SLI quadro Counter Strike Benchie


Limp Gawd
Nov 23, 2004
Well.. I personally don't care much for steam or its methodology, however at the request of many forum members I gave it a shot.

I loaded up 'STEAM with the Half-Life 2 and CS extensions' and attempted to run some benchmarks.

Despite the requests - I did not find a Half-Life 2 benchmarking tool but I did find the "Video Stress Test" in Counter Strike.

Disclaimer - I benchmarked according to how I like to see things so lesser settings were not even tried.

Full Screen
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Model Deetail - High
Texture Detail - High
Anistrophic Filtering - 16x
Anti Alliasing - 4x (6x does not work in VST)
Shader Detail - High
Water Detail - Refect All

Ran "Video Stress Test"

It reported 159.3 FPS

There was a check mark in upload results to Valve - so if anyone needs to see it I guess it is on record somewhere-wherever that is.

If someone tells me how to benchmark "IN" HL2 I will do it.

Some comments using the "tides" map from CS:

1. I could not visually see a difference between 8x and 16x anistrophic
2. Some things were super detailed (flags, maps, photos, and sconces, and then other items just stayed less detailed)

On the "office" map:
I thought it was cool how you can shoot a desktop Dell and actually see inside it in 3d including Ram, Chip, video Card, Cooler. Power Supply etc

When exiting the games, the STEAM applet had the audacity to stay resident - the nerve!!


Not bad...not bad at all :eek:

Also in your sig, you say that with your cards you get 1gb of total video RAM, this is false. Cards in SLI don't combine ram, they each use their seperate RAM.
Do Quadro's Perform as good as their gaming Counterparts? I have often been confused about them. I know they are for Professional Apps and what not.... But do they perform well in games too?
Dude props for an amazing system Dual Quadros and Dual 242s = Awsomeness :eek:
venturi said:
Well.. I personally don't care much for steam or its methodology, however at the request of many forum members I gave it a shot.

I loaded up 'STEAM with the Half-Life 2 and CS extensions' and attempted to run some benchmarks.

Despite the requests - I did not find a Half-Life 2 benchmarking tool but I did find the "Video Stress Test" in Counter Strike.

Disclaimer - I benchmarked according to how I like to see things so lesser settings were not even tried.

Full Screen
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Model Deetail - High
Texture Detail - High
Anistrophic Filtering - 16x
Anti Alliasing - 4x (6x does not work in VST)
Shader Detail - High
Water Detail - Refect All

Ran "Video Stress Test"

It reported 159.3 FPS

There was a check mark in upload results to Valve - so if anyone needs to see it I guess it is on record somewhere-wherever that is.

If someone tells me how to benchmark "IN" HL2 I will do it.

Some comments using the "tides" map from CS:

1. I could not visually see a difference between 8x and 16x anistrophic
2. Some things were super detailed (flags, maps, photos, and sconces, and then other items just stayed less detailed)

On the "office" map:
I thought it was cool how you can shoot a desktop Dell and actually see inside it in 3d including Ram, Chip, video Card, Cooler. Power Supply etc

When exiting the games, the STEAM applet had the audacity to stay resident - the nerve!!



Dude I have the same case and the oem SATA cables are not long enough to clean up the look. What length are yours? 24"? and where did you get them? I have multiple drives and the oem red ones look like ass because they just barely reach the drives.
Venturi just out of curiosity what case is that?...It looks like a Lian-Li case wasnt too sure which one...(pc-v2100?)
ahh sweet setup.. your going to have to get two dual core procs later though! :D
I have not received my dual core engineering samples yet... waiting patiently...

For now I will have to make due with my dual Opteron 252
I got the SATA cables at COMPUSA, on the rack. I believe that they are either 24 or 30 long - don't remember. However they do light up with cathode lights... that makes 'em faster, right? ;)
:rolleyes: this is like the 2nd or 3rd post you have showed your computer off in , and everytime only thing i can say to myself is .. you are a rich mofo

btw i get 65.76 Fps at same settings on my comp ( specs in sig) and my processor is at stock 2.2 ghz
venturi said:
I have not received my dual core engineering samples yet... waiting patiently...

For now I will have to make due with my dual Opteron 252

yeah, i do not believe i would be crying...
DUDE you have to run 3dmark03 and 05 on that sucker im really curious as to how fast this thing is
Venturi, what's your occupation, do you use professional OpenGL apps or did you get those Quadros because they had 512MB of RAM?
1st -I did run 3dMark05 - that's posted somewhere else in here.

I got an average of 12844 with a mean deviation of 200 points.

2nd - The box is my personal pc, altough I do occasionally drag work home or have to dial in. I view medical images and composite multi-slice xrays on specialized software. No the cards were not a business expense, although I am considering it as a tax write-off...

3rd - occupation.... I am a business owner, medical professional, chemist, biologist, and super geek. Sorry for being vague.


