

Limp Gawd
Aug 5, 2004
This is a relatively cheap case mod for my girlfriend, and also a bit of a demo machine to show off some of the products I sell for when we go to LANs.

This mod will be for a watercooled Cooler Master Centurion 534. Water cooling stuff is pretty much what I have lying around, has been superseded, or I've picked up cheap secondhand. As for hardware, it's nothing fancy, a 775 system, with her existing FX5200 and hdds. I haven't decided on the CPU yet. As for exactly what is happening to the case, you'll just have to wait and see...

Unfortunately she had the camera when everything arrived, so there are no pix before I started breaking the case down. You can take a look at it here however.


Case broken down to work on.

I hadn't planned to take the case apart quite this much, but the it is the worst design ever! To get the top panel off, I had to remove about 10 rivets in the top, then take out the PCI/IO panel, and remove the motherboard plate. Only then could I get the top off! I must have drilled out at least 25 rivets - and I'm only going to have to put them all back in later! Some I hope to replace with machine screws though, like the ones holding the drive bays in.

It took me a while to work out how to get the damned drive latching system off too, you have to pry out one end over a stopper, slide it back, and off. Then you're left with a small stainless piece which rotates up and off.


Cutting away the 120mm fangrill on the back panel. Cooler Master in their infinate wisdom, made it slightly larger than my 4.5" holesaw, and convex, so as you can see around the edges of the hole there are raised pieces, and a few extra holes. We can't have that, so break out a hammer and anvil like part on the back of my vise.


That leaves us with somewhat of a jagged hole, so out comes a CD - just the right size.
Then to work with the jigsaw to clean things up.


Yay! Much better

To explain that plate to the right of the PSU hole - I kinda messed up there a little. Somehow when I measured for the holes, I didn't quite allow enough for the PSU to go in there, and there was about 2mm overlap between the PSU and what will go in the holes. So I spent bloody ages making that nice little plate to cover up the old holes, and put the new ones in. It works, and hopefully it won't be quite so fugly once it's all the same colour.


I'm using a Black Ice Pro that I picked up cheap for this system, but of course, it's got integral 1/2" barbs and everything else is 3/8", so to rectify that, I desoldered the fittings from this knackered Glacial rad (someone slipped and drilled holes through it on the other side).


Desolder the barbs from the BIP...


A little soldering and here we have a BIP with 3/8" fittings. I'm going to pick up some new barbs this week to replace those as they're pretty worn. Having the threaded inserts is nice though, as I can change the barbs later on (though they would be a little restrictive using 1/2").


The obligatory cat shot. She was hanging around quite a lot, but usually while I wasn't photographing things. This shot shows the rad being tested for leaks. It actually failed on one of the barbs that test, but a quick resolder, and all was good. Stick your finger over the open barb and let the pump bust it's guts trying to find somewhere to push the water out. I tested it with an old Sicce Mouse submersable I had lying around from a ghetto cooling system I ran ages ago.


I'm not very impressed with the paint on the BIM, a little heat, some tape, and this is what happened. I guess I'm going to have to repaint this now too - something I was hoping to avoid.


The next step was to drill the holes for the barbs as the rad will be mounted on the outside of the case facing in. Pilot holes are drilled....


Then the holes themselves. Cutting oil makes things a lot easier on the holesaw, esp when it's steel you're cutting.


Add a couple of rubber grommets and test fit :)
The clear 120mm fan frame will be used as a cheap shroud, and to supply the lighting in that area. The 120mm blue LED fans I bought from one of my suppliers has a really nasty looking green band around it, supplying power to the LEDs in the corners. I can't stand the sight of them. One I'll be reselling, but the other I'll strip the lights off and use as a clear fan, with the LEDs in the frame behind it doing the lighting. You'll see what I'm talking about sometime when I get that far down the track.

That's it for the back panel now, so we move onto the side panel...


