Skyward Sword Thread


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 29, 2005
Picking my pre-order up tomorrow AM so I thought I would get a thread going. Hope everyone is as excited as I am.
I sold my Wii a few years ago when I was going to migrate to Canada. Waiting for the Wii U before I buy this game :)
Had an amazon gift card so I pre-ordered it a month ago-- I assume it'll arrive in the mail tomorrow then? PS: Gamespot gave it a 7.5
Had an amazon gift card so I pre-ordered it a month ago-- I assume it'll arrive in the mail tomorrow then? PS: Gamespot gave it a 7.5

Gamespot can go eat a... Very inappropriate thing.

Definitely a minimum 9. We'll see how the end holds up.

(I'm like, 25 hours in to it D: )
The Gamespot review is an outlier. The game has a Metascore of 95, so basically everyone else is praising it. Gamespot's big gripe is the controls, but nearly every other review out there loves them. I have a feeling GS may have just had the wrong person review the game (ie he was probably bad at it).
anyone else play it on dolphin? I sold my wii a while ago and have seen good dolphin remarks, but I'm curious as to what hardware anyone is running it on.
The Gamespot review is an outlier. The game has a Metascore of 95, so basically everyone else is praising it. Gamespot's big gripe is the controls, but nearly every other review out there loves them. I have a feeling GS may have just had the wrong person review the game (ie he was probably bad at it).

Zelda is serious business.

Hopefully this Zelda is the one I've been waiting for. OoT and LttP were my favorites, hoping this one is in similar style.
Game looks amazing but I am just not a fan of the motion controls.
Just a heads up to everyone, you need the Wii Motion Plus add-on or the Wiimote with the motion plus built-in to play this game.
I started it. It is just okay so far. Not great. I just got the sword and shield. It isn't mesmerizing me like Twilight Princess. The overall presentation is a lot closer to Windwaker. It is sort of like Windwaker and Twilight had a bastard son. The Wii is so out of date technologically that it is hard to get excited about this. You need a small TV or to sit really far back. It looks just plain bad on my HDTV but that is par for the course with the Wii.
I just finished the 4th temple last night. Best zelda boss fight ever i think
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I started it. It is just okay so far. Not great. I just got the sword and shield. It isn't mesmerizing me like Twilight Princess. The overall presentation is a lot closer to Windwaker. It is sort of like Windwaker and Twilight had a bastard son. The Wii is so out of date technologically that it is hard to get excited about this. You need a small TV or to sit really far back. It looks just plain bad on my HDTV but that is par for the course with the Wii.

The sad thing I think is that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess were both made for the GameCube, with the latter receiving far more praise for its visuals. I also remember being totally immersed in the Twilight Princess's world(s) whereas Wind Waker was... OMG the sailing... *twitch*

I'm cautiously optimistic about Skyward Sword, but the cutesy trailers just don't do it for me.
I started it. It is just okay so far. Not great. I just got the sword and shield. It isn't mesmerizing me like Twilight Princess. The overall presentation is a lot closer to Windwaker. It is sort of like Windwaker and Twilight had a bastard son. The Wii is so out of date technologically that it is hard to get excited about this. You need a small TV or to sit really far back. It looks just plain bad on my HDTV but that is par for the course with the Wii.

I hear it looks good when played on higher rez PC.
I just can't see myself playing a Zelda title with motion controls. I guess I'm turning into an old fart...

...this is why I never got the Wii version of Twilight Princess. I think the Gamecube version with it's gamepad based controls played much better than the Wii version...

I didn't know what to think of the Gamespot review. I get the feeling they are pissed off again that there is still no voice acting in the game. Every time a Zelda title comes out they bitch and moan about it.... they just don't get it, that's a part of the charm! I think voice acting would just about ruin the game.

"Well excuuuuuuuuuse me, princess!"
Played quite a bit yesterday, and got about 1/2 way through the second temple. I've enjoyed it so far. The motion controls were odd at first, but you get used to them pretty quickly. The only thing I have any issues with is doing a Skyward Slash. You have to find just the right angle for the sword to start charging, and for some reason it can be a pain to get it to that point. Sometimes I do it no problem at all, other times it will start charging and stop almost immediately (usually several times in a row) like I'm hovering on the edge of where the controller needs to be for the attack. It could very well just be me being bad though lol.

I couldn't rate the game at this point, but I will say that I have enjoyed what I've played so far, and I can't wait to get home from work today to play more.
I started looking for the 5th temple last night. Doing something similar to the wolf part in TP

Are you defining the fifth temple as the Sands one, or the woods one? :S

Also, anyone laugh at the re used temple boss? That thing pissed me off so much the first time I fought it, then I had to kill it with three hearts.

And I did... It wasn't as big a deal. I thought it was weird. Like, easy mode or something the second time around hahah
I am in Lanayru searching for the next temple. I just got the item last night and turned it off. I will play later and look for the temple.