"i require arbitrary numbers for proof as to how fast your computer is!!!11"
yea pretty else would we compare them. Your right 3dmark doesnt really mean much but it gives you a basic idea
venturi said:
3rd - occupation.... I am a business owner, medical professional, chemist, biologist, and super geek. Sorry for being vague.

... Owner... Doctor.....Scientist.... Geek....

So you own your own hospital? at which you are a doctor who invents... cures? and Stuff.... and on your spare time... you build computers and plot to take over the what you meant to say is...

venturi said:
3rd - occupation.... I am "Rich Biatch!!!" - Dave Chapelle
Nice Computer BTW.. care to help a devil dog out :p

You know, this is why I avoid answering the question of how much the pc costs...
Hi again venturi. :)

Aren't you the other guy that does pacs (among other things) with that other killer machine?

I only get 127fps with those settings and my chip @ 2.4ghz......

How in the hell do you get 150+??? Are you overclocking you're quadro's?

WEll don't worry, my bh5, phase change mounting kit, and watercooling parts get here next week. Then you're done :p

BTW I would be very itnerested in your 3dmark 03 and 05
venturi said:

You know, this is why I avoid answering the question of how much the pc costs...
Well at least you know to invest your money in something cool like a dual opty system :)
Just to make my e-penis feel sort of big:

I get 120 with everything maxed out and everything at stock settings (besides ram timings.) :p
venturi said:
1st -I did run 3dMark05 - that's posted somewhere else in here.

I got an average of 12844 with a mean deviation of 200 points.

2nd - The box is my personal pc, altough I do occasionally drag work home or have to dial in. I view medical images and composite multi-slice xrays on specialized software. No the cards were not a business expense, although I am considering it as a tax write-off...

3rd - occupation.... I am a business owner, medical professional, chemist, biologist, and super geek. Sorry for being vague.

I'm in the high end workstation integration business, I was just curious, hope I didn't offend. ;)
USMC2Hard4U said:
... Owner... Doctor.....Scientist.... Geek....

So you own your own hospital? at which you are a doctor who invents... cures? and Stuff.... and on your spare time... you build computers and plot to take over the world..
hehe Doctor Evil. :D

Nice setup there and nice numbers.
venturi said:
1st -I did run 3dMark05 - that's posted somewhere else in here.

I got an average of 12844 with a mean deviation of 200 points.


That's fucking ridiculous, you are now #1 in the world. On air. You just beat people that have $4000 cooling systems that hit -190C under load. On air. On air. On air.

I suggest you submit those results to make you're #1 status official.
computerpro3 said:
That's fucking ridiculous, you are now #1 in the world. On air. You just beat people that have $4000 cooling systems that hit -190C under load. On air. On air. On air.

I suggest you submit those results to make you're #1 status official.
Well you have to look at it this way, ITs really not the CPU power thats doing it...
he has 5000$'s worth of video cards in his computer....

I mean come on... 5Grand in Video Cards....
still, #1 in the world, ON AIR! :eek:

I don't think that has every been done in any iteration of 3dmark before! :eek: :eek: :eek:
And you know...all this time everyone, even on here told me that the Quadros and stuff Suck for Gaming.... WTF is That about.

Now, I understand that the 2000+ $ Difference isnt worth the 10% Performance Increase. But Still...
Thanks guys. I've learned a lot from this forum. its great when its about exchanging information.

1st - there is no overclocking right now. I'm waiting to get the new driver release from Nvidia and overclock the cards with the control panel . I was holding out but if I have to, I will change the timings in the quadros' bios as I become more impatient. I estimate that i can conservativly raise the mem by 150mhz (its at 1.05 right now) and the gpus by 50mhz (400 right now). I have done this individually with each card with coolbits and they were rock stable. SLI overclocking isn't working right...yet.

2nd - I ws waiting for the new version of ntune to raise my 252 opterons to as close as I can to 3.0ghz. The current version of ntune gets confused with the 16gb of ram.
I will not make ridiculolus unstable overclocks - the name of the game is full stability with speed.

3rd - I did post the 3dmark05 scores back when I was using the 6800ultra SLI and the Opties 250, those got over 11000. Now, with the 252s and the 512mb quadro fx SLI, I hope to set some new benchmarks - with just a touch of overclocking...then I will post....

Right now I'm enjoying some really great high-rez for work purposes and great speed/detail in games.


you know... im surprised you do not have a 74GB raptor as a boot drive.. :D
Are you going to stick with 2003 server or move to xp 64-bit when they move past beta? If you do stick with server and purchase it are you going to stay with enterprise or move over to standard?

edit: also, why not boot off a maxtor atlas 15K.2 147gig drive. Currently the fastest drive out there to add into your already incredibly fast system? compared to those video cards or procs, they're cheap.
I'm a Pre-med student right now, and damn I hope when all is said and done, I can afford shit like this. Venturi, much appreciated my friend. Thanks for taking the time. Wonderful setup you have there. The only thing I can recommend is that you add a home theater setup. I would recommend Paradigm speakers (the most expensive ones u can afford) and a Denon amp/receiver. Enjoy!