Skyrim: PS3 vs Xbox 360?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 12, 2006
I'm not in a position to purchase this for PC so I'd like to pick it up for either console. I played oblivion on ps3 awhile back and it was fine. Everything I've read about either consoles isn't consistent and the comparison videos don't show much of a difference. Thoughts?

They each have their advantages and disadvantages, graphically speaking.

From what I've read and seen, they both are 720p with anti-aliasing. HDR lighting is better on X360. The shadow buffer is higher resolution on PS3. The texture streaming is better on PS3. The Menus and UI feel more responsive on X360. I'm sure writing efficient parallel code for Cell's SPUs is above Bethesda's skill level. Much easier with 3 duplicate general purpose cores on X360.

Apparently the X360 version has a moderate amount of tearing, whereas PS3 version is triple buffered. At the beginning of the game, it seems many PS3 users have reported bad performance, that clears up after leaving the first dungeon. I don't know, I actually haven't played Skyrim yet, just reporting what I've read. But I also found it interesting someone in the PC sub-forum reported the same mysterious slow down in the beginning of the game that cleared up on its own.

I'm trying to finish Dark Souls, but at the rate I'm going, it might take me another month before I start on Skyrim. Considering the state of Bethesda's recent releases, I'm not worried about waiting a while. It sounds like the game is a little half baked. :p
You can always check out to compare PS3 and 360 images. The 360 to me looks better after checking out these images but images only mean so much. I would wait until they do side by side video to make a final conclusion. For example, I can't stand to play a game that has screen tearing or other issues so I would go with the PS3 version.

The bottom line is, PS3 is OpenGL and the 360 is DX. Games will never look identical because the programing API's are different.
Not trying to play fanboy but I'm still reading PS3 looks better...

A side by side comparison of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Skyrim shows off the differences and similarities between the two.

Confirmed: Skyrim Looks Better on PS3 Than on 360

A side by side comparison of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Skyrim shows off the differences and similarities between the two.

Clearer textures, better colors, and a much longer view distance-the PlayStation 3 version of Skyrim has it all. That's not to say that the Xbox 360 version is ugly in any way, only that it doesn't look as good-or as clear-as the version on the PlayStation 3. Additionally, the Playstation 3 version of the game appears to have higher detailed shadows-ones that don't bounce around when the player moves the camera.

There appears to be very little to no pop-in on the PS3 version of the game-a detail hugely noticeable on the Xbox 360.

Spellcasting, combat, and framerate look about the same, with little to no difference in quality.

German Youtube channel AllGamesAlpha have posted up a side-by-side comparison of both the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of Skyrim, which shows off just how the game looks on each platform. Just watch it for yourself.
Here's lensoftruth's side by side video:

360 has sharper textures and much more stable framerate (PS3's framerate is very unstable by this vid). Like a previous post stated, the PS3 has 0% screen tearing though.

Myself? I'd rather a more stable framerate, sharper textures, and a little tearing. 360 for me.
Here is a video showing the lag problems on PS3 caused by the saving issue Bethesda is working on. It compares a new game vs a 65 hour play time game. How many PS3 users are experiencing this?
Here's lensoftruth's side by side video:

360 has sharper textures and much more stable framerate (PS3's framerate is very unstable by this vid). Like a previous post stated, the PS3 has 0% screen tearing though.

Myself? I'd rather a more stable framerate, sharper textures, and a little tearing. 360 for me.
I'm wondering if those issues will be taken care of as part of the package used to correct the save game lag on the system? Maybe the way it handles memory that causes these severe issues, still cause lag issues at the beginning of the game.