SLI GTX 570 2.5GB Upgrade?


Jun 6, 2004
I was thinking about moving to the 700 series from my cards but for the cost I really can't see how I can justify the move. The performance of a single GTX 770 is slightly slower than the GTX 570 SLI but the cost is the issue.

I'm thinking I could get around $250 for both 570's but that only covers above half the cost for a sidestep in performance.

I play a surround setup of 5760 x 1080 @ 60hz... Battlefield 4 plays on low settings with about 55fps average which is playable but not perfect. My mobo is an p8p67 which doesn't have the lanes to justify tri-sli which would be just more money thrown on the fire and little to no gain plus sli issues are bound to creep up.

Options? Sit and wait it out until I can't play my games any more in surround with good frames (getting close to this issue) or blow some money. Whats the best option?

Thanks for listening.
Keep saving up so you can move to new GPU/CPU/MOBO. By that time 800 series will be out and you will be able to grab some deals!
Unless you can swallow the expense. Sit on those 570s for one more round.

I only upgraded to a 780 from SLI'ed 570-1.2GB units because I could get away with it at the time, I had grown to despise the heat and noise of SLI, and my upgrade meant I could give one of the 570's to a friend who liked the idea of some PhysX in his box. I love the 780, but it didn't magically make everything that much better and I'm not even driving as much resolution as you.
At that res you'd want sli 780 or crossfire 290. Is it worth the price premium to you? I can't answer that. I don't see side stepping to 1 770 as a smart decision.
I was thinking about moving to the 700 series from my cards but for the cost I really can't see how I can justify the move. The performance of a single GTX 770 is slightly slower than the GTX 570 SLI but the cost is the issue.

I'm thinking I could get around $250 for both 570's but that only covers above half the cost for a sidestep in performance.

I play a surround setup of 5760 x 1080 @ 60hz... Battlefield 4 plays on low settings with about 55fps average which is playable but not perfect. My mobo is an p8p67 which doesn't have the lanes to justify tri-sli which would be just more money thrown on the fire and little to no gain plus sli issues are bound to creep up.

Options? Sit and wait it out until I can't play my games any more in surround with good frames (getting close to this issue) or blow some money. Whats the best option?

Thanks for listening.

I went from two 570s in SLI to a single 780ti. The issue I was having in BF4 was that I was maxing out my VRAM at 2560x1440, my 570s were the 1.2GB though.

The 780ti isn't here yet but I'm not expecting leaps and bounds of difference. I agree with the others, if you're not going to SLI 780s, it's probably not worth it yet. If you plan to sell the 570s, this is probably close to your last chance to get much for them though, once the 800s are out, they are going to drop quite a bit I'd imagine.
OP, can't you just run single screen? Do you have to do surround? SLI-570's - especially at 2.5 gb of VRAM a pop - should be able to handle most games at great IQ settings and frames with just one of your monitors.
I can play on one monitor just fine. My two side monitors go blank when I run a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and can max many settings with playable frames. I just like having the side views which add a FOV advantage.

Thanks for the input on the upgrade. I'll probably ride out these cards another gen. as I have no stability issues and aside from no detail settings games run fairly smooth on three screens.

I do have a 580 1.5gb card that will be sent in for an RMA to EVGA next week so maybe I can sell that towards an SSD.