Side panel with the window marked out. A lot of cases these days seem to come with these obnoxious vents in the side. The 80mm vent is fine and doesn't bother me - you can put a filter on that easy enough, but the rectangular section is just annoying. It's just a good place for dust to get sucked through when you're aircooling.


Window cut out with my trusty jigsaw.


The cut has been filed and sanded smooth. It's not 100%, but probably about the best you are going to get without setting up gates, or laser cutting it.

The reason for it being positioned as it is will become clear later on hopefully (as will the name).

That's it for now, I've got plenty more to do, but the work on the case itself has finished for now. I'm going to try and get it in to the powdercoaters in the next few days. Plenty more to do on other things though. I may have to spend some time with the gf though, as I've pretty much ignored her all weekend ;)
Thanks Noni.

On a side note, does anyone know where I can get the hold down for a Zalman ZM-NWB1 chipset block? I'm after the long metal clip and two clip hooks you can see in this picture
The motherboard I had intended to get used pushpins (which I have), but it wasn't available any more, the new one met all the specs I needed, but I forgot to check the chipset cooler mounting :(.
ooh... why is it called sleeper..:eek: . does it sleep??? ooh..:p

Nice work, good clean cuts there and a strong design.. I wish I had all those tools lying about :(
There is a Zalman forums? Can you link me please Noni - google didn't show up anything when I searched for 'Zalman Forums' apart from a link to a post I made in a NZ forum asking if anybody had one :p

You'll find out why it's called Sleeper sometime down the track...

The tools I've picked up over quite a few years. It helps that my sister works at an automotive parts store and I can buy things there at cost price, as well as having trade accounts at a few other places through work.

I've hit a bit of a snag with regards to the powdercoating. The place that I had planned to have it done has changed hands, and probably won't accept Bourbon as payment any more. The other place that I could get it done is a little rough, and I'll have to sandblast it all myself. I may end up spray painting it yet - only problem with that is that my compressor has packed a sad and won't build up pressure properly :(. That will teach me to buy one for $100. I think the next one is probably going to be in the region of $700-$1000, which is more than I can afford to spend on one just now.

On a brighter note, I've just ordered in a tap and die set, and it should be here in a few days.

Stay tuned, I should have some more photos for you all tonight....
Ok, I'm back, and I have some photos as promised.


Picked up the new barbs for the rad. A whole whopping $2.60 for both. The guy was quite interested in the whole idea of water cooling a PC I think.


I also picked up some more heatshrink - the reason being that there wasn't enough in the Vantec sleeving kit I got to do all the molex plugs. The piece on the right is the original. Not a bad colour match if you ask me. Of that size, I was short only three of that size piece! The other two sizes I'll use for doing fan cables and the like as there is nothing smaller than the largest shown in the kit, yet it has smaller sleeving :confused:


And here is the (almost) completed PSU. Almost - because I forgot to shrink the two pieces of heatshrink on the SATA line. I'm a bit annoyed though, the only kit currently available in NZ for the plugs is the XMOD one, which doesn't have the 6 pin or 24 pin or SATA plugs in it. I'll swap those over later on when I can get hold of some of the AC Ryan ones. I haven't sleeved the fan RPM cable yet as I'm not sure that I'm even going to bother keeping it.

That long molex string out the front has been extended by about 20cm, and had an extra molex added. It woud have had to come straight out of the PSU and down to the bottom drive bay in order to have reached. It should now be able to be tucked down the back, and come up to the drives from below. The extra plug also means that all 3 drive bays can be used without having to use a splitter. In the mean time the extra plug can just be left under the bays out of sight. One of the floppy plugs on another string was also replaced with a molex. There definately won't be two of them in this build, probably not even one for that matter.

Enough words, more pix are needed.....


Enermax's designers need to be shot at the same time as Cooler Master's! That 'EMI Shield' was very close to turning me into a gibbering wreck. Trying to get the last piece of sleeving through there was a nightmare. In the end it took my gf pulling on the sleeving into the PSU, while I pushed both the sleeving and the shield.


