So B&W is putting out headphones...

been looking forward to the thought of B&W headphones for years
although these seem a lot like B&O's headphones, expensive, stylish, "ipod accessories"
They probably saw how much people were willing to pay for headphones that are really just mid-fi junk like the Dr. Dre Beats and figured they wanted a slice of that pie also. I'm surprised more companies haven't jumped on the bandwagon.
Given that they are marketing them for iPod, my guess is they aren't going to be worth the money.

I like B&W speakers, used them till I discovered SVS. While their speakers are expensive, they are good. As I said, until I found SVS I felt they were pretty good value for the dollars if you wanted higher end speakers.

However they've started cashing in on the people with more money than sense who want to toy with their iPods. A good example is their Zeppelin. Silly looking little speaker dock for your iPod. Ok fair enough, no reason you can't have that. However, the damn thing costs $600. So not worth it, given the sound quality. It is ok, but it isn't $600 worth.

My bet is these are the same kind of thing. A cash in, rather than an attempt at a high quality product.

Also I agree, they look extremely uncomfortable. Now maybe they've made some advance I don't know about, but I've worn headphones of a similar design (the flat leather with holes in it) and they sucked. None of the high end phones I'd consider comfortable have a design anything like that.
I went to my audio dealer earlier today, small shop but one of the good B&W dealers in SoCal (they had the Signature Diamonds on loan from B&W for about two months last year). My guy there told me that the B&W rep brought their new headphones in a few weeks ago.

I'm skeptical/curious so I asked how they sounded. They compared them with the Grado SR325is headphones, another $300 headphone that the store carries. In his words, the B&Ws blew away the Grados. That didn't surprise me, but only because I don't really like the way Grados sound, but that's personal preference. ;) The only negative thing he had to say about the B&Ws is that regular audio dealers won't be getting them until May at the soonest since Apple stores get first dibs on them for a month (wtf?). Oh well.

And the real reason I went there today? New series 804D pair on the floor that just came in last week, soooo nice, shame about the pricetag. ;)
Damn...$300? For iPod phones? Goodluck...

I actually enjoy my Dre Beats (looking at you GotNoRice) least the Tours (in-ear), they actually sound quite good considering they are single drivers...easily the best buds I own, and I own some pretty good ones ($100-$200).
I am suprised that a company as prestigious as B&W would risk dirtying their name by putting out such junk.
You won't ever see Meridian do this, mark my words! :p