So, got the 1900XTX, overclocks like a champ


Sep 25, 2004
I'm really glad I didn't go with the super-clocked 7900 GTX, now! My X1900XTX does the max overdrive speed of 690/1600 with no problems whatsoever. Just played FarCry at 1920x1200 4x8 for a couple hours and couldn't get an artifact if I tried. I love it. My question is, is it worth it to try and overclock more? The card is already ridiculously fast, but my 3DMark's aren't much higher when compared to stock clocks, maybe a couple hundred points.
nice card. Get rid of CCC and use ATI Tool and see how high it will really fly....
ATiTool says something about not being compatible with cards that have different 2D/3D clocks?

I got the latest beta, but I still have a couple problems with the ATI tool. First of all, it doesn't support different speeds for 2D/3D? That's old school. Then when I set it to 650/775, the screen goes black, but the system is still running. So at that point I have to do the "find max core". So I start that up and go do something else since it takes forever, and I come back and the screen is black again. Reboot and find the log left off at 774 Mhz core?! WTH?
You need to enable 3D detection and find out what voltage it uses for 3D clocks. Most likely you're getting a black screen because your voltage is too low for that clock. For example on my x1800xt this is my setup

2D Settings - 594/693 @ 1.25v
3D Settings - 702/801 @ 1.475v

You'll also want to customize your fan settings and save them to a profile, often times upping fan speed at a lower temp can get you to a higher clock without artifacts.
Eshelon said:
You need to enable 3D detection and find out what voltage it uses for 3D clocks. Most likely you're getting a black screen because your voltage is too low for that clock. For example on my x1800xt this is my setup

2D Settings - 594/693 @ 1.25v
3D Settings - 702/801 @ 1.475v

You'll also want to customize your fan settings and save them to a profile, often times upping fan speed at a lower temp can get you to a higher clock without artifacts.

he makes good points there...and if you worry about the noise of the card this can help a lot also...

if your at 40 idle leave the fan at 20%
when you hit 60 whilst gaming in your profile you should preset the fan to hit 100%...that way you can hear the fan and itll keep your card cool :) :)
I have an asus x900xtx, with ati tool, the core wouldn't go much higher than 700, not willing to up the voltage too high. I found on my card, overclocking with ati tool is mostly for the memory. The memory is capable of running faster than default. managed to get mine at 840, or 1680, before my computer would restart. prolly would hit 850+ with higher voltage, but again my core would go higher than 700 with higher voltage
How are you guys OC'ing the 1900xt, every time I try (CCC) it taked forever and I end up giving up on waiting
Fistandantilis said:
How are you guys OC'ing the 1900xt, every time I try (CCC) it taked forever and I end up giving up on waiting

ati tray tools...
There is no sense in overclocking video cards whatsoever! What does even a great overclock give you? Just a few frames per second, maybe 5 or 6 maximum. You eyes cannot tell the difference with a bump this small. Its fun to overclock for bragging rights etc, but its not worth voiding the warranty on a $500 video card. ;)
I disagree, in many cases the MINIMUM frame rate might go up that couple of FPS which is the difference between smooth and jerky. e.g. in FEAR on one card I was using (I think it was the X1800XL) the minimum FPS went from 23 to 27, that is noticable. :)
Coolmanluke said:
There is no sense in overclocking video cards whatsoever! What does even a great overclock give you? Just a few frames per second, maybe 5 or 6 maximum. You eyes cannot tell the difference with a bump this small. Its fun to overclock for bragging rights etc, but its not worth voiding the warranty on a $500 video card. ;)
For some people (like myself) the value is in the process of OCing and seeing the results, doesn't matter if you can tell the difference in BF2 or not, as long as you can see them somehow (3d mark, etc.)

Personally I can't tell any difference in BF2 or any other games I play but my 3D Marks went from 8635 to 10,095. That's where the "value" of the card comes in for me. Warranty has little value to me.
When CCC "overdrives" it not only turns the clock speeds up, but turns up the VOLTAGES too.

You get the black screen effect when Vcore on the GPU is too low for the speed selected.

You want to use ATI tool to up the voltage to 1.35V min on the core, then up the core Mhz to an overclocked point. You need to up all 4 voltages, visit xtremesystems forum on 3D cards to see what the voltage ranges vs cooling ability to use.