YAY!! It all still works. Sorry about the fuzzy pic, I forgot to turn macro on, and I cbf taking it again :p
I'm pretty sure the -5V is normally out on modern PSUs....

Altogether a successful sleeving job for what is essentially my first attempt. The blue of the Enermax looks really nice along with the blue sleeving and plugs. A shame the Vantec sleeving isn't UV reactive. Oh well. Next time when I have the AC Ryan stuff :(


Gratuitous photo of some goodys to drool over. I picked them up at the same time as the heatshrink. I'm sure the 3.5" holesaw cost more the the 4.5" I bought a while ago... same shop, same salesman, supposedly the same discount... oh well, it's going on the work account, no doubt I'll get charged for it in about 6 months when they realise they haven't billed me for a while...
looks very promising here! keeping my eye out on this one!
great job so far bud.

kinda funny that i'm starting a 534 project too and trying to keep it as sleep / black as possible.

outta curiousity, what kind of blade are you using on the jigsaw? I can't stand those vent holes either and i'll be cutting out a window but using a dremel cutting disk doesn't sound fun to me...
Thanks for the comments guys.
D'arcy (the cat) just came and jumped onto my lap, which is very unusual for her, she's normally an outside cat... plus Nuno, our other cat, always chases her around when he sees her inside.

Stormshadow - I'm using a fine toothed blade on the jigsaw specifically for steel, I can't remember the TPI though sorry. I'll have a look next time I'm out in the garage. One of the biggest things is not to use the oscillation on the blade. It has a bad habit of catching on corners if you do. The jigsaw is a much better way to go for windows than a dremel imho, much easier to keep things straight.
Update time again!


Anyone here had dealings with these cables? I was going to scan the two manuals (case and motherboard) but my scanner seems to be having a hissy-fit.
The AC-97 plug is almost right from what I can tell, but not quite. So I'm guessing that means I have to use the individual pins and get them in the right order on the motherboard header? Is it safe to just cut the bastards off and put the pins in the right order on one of the plugs?


Time to do some work. This is the 120mm blue LED fan I picked up pretty cheap. There is bugger all to choose from in NZ unfortunately. I don't really want to wait a month or more for the AC Ryan Blackfire4's to arrive...


This is the crappy band that I mentioned in an earlier post. It's got to go!


So go it does.


Skip a few stages, and here are the LEDs from that band resoldered onto the rad shroud you saw earlier. A single black wire runs right around it, and then red and black will run off to elsewhere in the case. The LEDs are held in place with hot glue.


Using the 4 LEDs in series means they all get 3V each, not quite the 3.6V they should probably be getting, but enough to make them glow nicely and still put a decent amount of light into the fan beside it. The fan is now just a clear 120mm fan with no LEDs at all.


Curiously, the Raidmax fan frame and the one for the shroud are identical. The shroud is the frame of a SilenX LED fan that had issues. Rather than messing around with RMAs, Peter at SilenX is good enough to just take my work for them being dead or faulty and ends an extra in the next order. Not that we have a lot of faulties mind you. I think 3 in the whole time we've been selling them.
The blades on the Raidmax are obviously made elsewhere though, as they are really rough - you should be able to see what I mean in the above photo. It's fairly quiet though, so I'm not complaining too much.


My trusty testing PSU. A slightly modified AT PSU. The fan has been disconnected, so I can hear fans I'm testing (it never gets more than warm as it's not under any big loads). Most of the plugs have been removed, leaving me with 3 molexes, and two fan headers which I added for 12v and 5v. You can also see the little red LED I added so I can actually tell if it's on or not (no fan to go by).

