Smoking [H]ot!! 64GB Kingston SSDNow V100 kit + 2.5" enclosure $50 AC/SER


Fully [H]
Dec 2, 2004

$99.99 - 25.00 coupon - 30.00 Staples Easy Rebate (no forms required, all done electronically with your order #) = 44.99 (+ tax on 74.99). Shipping is free.

Get a $25 off 75 coupon from a seller (google one... I took an e-junkie one from cccoupon for around $1.80 through paypal which was delivered instantly).

Add item to cart + add the coupon... total will be around $80 with tax (if applicable), $75 pre-tax.

Submit order, then copy and paste your order # into the Staples Easy Rebate form (mine was able to be submitted right away). You by default get a $30 rebate for a prepaid debit card but can change it to a $30 rebate check :D.

Already have mine ordered, with rebate submitted and processing for the check. It'll be a nice supplement to my current drive for extra games/etc.

No, this isn't the fastest SSD on the market but it's a decent medium performer, and still blows away even the fastest HDD's, since the main benefit of an SSD are the sub-0.1ms access times. Enjoy!

CREDIT for original link to drive: koolestone of SD. Post written by me ;).
I want to buy one but I bought one the last time around for my laptop so now my laptop, htpc and pc all have ssd's.

Maybe my clearos router could use a ssd. :p
They are generated coupons on E-junkie. They work but are fraudulent.

Wrong. They go out of stock and are real ones. Believe what you wish though. Just don't go making false accusations with no evidence, let alone proof.
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Need to stop the putting the $25 off 75 coupons and taking it as an automatic when posting prices on items. Mention it in the post sure "you can save $25 MORE if you get a coupon..." but FFS man, its not automatic.
Need to stop the putting the $25 off 75 coupons and taking it as an automatic when posting prices on items. Mention it in the post sure "you can save $25 MORE if you get a coupon..." but FFS man, its not automatic.

It says "AC" in the title which means "after coupon", and is described thoroughly in the OP. Anyone can get one, either having had it emailed to them or buying off of a place that has them hoarded, pretty typical of any deals at Staples.
Wrong. They go out of stock and are real ones. Believe what you wish though. Just don't go making false accusations with no evidence, let alone proof.

They are generated fraudulently overseas. Legitimate $25 off $75 coupons are MAILED to rewards members on a cardboard type of paper. Are you presently or have in the past been an employee of Staples Inc? If you answer no to this, you do NOT know what you are talking about.
They are generated fraudulently overseas. Legitimate $25 off $75 coupons are MAILED to rewards members on a cardboard type of paper.

So the 25 off 75 coupons that staples emails me are fraudulent.. Well that sucks.. I may have to call them & tell them the interwebz says there lying.
So the 25 off 75 coupons that staples emails me are fraudulent.. Well that sucks.. I may have to call them & tell them the interwebz says there lying.

Email ones are legitimate too, however they are not as common as the ones mailed to your physical address. The ones being sold are neither of these.
Email ones are legitimate too, however they are not as common as the ones mailed to your physical address. The ones being sold are neither of these.

Right. As I said, think what you want, but as far as I am aware they are 100% legitimate. If you had some actual evidence to support your claim, you'd have said so by now. What it sounds like is conspiracy theories.

They are generated fraudulently overseas. Legitimate $25 off $75 coupons are MAILED to rewards members on a cardboard type of paper. Are you presently or have in the past been an employee of Staples Inc? If you answer no to this, you do NOT know what you are talking about.

Funny, since I've gotten emails with them directly from Staples :rolleyes:. You done polluting a hot deal thread yet with FUD?
Right. As I said, think what you want, but as far as I am aware they are 100% legitimate. If you had some actual evidence to support your claim, you'd have said so by now. What it sounds like is conspiracy theories.

Funny, since I've gotten emails with them directly from Staples :rolleyes:. You done polluting a hot deal thread yet with FUD?

It's not FUD, it's well documented on various deal sites these are generated. Staples is aware their coupon system has been compromised as well.
They are generated fraudulently overseas. Legitimate $25 off $75 coupons are MAILED to rewards members on a cardboard type of paper. Are you presently or have in the past been an employee of Staples Inc? If you answer no to this, you do NOT know what you are talking about.

