[SLI 8800 512mb GTs] vs [New 9 Series]


Limp Gawd
Nov 18, 2007
Hey guys. I'm building a rig right now, and I am wondering if you think it's going to be worth the wait for the new 9 series. I could get SLI GTs for under $700. Since nVidia isn't dropping any news of the new cards I'm baffled as to what I should purchase.
i think its really funny you have "Nvidia 9800 GTX *When Released" in your profile. Also, looking at your profile it appears you already have a top of the line system, except for your imaginary video card. It seems that the G100 will not come out till March according to fudzilla.com so if you want to wait or not is your own choice, not much we can do to inform you on that decission. The 9 series will probably be as fast as two GTs, that you can be fairly certain of.
It is quite funny indeed, there are not even aspec out. If you look at the rumours though, a true new high end card should be out in March maybe, I think it's still BS though. buy 1GT, unless you run high res, and stay happy.
definitely get the SLI'ed GTs now and make sure you peltier/watercool them for a good OC, then when the 9 series comes out, get a triple 9 series setup and make sure you peltier/watercool those cards also.
you'll probably want 8GB of ram minimum and at least* MS-DOS 10.1