SLI 8800GT, CoD4, Stop Error?


Jun 24, 2004
I just went out and picked up a copy of CoD4 and I was playing through the single player a little bit. I died so I got up and drained myself. When I got back the screen was corrupted and the system was semi-responsive. Things were happening in response to keyboard input, but it wasn't responding anything like it's supposed to. I rebooted the machine and Windows let me know that it had encountered a serious error. A "stop error", it said. It then led me to this page. Anybody else seen this behavior?

System specs:
ASUS A8N 939 motherboard
2 gigs Corsair ram
8800GT's in SLI
169.02 drivers

I think that's all the pertinant information. Everything is running at stock clocks, btw.
maybe could have been an overheat lockup? how's your case ventilation? i imagine two of those puppies can get a bit... warm
That may have been it. I just had whatever comes stock in the front of a Lian-Li V1200 on intake in the front and a Nexus 120mm exhausting out the back. I put the side fan back in (that blows right on the video cards) and they're running much cooler now. I just got done playing for longer than I did the first time and didn't have any issues.

Wish Danger Den would hurry up with their full coverage blocks...