SlickSurf mouse feet review


Limp Gawd
Feb 6, 2005
Just thought I'd post my impressions of these things here since there is a huge lack of information online on SlickSurf pads. They are pretty much replacement mouse feet for a wide range of mouse brands. The company's website is

Now on to my review and story!

I have a Logitech MX510 mouse and I had lost a foot a while back. It didn't really bother me until I decided I needed a gaming quality mousepad to fit my gaming quality mouse. I ordered an Icemat from newegg and began the hunt for replacement feet.

Xoxide had some for around $7 + $5 shipping, but that was out of my price range for a simple mouse foot replacement. So I surfed the net and found some random forum post that linked to the slicksurf site. I checked them out and figured that $5 isn't too much money to pay and it wouldn't be a huge loss if they didn't work as advertised.

My Icemat arrived on Monday (I paid the extra $2 to get it sooner) but my SlickSurf pads hadn't come yet. I saw that the Icemat came with some huge plastic feet and teflon tape to put on the mouse. I figured that I'd use this option instead. So I plopped on the too-large feet and stuck on the teflon tape and enjoyed several hours of high-accuracy 'BOOM HEADSHOT' action in Counterstrike.

The next day the neglected SlickSurf pads came in the mail. I was hesitant to put them on because the Icemat teflon thingies were doing pretty well as was. I took a look at the underside of my mouse and saw that the teflon tape was starting to come off and some of the glue from the tape was getting on the Icemat. I peeled off the failed tape strips, removed what remained of the original mouse feet and put on the SlickSurf pads.

And the end result? I am very impressed. The SlickSurf pads are just as good if not better than the teflon that came with the Icemat. The main problem with the Icemat is that if you aren't using any kind of friction reduction for your mouse, you will get an annoying glass scraping noise. The SlickSurf pads actually produce LESS of a noise than the teflon pads did and this will probably go down further as I wear in the SlickSurf pads.

So overall, if you have an Icemat or any other high-end mousepad or just need replacement mouse feet for your existing mouse, try out SlickSurf. I'd post some pictures of my mouse with the pads on, but the images on the website pretty much mirror my results (only the mouse is different.)
Didn't even know you could buy this kind of thing. Needless to say they are on their way. Thanks for the Information.
I recently pulled my tape off that was getting gunked up. It made it difficult to get contact with my charging station too. Yeah, I'm going to try some. This paypal thing makes this impulse stuff too easy. :)

I wonder what the deal with the razer is. I imagine it's built in is nice but after a year it's probably not as slick as new aftermarket stuff is. They should make a set for that. That long strip at the base.
I'm thinking the stuff that SlickSurf uses is the same poly-something that is being used on the new G-series mice from Logitech.
I just ordered a set of Slicksurf feet, and a standard Func 1030 surface and will post my opinion here once I get to try them out. The feet on my nearly 1 year old MX1000 are finally starting to wear down, I figure 3.99 isn't too much for a replacement set :)
^ Don't think so. They sent me an email asking how I heard of them. I emailed back they should support Razers.

I dunno if my feet here made much difference on my MX700. The notion is there that these get better over a bit of time/use. Maybe then it will help more.
After trying the Slicksurf feet + Func 1030 pad, all i can say is Wow, what a difference it has made from using the stock feet and just my desktop as a surface. I feel like i have much more control in games now, it's great :) Everyone here should get these feet.
xSnowmaNx said:
Do they even make these for Copperhead feet? I just emailed them about it...

You shouldn't need them on a Copperhead, they already have glide feet on them, teflon I believe (or something similar). I had a Diamondback and it had that anyway. It was smoother than the MX500 I had with mousefeet/gliders.
Reading your review prompted me to order a set for my mx1000 this morning. Thanks!
koneko said:
You shouldn't need them on a Copperhead, they already have glide feet on them, teflon I believe (or something similar). I had a Diamondback and it had that anyway. It was smoother than the MX500 I had with mousefeet/gliders.

