to get me to shave bux off the already low cost by using kingstons shipping mistake against me.

Thank You Kingston Tech support for Giving me the Info.. :)
I bought 2x512mb Kingston DDR500 from RiZno for $85. He has no heat or reference and did not post its own FS thread. I PMed him after reading from another FS thread. I sent him the money anyway. He sent me the RAM. Everything is OK. I went to check the performance of the RAM and could not get it pass 215 mhz without crashing. My OEM HP RAM with Hynix chips were stable at 220mhz with the same BIOS settings. So I write him back about what's up with his RAM and he said he has had his RAM at 250 mhz for three months and that it must have been me. Granted I am no OCing genius and I don't really want to get the RAM to 250mhz, I just wanted this supposed performance RAM to do the same as my HP RAM. I was just curious as to what kind of RAM I did received so I sent to Kingston for RMA. They sent me back ValueRam. I was a little disappointed and let RiZno know about it and that he should CONSIDER refunding me some of the money for the promised performance RAM. RiZno said he did not believe me and requested some proofs and he requested that instead of PMs on this forum I should contact him by his email which I did. I sent him all of the RMA info’s including shipping documentation and the receipt of the ValueRAMas as he has requested. I did not hear from RiZno for a few days after that. I then call up Kingston to see what the discrepancy was and after several call transfers and about 20 mins of waiting the guy at Kingston said that there was a mix-up and he was sending me the HyperX RAM. Thank goodness for Kingston indeed. It’s good to know that after some work and persistence they are sending me the HyperX RAM. This is my story. So what is the truth? Did RiZno knowingly sold me some bad RAM? What exactly is the RAM under the spreaders? Was Kingston being nice to me? I don’t really know? At any rate, I am willing to let this matter rest because I have spent enough time on it already. So thanks RiZno for selling me the RAM and thank you Kingston for being great company.

RiZnO said:
I sold Diggid (2) 512 stix of hyperx about a month ago.. he contacted me several times unhappy with his overclock results. I told him results vary and I never mentioned any thing regarding oc'ing when they were sold to him. He contacted me recently to tell me that I had tricked him and put value ram underneath the hyperx spreaders. I told him that he was crazy and to send me proof. I got an email from him with teh rma info from kingston (bad move for him) I called them up and they tell me that number 1 they accidentally returned value ram to him and number 2 they already had spoke with him and were picking up the mishipped ram and sending him back his (my) original ram....Never did they tell him value ram was under the heatspreaders at any time according to the tech and the notes on the RMA. He doesnt post really and he did the transaction in pms, not a huge deal but something to look out for. He was trying to get me to shave bux off the already low cost by using kingstons shipping mistake against me.

Thank You Kingston Tech support for Giving me the Info.. :)
My hyperX was fast at stock settings but wouldnt overclock much at all (about 215) so it sounds like pretty typical speed for HyperX to me.(this was in about 3 different machines).
Fast, tight timings but not good for running beyond its rated speed. Overclocking is a black art and nothing is ever guaranteed.
i helped rizno pick out the ram (hyper-x) he didnt want great ocing ability but he wanted strong performance, kingstoon hyper isnt known for its great ocing ability neways from wut i know and heard. It is however a solid piece of hardware. tradein is not a gurantee of what you will get everything is different, piece a with piece maybe not go with his piece c. so on and so forth
LOL All I know is you requested a "lil money" back. I requested you show me some proof of RMA(how crazy of me) to get the RMA number so I can call them myself. The Same exact day I got the email from you I called them. They told me they spoke with you the DAY B4 that. And had already explained to you what happened. You told me specifically that they told you someone put value ram under the heatspreaders. Thats much different then you gettn value ram back from them without explaination lol... Man I shipped this perfectly using UPS and you got it ASAP! then you try to pull a fast one to score a couple bux back lol ... BTW what did they say about the ram, cuz when I asked over the phone they said they tested fine at rated speed??

I sent my HyperX RAM I bought from you to Kingston for RMA, and they say that the RAM inside was Value RAM. Somebody switched the heat spreaders onto some Value RAM. If you said you bought these retail then someone must have switched them. This is totally uncool. You should consider refunding me some from the 85 dollars I paid you for the promised HyperX RAM. Thanks."