Skyrim Modding Megathread

I have copies of both his older and newer version. I now prefer the Armored Nightingale as I can see the details better and got bored of Prime.

Is that this?

It looks great.

And, AFAIK, the guy removed Prime, not Nexus. I think it was because other people were uploading his mod on other sites and he stated not to do that. There is a whole Nexus thread on the cause if you want to read about it.

Aww that sucks. I'd be mad if I were him, too, but he did nice work and I hope he comes back. Thanks for the info.

This looks like another good retexture:
nightingale Phoenix:


No, it's the other one named Armored Nightingale as I play as a mage so I need something that retextures Nightingale rather than create a whole new armor. With retextures, the Nightingale is counted as robes due to the mage crafting mod so there is no penalty.

Anyways, I'm now using Phoenix and love it.
Is there a mod that removes the kill move slowdown and has all kill moves shown only in first person?
Is there a mod that removes the kill move slowdown and has all kill moves shown only in first person?

I looked, but did not find anything.

I did however find:

No Kill Moves:


Kill moves only for Player:

So thanks! (I can't stand getting kill-moved, as I would have had enough time to block the fucker, but nope--there's an animation that's forcing me to stand there like an idiot not blocking)
Someone asked for the loading screens of the game so I'll post this here too. I have been taking screens of every different screen I come across since 11-11-11, so I have a bunch. Here's the first batch. 87 different images, all untouched. They are 1920x1080 each, as that's the resolution I play at. Lots more coming soon, this is just the first set. Hopefully some of you can make use out of these:
Someone asked for the loading screens of the game so I'll post this here too. I have been taking screens of every different screen I come across since 11-11-11, so I have a bunch. Here's the first batch. 87 different images, all untouched. They are 1920x1080 each, as that's the resolution I play at. Lots more coming soon, this is just the first set. Hopefully some of you can make use out of these:

Cool, thanks ;) I'll be sure to make use of them. :)
I looked, but did not find anything.

I did however find:

No Kill Moves:


Kill moves only for Player:

So thanks! (I can't stand getting kill-moved, as I would have had enough time to block the fucker, but nope--there's an animation that's forcing me to stand there like an idiot not blocking)

Thanks for looking. Hopefully this is doable when the CK is released.

Does anyone have comparison shots of Skyrim HD 2K's Full vs Lite versions?
I have basically stuck with a basic InjectFX mod that sharpens details and also adds some more color with the Tonemap function. I tried a few of the fancier ones, and some of the ENB ones and just didn't like them. Either the game was too bright in the day, too dark at night, or made the image look like someone smeared vaseline all over the screen.
Thanks for looking. Hopefully this is doable when the CK is released.

Does anyone have comparison shots of Skyrim HD 2K's Full vs Lite versions?

I was thinking of installing the Lite version too but didn't find any comparison shots of it yet.
I looked, but did not find anything.

I did however find:

No Kill Moves:


Kill moves only for Player:

So thanks! (I can't stand getting kill-moved, as I would have had enough time to block the fucker, but nope--there's an animation that's forcing me to stand there like an idiot not blocking)

I remember once I was attacking a dragon and couldn't find out why his HP wasn't going down. A guard was riding his head :(

I do like watching your companions do kill shots on normal NPC's though.
Thanks for looking. Hopefully this is doable when the CK is released.

Does anyone have comparison shots of Skyrim HD 2K's Full vs Lite versions?

I had used both and even with Skyboost helping out with the game's otherwise horrible CPU management I felt it was law of diminishing returns so Lite was "close enough" without the performance hit.

I have an Intel qx9650 OC'd to 3.5, 8 gigs of PC8500 ram, and an EVGA GTX 480SC and I had to use Lite to get it to run well if that tells you anything.

In theory, I should be able to run the full but with these games the usual rule book can get thrown out the window. I should also be able to run AA at 8 and shadows on Ultra but I can't do that, either.

As good as some of these modders are, they still aren't professionals and sometimes that shows, too, with less than ideal optimization.

