SLI bridge orientation


[H]F Junkie
Sep 10, 2007
i received my 2nd GTX 460 last night but i'm new to SLI. i installed the bridge, but there is no instruction given in my mobo manual telling me which direction it should be installed. my gpu's have an arrow on the PCB on one side of the finger, but the bridge itself has no marks whatsoever to coincide with this arrow. does it matter, or is it a symmetrical design and can be installed either way? i gamed on it for a couple of hours and all seems well - no artifacts or abnormalities and the framerate seems about where it should be.

for reference i have the bridge installed opposite of what is shown in the first pic in Guru 3D's review. in other words, i have it rotated 180 degrees to where the "ASUS" logo is on the right hand side of the bridge and the angled 'ridge' on each connector is below the card PCB instead of above it.

any input is appreciated.
If you put it on backwards, you'll know because all your letters will be backwards

It doesn't matter how you install it. Hell, I bet it would even work if you managed to install it diagonally.
thanks for the feedback everyone. after some testing i can confirm that orientation does not matter.