While I have no idea whether they are legit or not, let me ask you this...Are you affiliated with Staples Inc.? If your answer is no to this, you do NOT know what you're talking about.
It's not FUD, it's well documented on various deal sites these are generated. Staples is aware their coupon system has been compromised as well.

Right, they've been selling them for a few years and Staples hasn't bothered to fix some magical exploit... sure.

While I have no idea whether they are legit or not, let me ask you this...Are you affiliated with Staples Inc.? If your answer is no to this, you do NOT know what you're talking about.

Unless he's a member of their web team, he has no idea what he's talking about. Which, from the sound of it, he doesn't.
I actualy had one of these coupons email for my staples rewards account, snagged one. Thanks OP
Not a bad price, they raised the price of these from two weeks ago, they where $90.00 before rebate.
in 4 one.. Total after rebate, coupon purchase, and tax = $53.68..

Got a pair of 320 gig HDs in raid 0 that I am going to Craiglist for $75 for the pair to offset the cost on my HTPC lol.
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In for 1 for $7.09 including $2.10 tax and free delivery on Tuesday 12/13! This was due to a legit $25 coupon --mailed to me from staples, 2x $20 staples rewards coupons from items I bought a few months ago, and the $30.00 rebate on this item.
I bit; going to throw this SSD in my laptop and put my current HDD in the enclosure it comes with.
Thanks OP!
It's not FUD, it's well documented on various deal sites these are generated. Staples is aware their coupon system has been compromised as well.

Not only is Staples' coupon system compromised, but their rewards system as well. I've read incidents of thieves cleaning out Staples Rewards accounts before they could be cashed. How does Staples stay in business while remaining so seemingly inept? I honestly haven't a clue.

I even remember the days of inputing hundreds of codes and finding the best ones. There were even some $50 off $50 codes. :) Ten years later and not much has changed. One of the reasons I still shop at Staples. lol
Man, I need one of those 25 of 75 coupon codes, but do not have a paypal + paypal blocked my CC :/

Anyone want to help buy me one? I'll pay for coupon first. With a little compensation, $5 for a coupon, PM ME! (will be paying via-amazon payment.)
Not only is Staples' coupon system compromised, but their rewards system as well. I've read incidents of thieves cleaning out Staples Rewards accounts before they could be cashed. How does Staples stay in business while remaining so seemingly inept? I honestly haven't a clue.

I even remember the days of inputing hundreds of codes and finding the best ones. There were even some $50 off $50 codes. :) Ten years later and not much has changed. One of the reasons I still shop at Staples. lol

Everything at Staples is linked, their coupon system is tied into their rewards portal, and this rewards portal is tied into tons of customer metric systems.
Everything at Staples is linked, their coupon system is tied into their rewards portal, and this rewards portal is tied into tons of customer metric systems.

Ok, you should really stop with attempting to be the internet police. I highly doubt Santa Clause is reading this thread, so it's probably useless trying to be on the 'nice' list. K?
Ok, you should really stop with attempting to be the internet police. I highly doubt Santa Clause is reading this thread, so it's probably useless trying to be on the 'nice' list. K?

Maybe he just owns Staples stock.
Alright, just received mine and am about to do a clean windows install. Any SSD optimization tips?

I know many guides are outdated and no longer relevant for newer SSDs so what should I do?
Alright, just received mine and am about to do a clean windows install. Any SSD optimization tips?

I know many guides are outdated and no longer relevant for newer SSDs so what should I do?

Windows 7? If so install it and nothing more windows 7 pretty much optimizes itself for ssd's.
Back in stock.

I got my two yesterday. I have three of these now. Didn't have any problems with my first drive.
hmm i was planning on buying one but would there be enough space for both Windows 7 64bit and battlefield 3?

Yes, just turn off hibernation and reduce the page file to 500mb and you should have around 40gb free before installing battlefield 3. If battlefield 3 takes 40gb then :eek:
Yes, just turn off hibernation and reduce the page file to 500mb and you should have around 40gb free before installing battlefield 3. If battlefield 3 takes 40gb then :eek:

With nothing but windows 7 x64 and the various patches, drivers, and updates I am getting 30GB used with 29GB free. I didn't realize 7 took up so much space on its own. I still haven't installed office.

I would really recommend 128GB drive if you have a lot of applications/programs/games.