Small PCI card with good S-video out!?


Limp Gawd
Jan 24, 2005
So i got bored over the weekend and fixed up my old nintendo pc as a htpc this time. Instead this time i want to connect it to my tv using the built in S-video in the motherboard.

its a VIA EPIA-M10000 Mainboard

now ive connected the mobo my tv, and i get pretty bad video on my tv, i have a crt by the way. Ive even tried messing with the resolution, and tweaking the hell out of the built in video. So ive been looking on buying a very small PCI video card with decent tv out that allows me to read not so big text. ati? nvidia? doesnt really bother me here i just need something to watch movies, and read text on my tv.

i need a small video card to fit in this small space

so ive looked into this and into this price range

is this crap? could ya help me? thanks guys! :)
Yeah the TV out on those Epia boards is know to be pretty bad, most would advise against using an Epia for all of it's "limitations."

Either get a Hauppauge PVR 350 or this card depending on what you want to do.

I really hope you're running Linux on that, the XP drivers are terrible.