I personally didn't see an appreciable visual quality difference between Lite and Full to justify the performance hit I was taking. YMMV.
What about the texture pack from STARAC on the Bethsoft forums? How does it compare to 2k HD?

It keeps coming up enough that I'm getting ready to try it. He's well known and thought of for his work on STALKER which is enough of an endorsement for me.

Well you just convinced me to download the Lite pack. :D

With the hardware in your sig, that's the right choice.

I'm convinced that people have to have really high end GPUs AND CPUs to run anything but Lites.
What about the texture pack from STARAC on the Bethsoft forums? How does it compare to 2k HD?

I put that one in yesterday, after debating between it and 2k HD.

If you want something that simply upgrades the graphics, but doesn't change Bethesda's visual aesthetic, then this is it.

He also put up a few options yesterday - his original pack removes a lot of extraneous leaves (which I actually like), but you have optional packs from him to keep the leaves. This is for both the heavy and lite versions.

Anyway, I'm pleased with it and can move on now from being distracted by the graphics to becoming more immersed.

FWIW, if you search for "Improved New Skyrim Shadows for Medium-Range PC" at Nexus, and use the medium values, it really helps the shadows in the game with a few additional performance tweaks. The performance tweaks are at the bottom of that page.
You will want to lower "iBlurDeferredShadowMask" from 20 to about 10.
With the hardware in my sig, i also made the decision to use the "lite" versions of all texture mods. I think it was the SkyrimHD that i tried going to "Ultra" quality, but i quickly saw horrendous load times and some stuttering. So i rolled everything back to the low-end and haven't looked back.

Regarding STARAC's pack vs SKyrim HD, I can't wait to try it--i plan to tonight.

This picture along is so much better than the counterpart in Skyrim HD: ...why, that looks like grass thar!
Here are two comparisons of Full vs Lite. I tried various areas but these were the only two I saw any difference.

Conclusion: Close to no difference in appearance between the versions yet the Lite version uses textures that are about 1/3-1/4 in size. Even though I use a few landscape textures (Yuril's ice, Vurt's flora, AOF's mountains, etc.) besides Skyrim HD, my landscape folder still went from 802MB to 340MB.




Lite (this shot is sharper than the Full version for some reason):
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Are there any known item physics mods to prevent placeable items from being kicked and fly everywhere?
He was confusing your "kicked and fly everywhere" statement with the "poltergeist effect" that sometimes happens at high framerates (you'll enter a room and EVERYTHING will fly around like it's possessed by a ghost). Limiting the framerate remedies that problem.

What you're asking for is to "disable physics after placing it" (like morrowind) which I don't know of a way of doing.
Here are two comparisons of Full vs Lite. I tried various areas but these were the only two I saw any difference.

Conclusion: Close to no difference in appearance between the versions yet the Lite version uses textures that are about 1/3-1/4 in size. Even though I use a few landscape textures (Yuril's ice, Vurt's flora, AOF's mountains, etc.) besides Skyrim HD, my landscape folder still went from 802MB to 340MB.

Nice shots. Hardly any noticeable difference there, IMO, and while playing I doubt you'd ever actually see a difference.
Switched from FXAA Injector to ConfidentENB. There's a drastic performance hit but look at the difference!




What's the best way to get SKSE, SkyBoost R3, & ENB to work together? I can only get SKSE to work with SkyBoost. When I try to add in the modified d3d9.dll from ENB, it will CTD immediately. Unsure if anyone has mentioned a fix for this.
Switched from FXAA Injector to ConfidentENB. There's a drastic performance hit but look at the difference!

ENB looks great in certain circumstances but I have yet to find a preset that doesn't have quite a few flaws. Maybe Gionight's .099 but it looks like he will be holding on to that. Of course, ENB is still in its early stages so it should be exciting to see how things progress as new ENB versions are released.

