so bored


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2002
I can't find anything fun to play these last few months. I played EQ2a lot till Sony mucked it up, couldn't get into guild wars. To me it just seems there isn't a lot going on now. Anyone got a game to immerse me?

Guild Wars , Guild wars : factions, World of Warcraft, Titan quest comes out june 26th. enjoy
I was the same way. I couldn't find anything new that was exciting and fun to play. Now I am back playing CounterStrike Source, but now I only play on non-regular maps... it's much more fun.
Guild wars was fun for about 5 hous, then I just lost interest, Oblivion I just didn't care for one bit :( I was thinking about WOW because they got that 10 day free trial if you know someone.

I just miss when you could plop in fron tof the computer and loose youself for hours.

Tekara said:'s been hard finding a new game that really piques the interest.

I have the same problem, so I bought fallout 1 and 2 and completed both of them very recently. Really buggy, so I'd advise looking for the user patches which sort most of the problems out (Try Was really glad I did though, excellent games - Can understand why so many people are begging for fallout 3.
Kind of what i've been doing. Still play the regular games and mmo's, but have gotten into older games for a change of pace lately. Just started playing ghostmaster again as i wanted to just have a fun and relaxing game. Probably work on the sims 2 next, then a yet to be found rts.... :p
TA Spring baby. One of the best RTSs out there right now and it is free to play. Awesome online and community support too. I get lost for hours in it.
three games

unreal tournament 2004
mechwarrior 2 and 3 (2's music will suck you in)

Thanks for the ideas. Can someone sign do the WoW 10 day free pass for me, it talks about it on their website, if I sign up you get a month free :)

Billybob51106 said:
I just miss when you could plop in fron tof the computer and loose youself for hours.-Bill


That was my day today. Its so blissful!
Buy a used PS2 and play all of the ratchet and clank games, very fun, very underated.
HurtMeP1nty007 said:
I was the same way. I couldn't find anything new that was exciting and fun to play. Now I am back playing CounterStrike Source, but now I only play on non-regular maps... it's much more fun.
I agree. It's fun to click on a server with a map you've never heard of and see what it's like! :cool:
CodeX said:
Buy a used PS2 and play all of the ratchet and clank games, very fun, very underated.

Don't forget God of War. That's one of the best PS2 games if you shop around or buy used you can probably get a lot of great games for $10 or less.

Also I think next year will be bigger for PC gaming. There's Hellgate London, Supreme Commander, C&C Tiberium Wars, Crysis, and some others I can't think of now.
I just found Warcraft3 DOTA. It's a custom map, and its great. Check out Once you get the hang of it, it just gets better and better. Kind of a steep learning curve, but stick to it and its a lot of fun. I had not played Warcraft 3 for nearly a year until last week a friend suggested DOTA, and now I've been playing non-stop with him.

Just a suggestion if you already own a copy of WC3!
I've been playing EQ1 on some emulator servers. Titanium is now supported. It's buggy but fun and they killed a lot of the annoyances that live has implemented. Invis and charm don't randomly break - things like that.
There are plenty of top games out there if you know where to look. Try Indigo Prophecy - serial killer adventure game tempered with action elements. A unique gameplay experience. Condemned Criminal Origins - superb FPS mixed with beat em up. The horror elements are terrific and scary. Half-Life 2 Episode 1 - a brilliant but short game. Certainly one of the best games of the year so far. Better than HL2
Break out a copy of Freespace 2 or even better, get dosbox and play Tie Fighter Collectors CD. Oh man that's a good one.

Some of the really old adventure games are a lot of fun. Try out the text based ones for something completely different from what's out there today. Not realy pretty to look at, but they're still fun.
bildad said:
Break out a copy of Freespace 2 or even better, get dosbox and play Tie Fighter Collectors CD. Oh man that's a good one.

Some of the really old adventure games are a lot of fun. Try out the text based ones for something completely different from what's out there today. Not realy pretty to look at, but they're still fun.

Yeah, but the problem is having those games in the first place. Where the heck do I find Lucas Arts games these days? Or something like Wing Commander 3? Gahhh...the nostalgia bug bites again.
Mav451 said:
Yeah, but the problem is having those games in the first place. Where the heck do I find Lucas Arts games these days? Or something like Wing Commander 3? Gahhh...the nostalgia bug bites again.

Lucasarts released a box set of all their old adventure games recently (well, within the last few years). Top stuff. :D
Clear said:
I just found Warcraft3 DOTA. It's a custom map, and its great. Check out Once you get the hang of it, it just gets better and better. Kind of a steep learning curve, but stick to it and its a lot of fun. I had not played Warcraft 3 for nearly a year until last week a friend suggested DOTA, and now I've been playing non-stop with him.

Just a suggestion if you already own a copy of WC3!
Ya dota is fun for a good year or so... kinda sucks when you get to the end of that time :(
It is a true power gamer's game. You need to stay current with the changelog to stand a chance online.
I remember the good ole days of playing X-Wing vs Tie fighter, Duke Nukem 3-D. Now they knew how to make games back then!

Your face, your ass, whats the difference?

Now thats humor.

lol, im sayin the dude was playing WoW and he prob played it f'n 24/7 cuz its a bitch to casually play that game as i know from experience. With me having a full time job, having a girlfriend, surfing , i barely have time to friggin play guild wars factions.. So i dont bitch and moan about what video game should i be playing cuz i have plenty to play. I don't get 'bored'. I havent since i was like 14 yrs old. I'm 23 now.
sculelos said:
Well I have a job and a pathetic life and I still barley have any time for games, so meh.

thats what im saying. having a life and a job. U dont cry about being bored with playing games. Becuz u dont have enuff time to play them to death to get bored.

NOW F*CK I WANNA GO HOME AND PLAY GW! but nope cant, its date night.
Syntaxx said:
thats what im saying. having a life and a job. U dont cry about being bored with playing games. Becuz u dont have enuff time to play them to death to get bored.

Bah, I run my own company, I'm married and I have a pretty active social life. There's plenty of time left to get bored, though admittedly I only sleep 4hrs a night. :p
I'd have to say Dark age of camelot on the classic server. The classic server doesn't have 1 or 2 of the new expansions playable on them which means the new wetoddid nerfs and changes are gone. The classic DAoC is compairable to the old UO in my eyes (not in Compairison to the actual game but the Quality of the game). And don't think its a dead game cuz its a bit older, the new classic server that they added has average over 1800+ people on it at all times and trust me thats enough.
I agree with Warcraft 3, I logged a lot of time into it when I first got it and still play once in a while...DOTA is fun but you'll need to play on noob servers for a while before you get used to it. Also I'm enjoying Fable: Lost Chapters right now, it's short but once you play as both good and evil you'll have logged 30+ hrs.
I fully agree with the comments about older abandonware games. After oblivion got old I started playing discworld, and man is it a fun game. I got a whole list of old games I'm planning on playing over the next couple of months.

I might try WoW, but the thought of what it might do to me kinda scares me...