So... anyone know if a Rebel batt. grip will work on a 20D?


Jan 8, 2004
I'm looking right now, but one of you may have the answer faster... will the battery grip used on the original Digital Rebel (Canon BG-1) work on the 20D? I know the batteries they use are the same (pretty sure, anyway) so hopefuly the grip will work too.

Nope. BG-E1 is for the Rebel, BG-E2 is for the 20D and BG-E3 is for the XT.
If you're getting a 20D and getting rid of the rebel grip, drop me a PM as I may be interested in picking it up from you :)
KevC said:
Nope. BG-E1 is for the Rebel, BG-E2 is for the 20D and BG-E3 is for the XT.
*Sigh* This is why i'm not a fan of crafty business people... Heh, well there's nothing i can do about it anyway! Thanks for your quick answer KevC.

dboy: Sorry, but the grip's probably gonna stay in the family. But if it isn't, let it be known that you were the one that asked first ;).
You have to realize this isn't Canon just trying to make some extra cash, each camera is a very different size and shape.