So Diablo 3 is on the frontpage of


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2007
...regarding the over 40,000 fans who are UNHAPPY with the new graphical direction of Diablo 3. I tend to agree with the petition which is asking Blizzard to re-characterize the D3 universe in a more classic look and feel.

What is everyone else's thoughts? It'd be helpful if you could include whether you have played D2 classic significantly. And/or if you play WoW.

If, by the time you read this, Yahoo has taken down the video about Diablo 3, here is a screenshot. Here is a link to the video. And here is the petition - please sign it if you agree with its message.
I agree with everyone and what they said. I would like to wait til I'm 27 to play diablo 3. That's 6 years folks.
I haven't played Diablo II but I have played Diablo one however I think it's unfair to condemn Diablo III already for changing to a more vivid style. Comparing Warcraft with Warcraft III and you can see a similar transformation and Warcraft III is a great success. I think Blizzard is just trying to open up it's market to people who would be less likely to go for such a dark game.

I admit a more gothic style game would look pretty cool I don't want to pass judgment on Diablo III so early.
I agree somewhat, but I'm not THAT bothered about it. 40,000 ain't much to speak of. 300,000 *cough*UweBollPetition*cough* is another matter though. But a lot of good 300k did eh?

I do hope for more gothic scenery but to say its WoW is kind of insulting. It doesn't look that bad.
I watched the video. I don't think the people making D3 had anything to do with the first two.
You are never going to hear this from Blizzard, however one of the reasons D3 is brightened up is simply because most people are using shitty LCDs on their desktops and laptops. For the most part, LCDs have terrible blackness levels compared to CRTs and it changes how things get developed. If you make a mostly black dungeon crawler and stick it up on some LCDs with no settings adjustments, it just looks bad. Blizzard develops for the masses, they are going for a style that looks better to more people, which then helps increase the size of the community, and they have another hit.
Over 40,000 self-righteous, spoiled brat entitlest.......... Just another day of embarrassment by my fellow man/woman.
You are never going to hear this from Blizzard, however one of the reasons D3 is brightened up is simply because most people are using shitty LCDs on their desktops and laptops. For the most part, LCDs have terrible blackness levels compared to CRTs and it changes how things get developed. If you make a mostly black dungeon crawler and stick it up on some LCDs with no settings adjustments, it just looks bad. Blizzard develops for the masses, they are going for a style that looks better to more people, which then helps increase the size of the community, and they have another hit.

that's a good point, never thought of that. and maybe thats also why we haven't seen an xwing game or wing commander game in so long. I still have an SGI 21" trinitron, do it for me devs!
I think the game looks fine... If you want D3 to be darker then turn your monitor contrast and gamma down. Problem solved.
No thanks I would like some color in my games. Look no further then Warhammer Online to see how boring a game can look without a vast color pallet.

Whats wrong with doing what the poster above me said? People are so anal sometimes.
People, this is the kind of shit that happens when you don't make your kids get summer jobs, instead they sit around all day on the PC and make screenshots and petitions.


Couldn't have said it better myself.
I like the new art direction for Diablo 3. I want some color in my games, I am tired of so many muddy shades of brown in my games. I have played all the previous Diablo games and their expansions and they had their unique charms and they had bright levels (Act 2 anyone). Let the devs continue to work on the game. As long as it plays like the first game and has an engaging story I'll be a happy man.
I'd like to see a petition of people who are thrilled that Diablo 3 is on the way and understand its graphics will evolve during development... and those 40,000 whiners need to move out of their mommy's basements and get a life!
that's a good point, never thought of that. and maybe thats also why we haven't seen an xwing game or wing commander game in so long. I still have an SGI 21" trinitron, do it for me devs!

no we havnt seen new xwing game because George doesnt care about fans. only $ and X-wing is a game only the fans would buy.
The great thing about the current art style, is that you can actually see what's going on. Even with a dark game, limiting your color pallet is just annoying and stupid. It makes the whole things look repetitive and it makes everything harder to follow.People should stop whining.

The only suggestion I have is maybe to add a few more normal maps in some areas for high settings to give the world more textures to it.
I'd like to see a petition of people who are thrilled that Diablo 3 is on the way and understand its graphics will evolve during development... and those 40,000 whiners need to move out of their mommy's basements and get a life!

If not move out, at least pop mommy's titty out of their mouth!:eek:
Set "white" on your monitor to be 256 red, 256 green, and 192 blue, and increase sharpness and contrast a bit.

Crisis averted.
I wonder if the OP realizes what the rest of society thinks about these people when they see "Video game fans outraged by sequel" on their homepage...
The doctored shots looks horrible.

Yeah...lets remove all the colors and add a grain filter...that'll surely make it more "mature".
I agree with the petition, however its blizzard property, and they can take a dump all over it, it is there right. No objective person could call this an actual sequel. The art of diablo 1 and 2 were intergral to it, unlike like most games.

This new art direction detracts from the story but I understand why they did it, as it open the game to a lot more people, esp those who play WOW and not to mention make it more Kid friendly.

The new art syle will make it more likely in my opinion for the game to a teen rating as opposed to a mature.

All in all I am not expecting a true diablo sequel but rather a WoW single player game.
I agree with the petition, however its blizzard property, and they can take a dump all over it, it is there right. No objective person could call this an actual sequel. The art of diablo 1 and 2 were intergral to it, unlike like most games.

This new art direction detracts from the story but I understand why they did it, as it open the game to a lot more people, esp those who play WOW and not to mention make it more Kid friendly.

The new art syle will make it more likely in my opinion for the game to a teen rating as opposed to a mature.

All in all I am not expecting a true diablo sequel but rather a WoW single player game.

Joke post?
i do not want diablo3 to be in black and grey. give me some color
I think people need to stop whining like spoiled children and get the fuck over it. This is Blizzard's game, not yours.
I'm glad they are going to add some color to the game. I thought that the gameplay demo video looked awesome.
all i want is that i dont want it to look like WoW as i hate WoW to the bone....
I think the game's art could be better... but it doesn't look that bad to start off with. I'm probably going to enjoy playing it.