The game makes it a little too easy to not get stuck. Fi tells you so much stuff that she shouldnt. Its like OoT for idiots.
This game is better than WW and TP, I can't really say it's got the "it" factor like the N64 games, but for me this is GOTY, especially on consoles. It's hard for any LoZ to compare to the N64 games, they were just genre-defining, platform defining masterpieces.

This is also a nice lengthy game, something you just don't see anymore. 40 hours at least.
I am in Lanayru searching for the next temple. I just got the item last night and turned it off. I will play later and look for the temple.

The game makes it a little too easy to not get stuck. Fi tells you so much stuff that she shouldnt. Its like OoT for idiots.

Here's an idea: Don't use fi

Seriously, I never use or listen to her. If she wants my attention, I call and dismiss her without paying attention.

It's just better that way ;)
Fuck yeah Hylian shield. Take that gear shop! Never spending money on your sacred bull crap again.
Here's an idea: Don't use fi

Seriously, I never use or listen to her. If she wants my attention, I call and dismiss her without paying attention.

It's just better that way ;)
Agreed. I never voluntarily speak to Fi.

Just beat the third dungeon today. Loving the game so far. The soundtrack in particular is breathtaking in parts. The bit where you follow Fi at night was one part in particular where I had to stop and listen to the music for a little while.
Agreed. I never voluntarily speak to Fi.

Just beat the third dungeon today. Loving the game so far. The soundtrack in particular is breathtaking in parts. The bit where you follow Fi at night was one part in particular where I had to stop and listen to the music for a little while.

It reminds me so much of final fantasy tactics.

And that is a GREAT thing.
The game is good, but Christ, the motion controls are killing it for me. I like the precision/one-to-one movements, its very fancy.. but it gets old fast. Its practically impossible to relax on the couch while playing this game. Think its officially time to put the Wii in the closet for good.
The game is good, but Christ, the motion controls are killing it for me. I like the precision/one-to-one movements, its very fancy.. but it gets old fast. Its practically impossible to relax on the couch while playing this game. Think its officially time to put the Wii in the closet for good.

You just need to calibrate it more frequently as you lounge and it gets used to your lounging.
I really tried to like this. After eight hours I give up. I love the art style. I like the motion controls. I still feel like they've taken everything I loved about Zelda and washed it all out with stupid fetch quests and random grind just to increase play time.
I really tried to like this. After eight hours I give up. I love the art style. I like the motion controls. I still feel like they've taken everything I loved about Zelda and washed it all out with stupid fetch quests and random grind just to increase play time.

Zelda invented the grind!

Trade Quests, Golden Skulltuals, finding that last damn hidden key... doing some stupid minigame to get a fraction of a heart so you can get all the hearts... How about questing through a dungeon for an hour to get a weapon that you use... once!

It's a grind, and some of my favorite games...
I really tried to like this. After eight hours I give up. I love the art style. I like the motion controls. I still feel like they've taken everything I loved about Zelda and washed it all out with stupid fetch quests and random grind just to increase play time.

I hope you're not talking about the pre temple challenges... Those were like, half the fun of the temple!
Yeah I'm not really seeing anything drastically different than any other Zelda in terms of collection quests. Certainly nothing has been as bad as collecting the maps and triforce pieces in Wind Waker.
The market has definitely grown, with so many big titles releasing at the same time, and no shortage of sales. I am enjoying this game as well. Well deserved, the controls are quite amazing. While about 90% accurate, its still the best sword simulator I've ever played. About 2 hours in, just got to the first dungeon. Fun times indeed.
The one problem I've had with the control is when fighting hanging spiders. The remote refuses to recognize the forward jab when I'm fighting those guys. Otherwise they are pretty flawless. The only time I've felt they were unnecessary so far is in the swimming controls. They almost always add to the experience.
I had the same problem with jabbing the spiders, then I realized I was jabbing too forcefully. It was probably throwing off the gyro. Try jabbing with less force. Less of a jab and more of a poke, and it worked perfectly.
I just finished it. i loved it. i loved the story and how it shows the creation of the master sword, the boss fight and the hylian shield. I really enjoyed this game. 49 hours
Hi Guys, I have a couple questions.

I haven't played a Zelda game since A Link to the Past (on Super Nintendo). I do have a Wii but I've only ever used it for Wii Bowling when friends or family come over (I'm a PC gamer). I have seen the good reviews for this game and am considering giving it a go. My first question is whether or not the game would be fun for an adult? It looks like a lot of the Zelda games I've missed out on are quite cutesie and I can live with that if its fun! But, if its really meant for kids I wont bother. I don't mean this in a negative way, I just don't want to waste money :)

I have a bad back and cant stand in one place for long periods so I cant play the motion controls for this game in a standing position for long periods. Can the motion controls be used from a sitting position on the couch? If so, is it easy to do so or would I get frustrated? For example, I'd never try Wii Bowling from the couch, it just wouldn't work.

Next question, I saw earlier in the thread that I need a Wii Motion Plus. That sucks! So I really need to spend like 75 bucks to play. Is that required for most new games? Or is that just for Zelda?

Anyway, thanks for your input :)