SN95G5 memory issue


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 24, 2001
In my sn95g5 (v2) I've had a 1GB stick of PDP PEP1G3200LL ram in it with absolutely no problems for the past few months. I bought another stick of the same ram (although upon recieving, the pcb was a different color) and with both slots filled the bios will post but not load the os from the hard drive. The drive is still detected in the bios and setup. If I use either one stick or the other it works fine, I have also memtested both sticks individually and also together with no errors.

Is this an issue with the motherboard can't take 2 1GB sticks in dual channel, or maybe the ram just isn't compatible with each other?

Does anybody else with a sn95g5 v2 have 2GB of ram installed?

EDIT: If I install both sticks, then reset the CMOS I can load winxp and reset as many times without problems, but when I turn it off and turn it back on it will not load XP. Motherboard issue??
I don't know, but if you search over at sudian it seems that the v2 series has all sorts of issues from memory to usb cutting out. Maybe you have a bad bios battery and it is "forgetting" the settings you have on your ram. Have you flushed all power, disconnecting PSU, etc, then try again?