SN25P changes


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 9, 2000

Well I've build manny Shuttles and I love them.
I've builded many P series in past 18 months.
They have all have had same features. Like same ICE same fans same PSU etc.


I have had a SN95G5 and have had ton's of fan with it but I've chaged now and got my self a SN25P. Well 7900GT was a reason. My 6800GT was getting old specialy I'm about to gett a 20"TFT with native 1680x1050 resolution.
I was bit afraid of SN21G5 although I like G5 series case more.

On other hand more space and bigger PSU is also good.

O.K. now I've noticed that my SN25P came with ICE that's other then all other P series ICE's I've seen :(

Like normaly under a aluminum duct between a small fan and big fin area fixed on base plate where a set of thin aluminum fins wich where cooled with small fan. Big back fan was pulling in push pull combination but was also sucking air above that aluminum duct.
Those fins where creating a backpreasure for small fan but where cooling directly a ICE base making a ICE from P series hybrid from heatpipe and normal HSF.
Mine has only big back fin area that's attached to heatpipes like on G serries and there is nothing on base it self. So now it's like "just"a heatpipe cooler with strange push pull combination. Oh it works andit works prety good but that's normal with Shuttle. I just can't directly compare them because I have only this one home :(

In principle now fin area is much smaller then on My SN95G5 wich have used 92 mili fan with biger ICE but withouth duct and secnd fan. I'm worried it has less potential then old type of a cooler.

On other side with case open and CPU on stock speed (4200+ X2) I have had a CPU temp of a 45 deg. C afte like 2 hours online gaming. Fan never accelerated (smart settings) and everything sayed cool. Room temp was 23 deg. C shuttle was open due wire packaging problems (no tirewraps at home :) )

Did Shuttle went El Cheepo way?
What happend to a power connector for a PCI-e? My XFX 7900GT ViVo came with molex adapter but that one needs two molex connectors and SN25P has only two of them from wich one is use for DVD RW (and second for maybe third HDD in IDE)

Finish looks still cool. SATA cables changed to. Look cheeper but work better then old version. PSU is still 350Watt. Media card reader makes no problems whats so ever.

I hate fact that basic BIOS didn't have had options for 1T at memory settings and I hate that to disable onboard audio I have had to use jumper!!??? Where is a BIOS version of controll of audio chip?

So not enough molex connectors and lack of PCI-e power connector makes me sad.

Except or those few thing it's still great SFF.

Why Shuttle didn't called it V2,0 so We an recognise new once?

Well small word on a preformance. With same memory and same CPU and same HDD all those components preform same. Just a 7900GT preforms much bette then 6800GT in new games and bechmarks. Well it's like there is no grafic card to slow Your system down. Games in 3Dmark2005 would even be playable and once in 3Dmark2006 wouldn'but they look awesome.
So if grafic card is an isue nForce4 is better. Though for a server HDD's memory , network and CPU preforms just a same on nForce3 250 chipset.

/end moaning

Wich ICE doo You have in Your SN25P?
