So, buying a 8800GT - what is it replacing in your rig?

Is it possible to step-up one 8800GTX to two 8800 GT's with eVGA?

hmmm... I like where you are going with this.... :)

Having never used their step up program my self, I can tell you that I seriously doubt it. On the off chance that I am wrong, please come back and let us know!!!
upgradin the gts, this'll be my first experience with evga step-up. hopefully it goes well. at the moment, i'm really liking step-up. worked out perfectly for me.
my stop-gap X1950 XT solution which i picked up last December ended up being a permanent one when the 2900 didn't pan out as expected and 8800 prices remained high. it is a good card with topnotch DX9 performance but i've been having real problems gaming at 1920x1200 with just 256 mb of memory.

i've been looking for an affordable and fast 512 mb solution and in the 8800GT i have found perfection. now my Shuttle is going to be all it can really be. :)
6800GS, but maybe not until early spring. My CRT's getting flakey and a 20" IPS is probably going to eat self gifting budget for the year.
2 superclocks coming to replace my vanilla gts 640. will need a new sli board, either a 780i or the dfi 680i LT board. and planning on stepping up to either the "new" gts 640 with 112 stream processors and higher clocks, or next gen nvidia if they are out soon enough. either way, wont be keeping them for 1 year like i have had my 640 gts.

I'm going to wait for them to become more available/lower prices first though.

edit: Building a new system also.
Replacing the X1800XT in my sig, alongside getting a new case and new PSU :)
replacing my 7950gt which replaced my 1950pro which replaced my 7800gtx. this one will be a big jump in performance tho.
Replacing my Nvidia MX 440 PCI card. LoL... seriously.
I did buy a 8800GTS 640 but returned it.
Once the new high end card comes out, the 8800GT is going into my 2nd PC.
Mine's replacing a 7900GT. It's served me well, but this is a great opportunity to upgrade. Also, it's starting to show its age with The Orange Box and Bioshock. Hopefully I can sell it and have it live on in someone else's rig. :)
I am considering getting a 8800GT, but I am on the fence because I have a AMD 3700+ s754 CPU (EPoX SLI MB that has PCI-e).

Do you guys think my CPU will hinder performance significantly?

My Specs:

2GB of RAM
500 watt PSU
7900GTX 512MB
Windows XP x64

Any advice would be great.

It probably will a little bit, but I would get the card anyway if you can't afford a full upgrade right now. I think the video upgrade would do more for you than anything else in the short term, upgrade the rest later.
It's going to replace my trusty BFG 7800 GT OC; my current plan is to get a 8800 GT on Black Friday (somewhere has got to put one on sale then!). The 7800 GT was great when I was playing at 1280x1024, but it's already showing some strain at 1680x1050 (got my 20" monitor really cheap last Black Friday). Not to mention then I'll actually be able to play Oblivion!
Hopefully my wife will let me buy an 8800GT to replace my very old and not so reliable Geforce 2 MX-400 that took over for my X1900XT-512 when my PCIe slots died a few months ago. Turned out the new heatsink I put on the Nforce4 chipset was shorting something out. Fix that and my PCIe slots came back to life, but I'd already given the X1900 away :(.
Bye bye 7800GTX. had it since launch '05

7800GTX replacing x300 in secondary comp.
I was actually just building a new rig for UTIII and figured I'd give the 8800GT a shot before spending more. Worst case scenario I can get a second one or replace it.
Time to retire (meaning give to my brother) my 7800GTX 512MB. Its served me well, hope its replacement is just as kind to me.
Ordered the eVGA 8800GT KO to replace my eVGA 7800GTX. The GTX will go into my shuttle.
I'm replacing my Radeon 9800 256MB card from 2003! :eek:

$528, but that card held up.
X1900gt out, 8800gt 256mb in...hopefully.

I want to wait for the 256 card since I won't be gaming at higher then 1680x1050 but hey the 512mb cards are already at $230 so maybe I won't be able to wait a month or two :eek: