Smallest ITX case around?


Dec 23, 2007
I am looking into building a very small ITX rig for an HTPC duty. Seeing that the Zotac 9300 ITX board has everything I need (s775, Wifi, HDMI out, Optical) I wont need any expansion cards at all... Is there a case out there that can simply support the motherboard, one 3.5"/2.5" HDD and a slim optical drive?

I guess you can say im looking for a case that resembles the mac mini.

Popular choices such as the SG-05/PC-Q7 are good, but they are rather huge for my needs.
Oh, I like the ones posted in your first link, any idea to the brands or where I can find them (the first picture to be exact)


nvm, found the first one, I guess its not readily available yet, not to mention bloody expensive.
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Hmm, the second link I posted is really great for mini ITX stuff but it seems to be down...

EDIT o wait nevermind. Take a look though there.
Oh, I like the ones posted in your first link, any idea to the brands or where I can find them (the first picture to be exact)


nvm, found the first one, I guess its not readily available yet, not to mention bloody expensive.
It is expensive because each one is made when ordered. They are not mass produced as you can customize the looks/features.
One thing to remember with the motherboard you chose is that you're going to need a rather robust heatsink for your processor, so be careful choosing a case that gives you enough height
I have smallest case for m-itx I think


but dunno if you need custom case
Thanks all for the suggestions. I think I will go with the last one! Its cheap, very small, looks pretty good, and is available in canada :D

Thanks all :D
Post back here with you thoughts on that case. I'm thinking about getting it too, but some real world impressions would be appreciated.
60W should be enough for the Zotac 9300 and an E2180, no?
Well, according to this testbed and this power consumption chart, I'd say it's probably a hard sell...

The E7x00 series is usually less power hungry than the E2x00 (being 45nm and all...), and the Raptor is probably hungrier than just about any 2.5'' drive. AND the testbed doesn't list any ODD.

All in all, it seems wanting too much from a 60W PSU+brick...


Not sure it qualifies as the smallest and it is somewhat expensive (debatable) but I am partial to the Morex T3500 - ~7.75"W x ~9"L x ~3.5"H. There are several cool things about this case. For instance the Slim Optical and 2.5" HDD are mounted under the mobo and yet there is easy access to them. There is either a 90W or 150W (depending on which you want) power supply that comes with. I am going to be building a rig for my Father soon using this case and the Zotac board.

I stumbled upon the case from reading about this [H] member's build.

Morex link.
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How about a 90W PicoPSU?
That's more like it.

Do make sure you get an external brick capable of handling the max peak load of a 90W Pico, to be on the safe side. And don't tax the 5V rail with too many things. A couple of regular sub-1A USB peripherals are OK, but high-power stuff, like several bus-powered external 2.5'' HDDs are best left for a self-powered USB hub. The 5V rail power also has to come from the same power brick, and the Pico have limited amperage available on that rail, after all...

