SLI preview at Hexus


Oct 13, 2004
Hmm, looks like a pretty mixed review. The SLI has its performance gains in places, but drivers seem like they might be a persistant problem.

SLI Preview
Like they always say- if it is too good to be true, it usually is................ I have a feeling that a SLI commitment will entail constantly waiting for updated drivers for a while. The performance over one 6800 Ultra doesn't seem to warrant SLI to me- ulnless you always play at 1600 x 1200 4xaa/16xaa.
Looks good to me, just looking at some of the HL2 numbers at max res its roughly a 65% increase 67FPS -> 110FPS. That is nothing to discount! Does it come with a price? Yes, but so does all new bleeding edge technology. If SLI was not going to be a player in the next generation ATI would not be making their own SLI capable GPU.

I am sure that drivers will be a problem for the early adoption crowd, but NVidia has proven to release stable drivers and I do not doubt that will be a problem in this situation.

While I am going the SLI route with NVidia this time, I can not wait to see what ATI has in storeso far as SLI. Video card wars are good for the consumer regardless of which side of the fense you walk!
I think that there is more then just SLI to look forward to in the next gen mobo's.
One of the biggest advances that I see is in Asus's offering with RAID 5 on board.

That is a huge advance for desktops.