'slight' problems with my new nec 2490 ..


Oct 3, 2008
hey guys.. I read quite a few posts recommending nec 2490 wuxi
So I bought one and after a few days of use Ive noticed there is a noticeable 'backlight bleed'
on the bottom left corner of the screen and also one small dark red stuck pixel alright right in the center of the screen. stuck pixel doesnt bother me that much. its dark so it looks more like small dusk sitting on the screen. But that light patch does bother me in a way. Now, Ive had a 24 inch aluminum imac with pretty bad black light bleeding issue(which I returned) and currently have a 19 inch samsung tn panel with a rather severe back light issue so I know that the issue with 2490 isnt critical.. but I was wondering if there are people with 2490's that show moderate amount of backlight bleeding. In my case its somewhere between annoying and not very noticeable. So tell me guys, is this monitors supposed to be perfect or are you all just putting up with moderate amount of backlight bleeding?
My 2490 is getting replaced as it is not only backlight bleeding, but is actually bleeding different color temperatures. Thus some of my blacks have a brown tint and others have a blue tint. It makes workng on grayscale very obnoxious.
I took a photo of mine but it seems I cant upload it directly to the site... anyways, mine does look worse than that and where light is being leaked good portion of the screen is sorta redish which kinda bothers me. I dont know.. Im tired of returning monitors.
Here is what mine looks like. Sent NEC a picture and they said it was a faulty monitor. It is getting replaced.

(moderate overexposure)

The browish area in the bottom right corner measures 7200k and the bluish area in bottom left corner measures 5200k. The effect is plainly visible in real life usage under normal conditions when working with grayscale.
Yeah I just got my 2490 yesterday and after messing with it for a while found this:

Defective panel, or is that normal?
It's a 1/2 second exposure with my normal room lighting. Brightness at 33%
Strange. Does this go away if you back up. This looks like a close shot showing a viewing angle effect like white glow you get when you don't have the extra A-TW polarizer.
No, it actually becomes more prominent/visible the further away you are. I was 2 feet away when I took those but my camera makes it seem closer. If I DID get closer (say 4" from the screen) then you can't see it any more.
I just spoke to NEC not more than 10 minutes ago and they said to let it run with a white background for a while and it should settle in. Something about the crystals needing to be broken in. I'm not sure if I really believe this or not as nothing I have read, seen, or heard from ANYONE tells me that this is normal at all.
They said they will replace it for up to 30 days from the purchase date, so I should let it run a couple weeks (14 days) and see what it does. I made sure they added a note about all of this because it sort of seemed like they were trying to talk me out of sending it in for service, and I don't want that 30 day period to expire while I'm busy testing Tech supports theories (and end up a $1200 paperweight).
In the mean time I set it as my secondary monitor and have the Nokia Test running an all white background, which I'll leave up 24/7. I'll take a look at it later this afternoon to see if there is any difference, then go from there.

Sorry if I seem really agitated by all this, but I've spend around USD$3000 trying to get a decent replacement so far. I was stupid and cheap at first and tried getting one of those 24" Dell POS, returned it, got another, and finally gave up and got the NEC.
If you set aside my issue with the backlight (I'm assuming it's backlight bleeding at this point, as no one seems to be able to say yes or no either way) I love the 2490. Colors (at least in the center of the screen where there are no problems) are great out of the box, and even better once hardware calibrated. The OSD is to die for (has everything you could want and then some). I notice absolutely no lag at all. Not a single dead or stuck pixel. It meets every expectation I had for it.
I'm hoping this really is just a "break-in" thing, because aside from that it's perfect in every other way I can think of.
happened to me like that too, I even made a thread about it, however mine went away after 2 weeks of usage. I was going to get it replace but I waited to see how it turn out after a week and there was a huge improvement. Now I can t ask for any better because it is amazingly uniform with almost no bleed at all even in a dark room.
Obviously nothing like that with my screen. Here is one second in the dark. You can see a bit of a slightly brighter spot top center left. It is very minor.

But I run my backlight at zero, unless I am using it on bright day and the room is bright. Even at Zero you get close to 150cd/m2 once it warms up.

IMO this is as good as LCDs get and I dont' spend a lot of time looking at black screens in the dark.

happened to me like that too, I even made a thread about it, however mine went away after 2 weeks of usage. I was going to get it replace but I waited to see how it turn out after a week and there was a huge improvement. Now I can t ask for any better because it is amazingly uniform with almost no bleed at all even in a dark room.

That actually makes me feel a lot better. And also after running a white background all day I THINK I notice a slight difference. When I switch over to black it doesn't seem as obvious. Of course this might just be my head playing tricks on me (wishful thinking).

Oh and Snowdog, yeah I don't normally sit around looking at all black screens either lol, but I like to play a game now and then (like I did yesterday) and I def. notice the corners being slightly off.
But like Bianconeri said, it got better for him, so I'm hoping it'll do the same for me. If it does, I'm calling NEC and telling them they need to put some sort of paper in the boxes for now on saying something about this.
Oh and Snowdog, yeah I don't normally sit around looking at all black screens either lol, but I like to play a game now and then (like I did yesterday) and I def. notice the corners being slightly off.

