Slackware 10 X-windows woes...


Aug 13, 2004
This is really my first week using linux so I'm not the best with it. I understand a few of the shell commands from moving stuff around at work through ssh. I managed to install slackware 10... then mandrake 10... then slackware 10 again. My problem was with my wireless drivers which I was able to get working nicely with ndiswrapper. Now I just need to figure out how to write a script to get it to stay configured and running each time I boot up. Are there any guides out there on this? Slack uses some sort of proprietary netconfig tool so I don't know what files it's modifying. I'd love to just be able to stick the DNS servers in some file and have it work each time.

Aside from that though... I'm on an older machine. It's a p2 400 with 192 mb of ram and a 10gb hard drive. I've been using 512mb of swap space and the rest as one big partition. My main problem(I think) lies with my Intel i740 agp. I have an old 440bx motherboard so it supports agp 2x/4x only I think which is the 3.3v version. I don't have any extra video cards lying around but I may have a geforce 2 gts to stick in if my sister's computer gets upgraded, then I'll get back my old card. I may also consider purchasing another card. I have slack set up to use the "i740" drivers in xorg.conf. It's SOOOOO slow. Moving windows is laggy, scrolling down webpages is unbearable. I'm not sure what the heck it is.

I've played with KDE/Gnome and Blackbox. Blackbox is interesting but that middle click crap is retarded. KDE I kind of liked and Gnome I liked best but it looks weird(video card thing again I bet). I'm running an NEC 1550V lcd so I can only run 24bit colour too.

I want a really clean install without all this crap so I can kind of build from the ground up. The problem I had was when I tried doing that the first time, Gnome wouldnt load its file manager.

Oh yeah, sorry about my 80 different questions in one post. :D
You could try the vesa driver, I suppose, but if it helps I'll be suprised.
I am thinking it's a combination of these problems in this order:

1. Video Card is unsupported - try the vesa driver
2. Gnome/KDE are overly huge and bloated - Try xfce4 or icewm. Both pretty small window managers. I would also recommend Fluxbox but since you hate Blackbox I won't go there.
3. The processor... it's not that bad, but iti's not gonna give u lightning speed either.
Nope, it definitely did not. It's a d-link G510 card. Linux doesn't natively support 54g wireless from what I understand(could be wrong there), and most manufacturers are a pain in the ass about their lower end cards. It was cheap at best buy and I wanted it for my win98 box at the time.
Hmmm...I don't think Linux Fedora Core 2 has any 54G detection issues - I need to have the wireless card detected. I hope this is not a problem with Slackware 10 :(