SMP Client & Service Mode


Limp Gawd
Nov 20, 2003
Ok, i'm a long time folder here, and generally just lurk.

I recently got around to installing the SMP client on a few machines. Work Unit times and everythign seem fine etc. However I cant seem to get the stupid thing to start up as a service. Maby i'm just being an R-Tarde here, but I've gotta be missing something simple.

I install the client, get it working, and set it to "install as a service" in the config menu. That all works fine, the client starts folding. On reboot, though the service never gets rolling.

I'm having the same issue on a C2 Duo at work, my new C2 Quad I just built and my Wife's dual core Opty. So it does not seem like hardware to me.

Any suggestions?
Well if its not wise as a service...does everyone just manually launch the damn thing each time you reboot a machine?

*EDIT* Never mind, the thread you pointed me to is explaining.

I don't understand much about programing but it sure seems that the SMP client in general is a big Pain in the Ass. None of the other clients are so picky as the SMP client is. I know its still in beta and all.

I have it installed and its the only client I have ran that actually effects my gaming performance. I am starting to think that its only good for a dedicated Folding machine and not for an everyday use machine. I think I will be going back to the normal console Client till things get worked out with SMP.
I have it installed and its the only client I have ran that actually effects my gaming performance. I am starting to think that its only good for a dedicated Folding machine and not for an everyday use machine. I think I will be going back to the normal console Client till things get worked out with SMP.
I have 2 SMP clients running on my general use machine and it doesn't usually get in the way but I don't play any games. Sometimes though, it is noticeable with certain apps such as video editing and probably depends on the type of hardware you have.

dual clients running on two q6600s that both get used regularly (mine plays games etc quite often) and I've noticed zero slowdowns. I even tried to measure it once, and came up with performance decreases less than 5% while running 2x SMP.
My main PC is running the SMP client (5.91 Beta 6) on Vista 64 and I haven't really had any troubles with it. I stop and start it when needed, never lose work units and never get errors. I've left it open accidentally while burning DVDs and a few times while playing COD4 and haven't had any problems with slowdown.

My main PC is running the SMP client (5.91 Beta 6) on Vista 64 and I haven't really had any troubles with it. I stop and start it when needed, never lose work units and never get errors. I've left it open accidentally while burning DVDs and a few times while playing COD4 and haven't had any problems with slowdown.

+1 for that. I'm runin' 1x SMP client (5.91 beta 6) on my main boxen which is a Q6600 OC'ed 2.8 GHz WC'er and it's running WinXP w/SP2. (it's downclocked from 3.2 GHz because of summertime temps) :D

I just start it and stop it (rarely) when I need to, I've done winders up dates, "surfed" and done other mundane things trouble free. I've never burned a DVD or played any games while "crunching", but then I rarely play any games or burn many DVD's :)

I also have Ubuntu v8.04 on another Q6600 and just playing around with it I have never had any problems. ATM it only has 1x LinSMP client on it, I'm patiently waiting on the FahCore_a2 results. (I've also done several updates trouble free) :confused:

I even have a box which act as a file server, firewall/router (in a VM), folding 2x (2 more VM) and backup server. It performed flawlessly ;)