Thats it for tonight. Hopefully I'll have another update for you tomorrow.
Looking great! A mod to me is all about the details, and yours is turning out amazing!
Most mATX power supplies do not have the -5VDC. Most ATX power supplies DO have the -5DC.
Thanks for that SarverSystems.
Anybody know if the Enermax Noisetaker 420W normally has the -5v?
Good point. Why didn't I think of that :p There was one missing. Looks like Enermax is cheating :)
I have no clue what the -5VDC lead is even for though. ISA would be my guess if I had to make one.
I'm fairly sure the ISA was just for old legacy stuff like ISA.

Not much of an update today. I had to go over to my parents, pick up the lawn mower and mow our paddock... erm lawn. It might be the middle of winter, but I haven't done it for about 2 months, so it was rather long.


Today's job was to mod the other fan. The obnoxious band has been removed, and the LEDs rewired with the single black wire going around, as on the shroud. This fan now has seperate power inputs for lighting and fan.
Ok, no real update today... just something to get your brains ticking over...


Take one blue box...


Add some plug sockets to it. A molex at one end, and a generic two pin at the other.
What is it going to be?
Nope, nothing to do with fans :p

Nothing is going to happen on this mod tonight, I may get a little done tomorrow if I finish work early, but we're out for dinner, so it could be Sunday before you see any progress.

Nothing tonight due to a something different that also requires water cooling (though somewhat higher temps are actually good).....

Ohhhhhhh Weeeee Looks like someoes brewin themselves up some home made wine.. My wifes Grandfather makes it. Sweeest best tasting wine i've ever tasted. Potent as hell to.
Not wine, ethanol, the base for all spirits and liqueurs.
It makes for very cheap bourbon. That batch that I distilled last night will make about 12 litres at 40% and probably cost about $40. Another $5-10 a litre to flavour and it's good to go.
I live in New Zealand, it's actually legal to make your own spirits here, though you can't sell it without a liquor licence.

Without further ado, it's on to the update!


That blue box, that you were all so excited about and made heaps of guesses about, it's the pump relay. Here it is all finished, with the exception of the hot glue to hold the plugs in place (I took the photo while waiting for the glue gun to heat up).

That's the relay finished for now, so onto something else....


I need to fabricate a holddown for the pump/res that will allow for vibration dampening, and is able to be removed easily without breaking down the case too much (or at all).
The line at the bottom of the pic is the cut.


Here it is, fresh from the jigsaw.

I was originally planning on drilling and tapping holes in the base of the res and screwing up from underneath through the base of the drive rack. That wasn't going to work though as both of the 3.5" racks would have had to be removed to get the pump/res in and out.


So I made this. The next photo will make it all clear to you.


Voila! The gap you see at the top between the res and the bracket will allow me to place vibration dampening material under the base of the res, and between the res and the bracket. I'll drill and tap the holes for thumbscrews later when I get around to picking up teh tap & die set I ordered last week.


Pump cable has been shortened and sleeved, with the new plug installed to go into the relay.


Both together. That's it for those fellas for now. If I decide to sleeve the power cable to the relay I'm going to have to buy another sleeving kit as I'm out of the medium sizes (well, none long enough to do that anyhoo). I'm going to just try and hide it I think.


The next step is these little guys. That aqua colour really doesn't do it for me.


So off come their shells and into the garage for them!


A few more coats of Vinyl Dye and they should be good to go. The cardboard box the compost bin came in has been used as a spray booth a few times now. Very handy for the small things.

So much for warrantys! Case, PSU, pump, fans, lights... all voided! Anyhoo, that's it for tonight folks.
Just a small update sorry, the weather here has been crap. It's pretty much been raining all week, and hasn't gone above 10 deg C. The weekend was a bit nicer, blue sky and 15 degrees. Bring on Spring I say!


Nuno was watching from the top of the door. He seemed to think that the boxes stacked against the wall were stairs, and the the door was a good vantage point.