Examples of what I consider flaws. This is with Confident's presets with no AO as my poor GTX 470 suffers enough and ENB AO brings along its own problems (transparent water, for instance):

ENB - Leaves/grass stick out like a sore thumb and textures are washed out:


ENB - Large loss of detail in textures and distant trees look weird:


ENB - More weird looking trees that sometimes stop swaying (I wonder if they stop due to overloading my GTX 470? With ENB turned off, they sway fine):


ENB - Self explanatory:


ENB - "Radioactive" water and waterfall. I think this is a problem with .102 rather than presets but I only state that because it seems to be in every preset I try:


ENB - More radioactive water:


ENB - Causes my beautiful nebula to go red and mountain fog tends to stand out a bit much. Both are fairly minor annoyances:

CrimsonKnight13: SKSE, SkyBoost, and ENB all work fine for me. Are you running Afterburner or some other program incompatible with ENB?
CrimsonKnight13: SKSE, SkyBoost, and ENB all work fine for me. Are you running Afterburner or some other program incompatible with ENB?

Well, before I started using SkyBoost & SKSE, I used ENB. It worked great but after that, it never worked with SKSE. Right now ENB is disabled but I'm wondering if it has something to do with the FPS measuring from the EVGA Precision Tool.

Edit: It was the FPS counter from the Precision tool. Now ENB works.

One other issue though. All books look blank to me & I can't read any of them. Any fixes for this?

Edit 2: figured out it was one of the mods I had, disabling & re-enabling it helped bring book text back. :)
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What? How would that make items not move when you come into contact with them? :confused:

As people already mentioned, Skyrim's physics engine goes bonkers if your frames per second skyrocket. Since your FPS is usually the highest indoors, this is where it most commonly happens, this is why Bethesda "hardcapped" the FPS limit at 60 with a forced Vsync and no option to turn it off short of editing .ini files.

I too loved having Vsync off to rid myself of that awful sluggish feeling, but was not at all happy with the way the game behaved so I did some reading around and there are programs out there that can cap the games FPS without having to turn Vsync on. Most involve replacing the d3d9.dll file and this was unacceptable since I use the FXAA Injector. So I did a bit more searching and it turns out there is a video capture program (virtually identical to FRAPS) called Dxtory that can limit the FPS to any program you run. It works beautifully.
Switched from FXAA Injector to ConfidentENB. There's a drastic performance hit but look at the difference!



Honestly, based on those images, I prefer vanilla.

People release these mods as if brighter and more contrast is better, but personally I think Bethesda designed it the way it is intentionally and not because of some technical limitation, and I prefer it for the most part, looks less cartoonish and more gritty. Reminds me of the LOTR movies, and I think that's what they were going for, especially the way much of Skyrim looks like a more mountainous Rohan.
Honestly, based on those images, I prefer vanilla.

I've honestly preferred vanilla with texture mods over anything else I've seen or used myself and that includes ENB, with all due respect to its author.

I think some people just prefer a more cartoony like Oblivion was and that seems to be where a lot of these ENB setting lean towards and more power to 'em but I much prefer Skyrim's look over Oblivion's cartoony look any day of the week.

Performance hit wasn't worth it, either, on my end.

People release these mods as if brighter and more contrast is better, but personally I think Bethesda designed it the way it is intentionally and not because of some technical limitation, and I prefer it for the most part, looks less cartoonish and more gritty. Reminds me of the LOTR movies, and I think that's what they were going for, especially the way much of Skyrim looks like a more mountainous Rohan.

Exactly, but for those folks that want it I'm glad the choices are there for them.
Exactly, but for those folks that want it I'm glad the choices are there for them.

Yeah no doubt, its a shame they have to live with such huge performance hits to make the game look that way though.
I am using a simple version of InjectFXAA that increases sharpness and adds a bit more color and contrast with the tonemap function. I tried various tweaked versions of ENB and the more elaborate injectFXAA mods and didn't like them. As others have alluded to, for one thing that it made look good, there was something else that looked bad as a result of it.

as of last night i completely disabled killmoves, and am loving it so much more than i thought. Haven't missed the killmoves at all (especially since i use 2-handed maces and the animations were recycled from swords... nothing like a *SHING* sound coming from my mace as it makes the animation of my blade getting stuck in their skull rofl).

Now i can get off clutch heals and blocks without being jipped by the computer one-shotting me!