Skinput Turns Your Body Into A Touchscreen Interface


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Microsoft and Carnagie-Mellon University have combined forces to create 'Skinput' This may be innovative technology, but please don't applaud it yet, you may cause your computer to have a nuclear meltdown.

Tapping on different parts of your arm creates different kinds of vibrations depending on the amount and shape of bones, tendons and muscle in that specific area. Skinput sensors can track those vibrations using an armband and discern where the user tapped.
"Accuracy is already good, in the high 90s percent accuracy for finger input," said project team member Chris Harrison, from Carnegie Mellon's Human-Computer Interaction Institute.
Hmmm. I wonder what would happen if I taught it to play the flute. The skin flute that is. :D
This almost sounds like the beginnings of a new type of haptics control ala Mass Effect.
I hope this will be a widespread input method.
Imagine: you're the IT tech and you have to help one of the bright blonde bombshells at your company and she uses this instead of a mouse. So if you want to do something on her pc then you'd have to keep tapping her. :D

Although, if she doesn't like you, then you may need a lawyer afterwards. :D

The second alternative is that you keep nagging the good looking IT tech girl (YES they DO EXIST) for every litlle problem, so she has to keep tapping you all day. :D
yes, it has "joystick" implications... i was wondering about strapping on on your leg and stomping your feet in various ways... or one around your waist ad beating your chest... this along with natal might be interesting, but i think they need to make it light and wireless first and foremost
It would be pretty neat to win a dance contest and write a thesis at the same time :p
shit, if you could dance and write a thesis at the same time, you'd end up Ph. D, Emeritus