The thing is, these things will wear out. I can already see them wearing out quite a bit. And mine came all messed up. It looked like someone took a jagged knife or something and cut them and just slapped them on. Everyone else I know had feet that looked like they were polished.
I know, it was 3 years since the last post. Hyperglide supports razers mouse, just to let you know.
Hyperglide is very good. Based on the feet I got for my Deathadder a long time ago, they seem to be virtually identical to the ones Razer puts on their mouse.
this site is awsome... i gotta order a set for my g5, my mx1000, my intelemouse explorer and my gf's g7

haha one reason i upgraded from intelemouse to mx1000 was cause the feet were almost gone... then i went to the g5 since the mx1000 feet were wearing low (and it has charging issues)

this is def a good one to be raised from the dead
Yep, been using a set of SlickSurf feet on my MX1000 for several years now. I even have a spare set, but these feet don't wear out.
this site is awsome... i gotta order a set for my g5, my mx1000, my intelemouse explorer and my gf's g7

haha one reason i upgraded from intelemouse to mx1000 was cause the feet were almost gone... then i went to the g5 since the mx1000 feet were wearing low (and it has charging issues)

this is def a good one to be raised from the dead

I assume you're thanking me? Thank you and you're most welcomed.
Thanks, I been looking for a new mouse and just cant seem to get my mind set on any of them just yet. the feet on my mouse (MX500) are worn badly as is the rubbery caoting. I can live with the rubbery caoting being worn but the mouse feet are something else.
this will serve e well untill I can decide on a mouse.
Got my Feet today, came in a simple white envelope, the actual feet are stuck to a small piece of paper. I removed what little remained of the existing feet then cleaned it off with Sticker removal fluid. Dried it well with a paper towel. Pulled the first foot off the paper, it was white in color, didn't stick very well. Pulled off the second foot it wasn't white, it was less opaque, looking at it closer I see it left behind a small piece of backing, that backing was still on the first foot, I removed it a replaced it, stuck really well. applied the rest making sure to remove the backing.

I first tried the mouse on a Xtrack Ripper, A high quality Cloth mouse pad, it has been what I been using for a long time and needs replaced. It didn't glide well at all on it except near the edges where it is cleaner.

Then I tried it on a Ratpad GS. This pad felt like it was gliding on ice, almost to slick, and its noisy.

Then I tried it on a Fragmat from Ideazon, its kind of a cross between a cloth mouse pad like the ripper and the Plastic of the Ratpad, its plastic coated but it more flexible. The Glid on it was really nice, not overly slick like the Ratpad GS, however my mouse has tracking issues with this pad.

Guess I will be getting a new Xtrac Ripper soon.

One thing I noted about the feet is that they look like they were simply cut from a flat sheet of material using a die, this method results in a feathery edge and does not have the domed shape of the factory feet. I haven't felt any sign of the edge catching on the mouse pad and as long as this don't happen they should stay stuck for a good long time.
dont mean to burst your bubble..but your icemat is going to be great, untill you get extremly tired of windexing it everyday...just a small speck of dust ruins the slickness...get the ratpadz...its much better...

ive own both
These feet and my MX1000 are a perfect match for the $5 cloth mousepad you find at Walmart. There is absolutely no static friction and very little kinetic friction. The end result is precise smooth movements. But a cloth mousepad is nothing to brag about, but instead a easily replaceable minor investment.
I've been using the slicksurf pads for well over a year now. My keyboard/mouse pull-out tray on my desk actually has a black and grey speckle powdercoat finish on it and I discovered the slicksurf pads glide on it nicely with very few tracking errors so I did away with my heavily abused fUnc 1030 pad.

Heavy use leaves a light dust coat on the surface, (not sure if it's the pads of the surface) but a quick wipedown with a dry paper towel and it's good for several days. I bought 4 sets total expecting to replace them once every 6-12 months but the single set I've been using for over a year now still has more thickness than the original pads did new.

Regardless of how amateurish the site is, the product is superb.
I'll have to try some, my mouse feets are almost down to the plastic on my MX1000.