Smart phone to sync with iCal via WiFi, and not 3G?


Jun 1, 2004
Hey all. I'm wondering if you could help around a specific circumstance.

My wife uses a dumb phone right now, and pays a minimal $10 per month plan on Tmobile which we're very happy with (only very occasional use). But she now wants functionality of a calendar.

We're cheap enough that we don't want or need a data plan, but instead would like the phone to sync with iCal via wifi at home.

I know the iPhone is not an option, since AT&T demands a data plan even though you don't use it (unbelievable that they can get away with this...). Was thinking the Android phones are an option, but I'm unsure if they will sync automatically via wifi, and that would also complicate matters since we'd have to use Google Calendar as an intermediary.

Of course we could get an iPod Touch, but that would require two separate devices...

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Welcome to subsidized phones. You pay a reduced price and you have to get a data plan; that's how it works. Why do you think unlocked phones cost so much more? How else would carriers recoup the cost of selling you a device? If you do not wish to have to get a data plan, get an unbranded/unlocked phone. You can also buy a branded phone from a different GSM carrier and unlock it.
I have no problem buying a full-priced, unlocked phone - but I still want the capability of the iCal syncing via wifi WITHOUT a data plan. Any thoughts?
Why not buy an unlocked iPhone off say eBay then and stick with T-Mobile?
Ah... I had forgotten she's with Tmobile and not AT&T! AT&T automatically detects the IMEI of the phone, and forces you to adopt a data plan even though you don't need it. With Tmobile that won't be a problem...
