Skyward Sword game-breaking bug


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 25, 2004
Anyone hit this bug yet? I'm only a few hours in, and haven't hit the point they refer to just yet. Seems like that would suck hard :eek:

"If the game has been saved after completing the sequence of events, it will no longer be possible to proceed through the game on that save file," said a Nintendo representative.

As detailed on Zelda Informer, the problem occurs if you talk to Golo the Goron in the mines after receiving the Thunder Dragon's song, but before heading to the forest and volcano regions. The events in those regions become inaccessible at that point, making it impossible to go on.

"The only options at that point are to either start the game over or to use an earlier save file to continue," the representative notes. "I wish I had a better answer, but I'm afraid there currently is no other fix available. I can assure, however, that we are documenting all feedback we receive on this issue."
Be interesting to see what Nintendo does. Traditionaly, they don't patch their games, and many times, they don't allow 3rd parties to patch their games either.

Only exception I can think of was for one of the call of duty games, and even then, it took Activision a lot of pleading before Nintendo allowed it to be patched.
Similar thing came up for Metroid Other M. Nintendo's solution was to put your save on an SD card and mail it to them. They would patch the save file and then mail it back.

They should either:
1. Offer a PC tool that you can run on the save to patch it
2. Patch the Wii firmware so it auto patches said save
Its all the goron. if you talk to the goron a second time you get stuck. Luckily i did thunder dragon last on my play through
I did the Thunder dragon last as well and missed this bug. Lanayru was the best region, so I saved it for last.