Slim DVD Burner Upgrade problem for Laptop (must be Master)


Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2003
Dear H|Forum Members,
I am in the market to upgrade the Optical drive on my Toshiba Tecra M3 to a DVD Burner, however it appears that those thieves over at Toshiba have put a lock in the BIOS that causes the Optical drive not to be recognized if it's anything other than Master (like Cable Select, which it appears is how most aftermarket Slim drives are configured). That way most customers will get the Optical drive upgrade from them for ~$250, which is ridiculous.

I was looking at a couple of Models on NewEgg between $50-70 but there seems not to be a way to find out whether they are Master/Slave/CS from factory, and the customer support representatives have no idea.

I read somewhere online that's firmwares can also change a drive's setting to Master. Is that correct? I am at a point where I'm willing to buy any drive for which those guys have made a firmware that sets it as a Master.

I would immensely appreciate if one of you guys could tell me if it's true that some firmwares set the drive to Master, and if yes for which drives are these firmwares available, so I can look them up online and pick one. If you don't know about existing firmwares that accomplish that, could you perhaps tell me of a drive whose firmware can be modified to do the same thing or perhaps a drive that ships out with the correct setting so that it will work on my M3?

I already posted in the RPC1 Forum, I just figured I'd post here too because I am looking to buy this drive as soon as possible, I am leaving town soon and I would like to have the new Burner with me.

Thank you in advance for your help!

A suggestion: why don´t you go for an external USB DVD burner, they are cheap and slim these days, and you could burn directly DVD to DVD, using the reader and the burner.