So Anyone Know When The SN25P is avalable in stores?


Oct 8, 2004
i know it was released by Shuttle the 23rd (yesterday) but when do you think we should expect it to hit stores?
i know its a lil early to be asking this, but IM DEMANDING GOSH DARNIT!
Vapor1000 said:
i know it was released by Shuttle the 23rd (yesterday) but when do you think we should expect it to hit stores?
i know its a lil early to be asking this, but IM DEMANDING GOSH DARNIT!

"The XPC SN25P will begin shipping in volume next week. The system will be available immediately in Taiwan and about one week later in other markets. The company plans to first ship the SN25P as a barebone unit, with sales of complete systems following later."

I'm waiting to get this bad boy when it hits I'm there
msny said:
"The XPC SN25P will begin shipping in volume next week. The system will be available immediately in Taiwan and about one week later in other markets. The company plans to first ship the SN25P as a barebone unit, with sales of complete systems following later."

I'm waiting to get this bad boy when it hits I'm there

When you say barebones, are you referring to just a case, and power supply?
*grumble* Not exactly the "first" nForce4 SFF PC when it's only the case/board/psu... Those parts have been available for a few weeks now and that's only a barebones kit.
FerrisBuller said:
When you say barebones, are you referring to just a case, and power supply?

Barebones always refers to case,motherboard,power supply,sound all mounted and ready to go.

Just add hard drive,video card ect.
sleepeeg3 said:
*grumble* Not exactly the "first" nForce4 SFF PC when it's only the case/board/psu... Those parts have been available for a few weeks now and that's only a barebones kit.

Except it is the first, and still only SFF PC to use nforce4....

Also you probably wont be able to find the SN25P in most places until April, that is what Shuttle has said.
i can get u , but were based in uk. i think we are already taking pre orders