Skipping DVD's Need a buffer


Mar 15, 2005
I am renting DVD's from NETFLIX and I'm so damn sick of getting DVD's with tons of scratches because people are lame. Is there a dvd player or way of setting Windows Media Player/Powerdvd/Zoomplayer to have a 1minute buffer?
I use NetFlix as well and haven't seen issues with discs or skipping.... Are you sure your PC is running smoothly enough to play the DVD's without issue?
I just started with Netflix and already had a problem with one dvd.

After a few tries it got over the "hump", so to say.
I use Blockbuster Online, but I'm sure any "Internet rental" program suffers from the "it's not mine so why take care of it" syndrome of renters.

So far, I have not found a way to fix the problem when we get a disk that is too scratched up to read. On a rare occasion I can watch them utilizing other methods than playing the disk directly from the DVD drive ;) However, most times I have to fill out a complaint and send the disk back.
farscapesg1, nice name. :)

In Windows, it will try to drop drive speed to correct a read error, however it will not bring the speed back up automatically.

google UDMA vs PIO, this may be your problem.

I've been through the same with rental DVD's.