My newest toys. AA battery for size :D


Having that allowed me to tap the 6-32 holes in the drive bay for screwing in the pump/res mounting. Those black thumbscrews are made of the crappiest metal imaginable. Holding them in a pair of pliers to shorten them on the bench grinder scored them up a bit, though I was able to hide it well with a black sharpie. They were too long and would have stopped the 3.5" bay below it from fitting back in so I had to shorten them a bit, and then clean up teh threads with a die.


Next up was dying the drive sliders. You can see the completed inverter casings at the back of the box.


And done. The one at the front got a speck of something on it, which I scraped off leaving a big undyed patch (by the arrow type bit). I'll have to redo that one, but otherwise they all came out really well I think.


Completed inverters. Much better looking than the horrible blue that they were previously.

I've got some time off next week. Hopefully the weather will be nice and let me get the chassis and panels painted. Once that's done, things should start moving at pace again. Some wiring to do, and all the hardware to install. There are still a lot of little mods left to do I think, but it's going to be a case of wait and see as I can't really foresee exactly what is going to crop up once the hardware and watercooling starts going in.

Thats all from tonight. Keep tuned though, more to come ;)

Not really. I got the case primed and started on the colour coat. I was hoping to get the colour coats finished today, but it's been raining and is too cold.

The girlfriend is away atm, and took the camera with her so no pix sorry.
Not a post, just an apology I'm afraid.

I've been out of town on a business trip the last few days, and other than that the weather has been absolutely rubbish. I need to get the chassis painted before I can do any more on this project - unfortunately that requires time during the day when it's warm enough to paint. ATM I'm working 6 days a week and that bloody rain keeps stopping me!

Hopefully I'll have an update for you soonish!
Well folks, things have moved very slowly over the past few weeks, and they probably will for a few more.

The weather has been pretty rubbishy, either raining, too cold, or too windy to spray paint outdoors. I've managed to get a lot of parts painted, but the side and top panels still need colour coats on one side, and clear on both. I'm not going to clear coat the chassis and internals mainly due to sheer laziness :D


Painting drives, rad and back panels with black colour coat

I bought a new digital camera - a Sony DSC-H5. I'm still learning how to get the best from it, so please bear with me as some of the pix may not be quite top notch.


Optical drive reassembled. The bezel had already been vinyl dyed black for the current case, that will be covered by a silver CM stick on bezel.


FDD reassembled. I'm not so happy with how this one came out. There is a few chips, and parts of the drive body show though grey. However, I may not even install it in this machine, plus the arse end looks fine, which is all that would really be seen anyhoo.

Neither of those are really the best paintjobs, there is a bit of orangepeeling going on, and a few other blemishes, however since they aren't really going to be seen I'm not too concerned.

I've also replaced the remaining plugs on the PSU with blue ones. Not the best colour match, but it's closer than black or white. No pix of those sorry, you'll have to wait until I'm installing it :)

I'm hoping that I can track down some black anodized rivets, then I can start putting the chassis back together. Unfortunately the guy I knew who was working at a fastening supplies place (who gave me incredibly sharp prices on everything) has left. I'm not too sure what he's doing now, but hopefully it's working for someone else doing the same thing.

Until then.....

Thanks guys, updates are going to be pretty slow atm, I've just started doing some work for a company that reads power meters via a cell phone unit. New Zealands D-AMPS mobile phone service is being shut off in a few months, and all the units reading meters are on that service, so they need to be switched out. I'm doing the whole of the South Island at this stage - probably about a 1/3 of the total unit's in the country, so I have a hell of a lot to get through.

I've also been distracted by doing work on my own case...


The whole front has been redone below the 5.25" bays, including a removable panel with dual 92mm fans. I recently finished fitting the lizard panel so it mounted nice and firm, and tweaked the fan panel to fit a bit better, tapped holes in the chassis so I could attach it with thumbscrews, and added the AC Ryan filters. I still have quite a few things to do - there is a new PSU waiting to be sleeved and fitted, the bezel needs painting, the pump needs to have it's power cord shorted to go to the new socket on the PSU (complete with relay), rear fan needs to be fitted again...
