Slightly Melted HD?


Limp Gawd
Jan 30, 2007
So for a while I have had a 500GB WDC Blue drive (WD5000AAKS) in a Vantec Nexstar 3 eSata enclosure connected to my macbook pro via a rosewill esata card, that has in the last months caused a lot of crashes in my computer. I googled for a new esata card, and the one I found seemed have issues with SATA 3.0Gbps drives on a certain esata enclosure chipset (which this drive enclosure sometimes uses). So I open the Vantec up, see that is is the problematic chipset, and remove to drive to see if I can set a jumper to make it work with the card I might be getting.

However, as I turn the drive over, I notice something a little bit strange (to say the least!). It appears that my hard drive appears to have MELTED on the bottom side. I can't imagine it came like this. The plastic fades from a smooth shiny black in the centers to a bubbly matte black near the support beams (or what ever they may be).


I just want to post here to confirm that drives don't come like this. I've built my fare share of computers, but I can't say I have ever examined the bottom of a hard drive.

To give u an idea of the enclosure. I had it vertically standing behind my computer monitor/speakers (on the flat side). Only thing within a foot of it generating heat is a IOGear KVM. My room is RARELY above 80.

I have been getting these freezes mostly in the last 3-4 months. I suspect that this drive overheating is the cause, and not the esata card/enclosure. If it is the drive overheating, I need a new enclosure it seems! Or just mount some grommets on the bottom of the tray from the enclosure and let it rest in the open air when I get a replacement from WD (hopefully!).
Umm that is black paint on aluminum not plastic. So my guess is that it is just a poor paint job on your HD.

Edit, and I just grabbed a old WD HD I have sitting next to me here at work, and it looks just like that... just some pooled paint that dried there.
Yeah, I've had plenty of hard drives with uneven paint on the drive. It's nothing to be concerned about.
Yea, if it got hot enough to melt paint, you would have smelt it.
