Small attractive upgrade?


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2005
Hi all,
My old motherboard is dieing on me and need an upgrade. Im reading the posts here and well pretty much all of you guys are hardcore with these crazy expensive parts and really basement style looking computer cases and setups. As im not into overclocking computers. I basically dont like going over mid size cases. Im happy with my 1 74 gig raptor and dvd burner. Thats all i need and dont like waisted space.
I currently own a shuttle XPC SN95G5 which i love but 1 of the ram slots died and my video card doesnt wanna work on its agp slot but works on other computers.

Rather then spend money fixing a junk computer i rather go more new. Right now im not looking to spend to much becuase i still enjoy playing the games but its a waist of money.

So far i have these on my list.
Shuttle® SS31T1v1 Pentium® 4 Socket 775 Barebones System, Black $179 CDN
Intel® Core™2 Duo E6300, 1.86-GHz @ 1066Mhz w/ 2Mb Cache (Socket 775) $224 CDN
OCZ 2Gb PC2-5400 DDR2 Dual Channel Special Ops Edition (OCZ2SOE6672GK) $289 CDN +30 doller mail in

I have a x800pro in agp and have a friend that has a PCI-E version which ill be getting off of. Also I have a althon xp 64 3500 cpu right now and wondering how much slower is that to the duo cpu i posted?

sidenote: Why cant i ever see my own posts on this forum? I always have to search for them.
That Conroe will be about 20% faster than the Athlon at stock speeds, and can easily be overclocked (even though you don't do that) to 100% faster.

Only thing is, not all 775 boards work with Conroe, and I don't think the board in the "Shuttle® SS31T1v1" combo does... I'll do a bit more searching.
It says it only supports P4 and PD, no C2D.

You could build a microATX system instead, or go for Shuttle's new barebone, the SD37P2:

If you can live with a regular ATX tower instead of a shuttle, I'd suggest building an ATX system instead, so you can OC. These C2D chips OC so easily, it would be foolish to not OC it. Unfortunately, there isn't a nice, overclockable mATX board out yet. I'm waiting for the new NVIDIA IGP platform for c2d before I upgrade my media/lan box.
whats wrong with this site?> i cant see any of the posts!!! and when i post on someoen elses topic i cant see mine.!

ahh i knew something stupid was gonna happend. Once i replyed other posts above showed up.. wow glitchy forum
didnt notice that. Maybe i should just buy the amd version? at least i can reuse my 3500 which isnt totally dead. Maybe tips on overclocking that cpu? That would be sweet.
Danny Bui, that is some sweet find there. OMG thanks so freaking much!
Even the pentium D are worth the money. Clearly shows INTEL has the killer cpus right now.
Big difference between those cpus.. Just gotta make 300 dollers.
Well 20 frames more in unreal but 80 frames more in quake 4. WOW whats up with that. I dont play quake 4 engine games soo no help there. WOnder what diff on halflife 2 engine. 80 frames more is worth the money but not 20. Plus ram does a bit too. Soo its not a huge difference.

So what does this mean under specs for that case i want...
Intel® CeleronD/Pentium 4/Pentium D
Single and dual core CPU?