Slow access time?


Apr 7, 2006

ive got two WD 500GB AAKS drives one for my boot drive and the other for storage.

now the boot drive gives me a access time of 20ms whilst the storage gives me 14ms,shouldnt the boot drive be about 14ms also?

Boot drive:


Storage drive:


I have the same problem, but I think some of it is AAM at the least - well, I dunno. I turned off AAM, and it was LOUD. But it got 14ms. I've basically given up on getting 14ms (or less) and quiet at the same time.
Try moving the swap file to the storage drive.. it might be (might) that something is accessing the swap file while the test suite is trying to test it, inflating the access time measurement.
Try moving the swap file to the storage drive.. it might be (might) that something is accessing the swap file while the test suite is trying to test it, inflating the access time measurement.

Was already on the storage drive,i might just swap the drives over and put windows on the one with the fastest access time?
So it isn't the swap file.. hmm are they on the same kind of controller? (eg: silicon image vs Intel etc.)
Ok, that MB does have a JMicron controller and a Intel one.

So make sure your system drive is on a Intel SATA port. (probably SATA #1 )
Just had the drives out and ran the benchmarks on another pc and they were the same,so i take it that there is something wrong with the drive thats giving me the slower access time.
Just had the drives out and ran the benchmarks on another pc and they were the same,so i take it that there is something wrong with the drive thats giving me the slower access time.

Very interesting.

Where did you buy these and did you buy them together?
I guess we should also see what the manuf. dates are. I got mine in May so mine's probably a March/April model.
I got them from,bought one 2 weeks ago and i got the most recent a few days ago (which is the slowest).
I got them from,bought one 2 weeks ago and i got the most recent a few days ago (which is the slowest).

Hrmm, anyway you could get manuf. dates/serial #'s for comparison? I'll have to wait till I get back from work to post mine.
*I got mine from ZZF (US retailer), but I doubt location is going to be a significant factor.
Just had WD back in touch with me and theyve said its defective and to RMA the drive.