I can see that you would. Compare my 1 sec exposure yours. Clearly yours is MUCH different than mine. I don't notice an issue under any condition. I would not be happy if mine looked like yours. If that is what it actually looks like.

I find some people get obsessed and start posting ridiculous over exposures that don't look anything like reality.

But again if your looks like that picture. Damn straight I would want some solution. As you can see on mine there are no dramatic hot spots at all.

I had a Dell 3007 for a short while and it sucked. It has no A-TW polarizer so the corners would have strong white glow from viewing angle. I noticed this even in use with lights on. I sent it back and got the NEC which is essentially perfect (for an LCD) as far as I am concerned.

When I first saw your picture I thought you were missing the A-TW polarizer. Now I just don't know, but something looks very wrong.
happened to me like that too, I even made a thread about it, however mine went away after 2 weeks of usage. I was going to get it replace but I waited to see how it turn out after a week and there was a huge improvement. Now I can t ask for any better because it is amazingly uniform with almost no bleed at all even in a dark room.

This really surprises me. I haven't seen the amount of backlight bleed change with time on any of my LCD monitors, including NEC, although I don't have this particular model.

By the way, the NEC monitor customer service folks respond with "wait 2 weeks and it will go away" for almost any problem these days. I've heard it from them for everything from the vertical stripe problem of the 3090, to uniformity problems, backlight bleed, and even dead pixels (!!). When asked to explain, they say something about letting the pixels settle and burn in. Weird stuff, but it evidently works in the sense that some of the customers end up not exchanging the monitors because they get used to the problem and decide that it's not so bad after all, and not worth the hassle of the exchange. It's kind of funny, because this reinforces the impression that some the NEC reps have that waiting actually solves the problem!
I can see that you would. Compare my 1 sec exposure yours. Clearly yours is MUCH different than mine. I don't notice an issue under any condition. I would not be happy if mine looked like yours. If that is what it actually looks like.

I find some people get obsessed and start posting ridiculous over exposures that don't look anything like reality.

But again if your looks like that picture. Damn straight I would want some solution. As you can see on mine there are no dramatic hot spots at all.

I had a Dell 3007 for a short while and it sucked. It has no A-TW polarizer so the corners would have strong white glow from viewing angle. I noticed this even in use with lights on. I sent it back and got the NEC which is essentially perfect (for an LCD) as far as I am concerned.

When I first saw your picture I thought you were missing the A-TW polarizer. Now I just don't know, but something looks very wrong.

I agree - I would insist on an exchange for this monitor.

Snowdog, your monitor's black image is quite good. There's better, but it's expensive. This is one area where the Eizo CG301W is amazing - perfect black uniformity on all the units that I've seen. The secret is in the way they mount the panel - Eizo has a very elaborate way of keeping the panel in place.
Well per their instructions (funny to hear about how thye tell everyone to wait... jackasses) I let the thing run white (33% brightness for 10 hours while I was home, 100% brightness for 13 hours while I was gone) and this is what it looks like now:

Same exposure, about the same distance from the screen, and in fact the room is a bit darker than before as my florescent room lighting had not warmed up all the way yet.
Compare THAT to this from yesterday:

Clearly it helped, so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and see where I am this afternoon.

One thing I can guarantee will not happen is me "getting used to it". As things stand now I can just barely notice it with normal use (I can see slight temp differences from the center to the lighter areas if I look for it) however I'm using two different monitor tools to produce solids and have a spyder3pro here to measure the color temp if I want. I'm not going to be satisfied until my screen resembles something close to Snowdog's.
I've never had to deal with any of this on any TN's, or VA's (this is my first IPS), so I didn't buy the "burn-in" excuse.... but so far it seems to be true.

Will keep you updated.
Wow! That is really freaky. That is an unbelievable difference in just a day or so. I would love to understand what is technically happening here.

I have never seen such a dramatic change. Mine arrived pretty much the same as it is now, but I did run mine on high for a few days straight. I like to burn in all electronics. But I saw no before and after difference.
Trust me it really worked mine was absolute horrendous like yours if not worst and after 2 weeks its almost no bleed at all which is wonderful. This was evident in my thread a while ago on this site. Has to be seen to believe.
Here is a shot I took this morning:

I decided to actually USE it like normal yesterday, then when I went to sleep turned it back up to 100% with the white solid on it again. Not 100% perfect, but it's pretty darn close don't you think?

So yeah. I really don't have any idea why or how (I don't believe it's image burn), but less than 48 hours of running it at max brightness with a white solid image on screen and it's for all intent and purposes, perfect.

I'm finally satisfied!:p
Amazing. I don't think I would have really believed it without the pictures. That is a stunning reversal.